Chapter 27. Dream

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"Alaysia, I am leaving early this morning. I have a lot of meetings. Have a good day." Nate said as he kissed my cheek and walked out the door.

Today I am meeting with Jean again and I am more anxious than ever. This is like my dream, but I hope that everything turns out perfectly. 

I made sure I dressed to impress. I was wearing black jeans with boots, a white long-sleeved shirt and a faux fur vest.

••• at Jean's office•••

I walked through the big doors of Jean's building and it brought back memories from the last time. Boy, has a lot changed in my life since then.

This time I did not even have to tell the receptionist who I was and why I was there because she already knew. 

"Ms. Joelson, Mr. LeBrun is waiting for you in his office." The lady at the desk said.

"Thank you!" I said and got in the elevator. I feel like a celebrity right now, she knows who I am, probably cause' Jean told her haha, but still.

•••  inside Jean's office•••

"Alaysia, bonjour mademoiselle! How are you today?" Jean asked me.

"I'm well sir and yourself?" I asked.

 Even though he's told me to call him Jean, I just have too much respect for him to call him by his first name.

"Amazing and even better now that you've arrived!" He exclaimed.

"Is Gigi here?" I asked.

"Oh no, she was not feeling well today, so she couldn't make it."

"Oh, okay." I said.

"So Alaysia, Alaysia you brilliant girl. I have some exciting news for you!"

"What is it?" I asked nervously.

" You, my dear are going to be featured in Paris  Fashion Week, which is coming up in a few weeks." 


"Oh my gosh! How?" I asked excitedly.

"Well, I am featured every year and one of my close friends who is also a big designer in Paris, Marie LaBelle was very interested in your designs."

"Wow..." I said quietly under my breath.

"And she said why not have you in the show. It will help you build your brand, get your name out to more people and give you more experience."

"Is there anyway I can thank her?" I asked politely.

"Yes,I will call her right now." He said picking up the phone and dialing her number.

She answered the phone.

"Yes, dear it's Jean. I have Alaysia here who would like to speak with you."

"Oh amazing!" I could hear her say.

"Hello?" I said taking the phone from Jean.

"Hello sweetheart. How are you?" She said in a cute French accent. 

Oh, how I love French accents, especially Jean's.

"I'm great and you?" I asked politely.

"Wonderful darling."

"Thank you so much for considering me for Fashion Week!"

"Oh my pleasure. I can not wait to meet you and watch you in the show."

"I can't wait to meet you too!"

"You will need to come to Paris three days in advance before the show. I am managing the models who will be wearing your designs. Do you want to choose them when you get here or should I choose?"

"Um,I'd like to choose just so i can see everybody and get to know them individually. Actually... you choose."

"Are you sure? There is going to be a dinner to celebrate your clothing line and so you can meet the models and everyone involved."

"Yes, you choose and that sounds amazing, I can not wait! Thank you so much."

"Okay, no problem honey. Fashion Week starts in two weeks. Be here 3 days early, just so me and you can get to know each other before the craziness starts. I am very excited."

"Okay, thank you, bye Madame LaBelle."

"Bye dear."

The rest of the meeting consisted of me seeing my real designs on a clothing rack that Jean wheeled out for me to see. Everything seemed so real at that point, all my dreams had come true at that moment.  I saw all the clothing pieces that I had designed.

I am a fashion designer and my designs are going to be modeled at Paris Fashion Week! We discussed all the details although I had tons of questions, Jean told me not to worry and that he and Madame LaBelle would make sure everything went well. I can't help but be nervous.

I called Gigi since Jean said she was not well.

"Hello? Alaysia?" I heard Gigi say in hoarse voice.

"Yes Gigi, are you alright? Jean told me you were sick."

"Yeah,I'm okay. A few sniffles and a hoarse throat, but I'll be okay."

"Should I come visit?"

"Oh no. I would not want you getting sick before Paris. Are you excited?"

"Yes, yes,yes a million times yes! I'm so excited!"

"Wow that's great. I can't wait to watch you. I told your mom by the way?"

"Really? How long have you guys known?" I asked.

"About a week, she is very proud of you, you should call her."

"Yes I will, I will talk to you later, feel better."

" Thanks, bye honey."

•phone call with Alaysia & her mom


"Alaysia! Are you as excited as I am for Paris?!?"

"Yes and even more excited."

"I am so incredibly proud of you. That's why I always tell you, you have potential, sometimes you just do not realize it."

"Thank you mom!! I can't wait!"

"I can't wait to watch you on that runway strutting you stuff. I am so proud. My girl is a designer!!!" 

"I know. I am shocked but excited."

"I'll be there same day as you, I already have all the dates, don't worry."

"Okay talk to you later mom. Love you."

"Love you too darling bye."

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