Chapter 38. Anna Wintour

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"Strike a pose, strike a pose. Vogue, vogue, vogue, vouge." I sang as I hopped out of the shower.

Madonna's music is timeless.

"Alaysia, I brought breakfast." I heard Gigi say as she walked into the hotel room.

I left Nate's place at around 7am while he was still sleeping and got a taxi back to the hotel so I could get ready for the day.

"Okay thanks. I'll be out in a few minutes." I said as I combed my wet curly hair.

I got dressed and put on a fitted pencil skirt with a white chiffon blouse. This was the interview where I definitely had to dress to impress. I spritzed myself with my favorite perfume, Chanel Allure and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Alaysia? Is that you? Oh my heavens!" Gigi practically yelled as I walked out. Let's just say she's a bit over dramatic.

"Yeah it's me." I said monotonously as I bit my bagel.

"You look amazing. So professional. I love it!" Gigi said with a smile as she sipped her coffee.

"Thanks. I want to make a good impression."

"And you will!" Gig said with a big grin.

I sat down on the bed and started texting Nate.

A: good morning sweetie pie :)

N: good morning gorgeous

A: thanks for  last night ♥ 

N: you're welcome. I should be thanking you tho

A: it's no problem lol

N:  I really missed you

A: I missed you too. I'm ready for Vogue!

 N: that's great. You'll do amazing.

A: thanks babe. I'll ttyl

N: okay bye love you

A: love you too

Nate is just so perfect. He isn't like some other guys who just want to take advantage. He loves me and respects me. I could not have asked for a better boyfriend. 

I ate my breakfast, listened to some music and called my mom. Before I knew it, it was nearly 2pm and we had to get going.

"Alaysia are you ready?" I heard Gigi ask me while I was admiring the view of L.A from the balcony.

"Yes. I'm coming!" I said as I got up.

"Great. The car is waiting outside. Don't forget anything." She said as I grabbed my purse.

Within 20 minutes, we arrived at Vogue headquarters.

"Hello. We have an interview scheduled for today with Anna Wintour." Gigi said to the lady at the front desk.

The building was huge and quite fancy, but it did not surpass Jean LeBrun's office building.

"Okay your names?" The lady asked.

"Giselle Blackthorn and Alaysia Joelson." Gigi replied.

"Hey you're Alaysia Joelson! I've been seeing your pretty face on billboards all over L.A." The lady said to me.

"Wow thanks." I replied, with a smile. It was weird for me when people said they'd seen me on billboards.

"Ms. Wintour is waiting for you. Fifth floor. Good luck!" 

"Thank you." Gigi and I said in unison.

The elevator ride up was probably one of the scariest moments because once I got up there, I knew there was no turning back.

"Alaysia Joelson?" I heard Anna say in a British accent as we stepped out of the elevator.

"Yes, that's me!" I said as she put her hand out for me to shake.

"Very nice to meet you. Giselle, nice to see you again!" She said as she wrapped her arm around Gigi's back.

"Thanks. It's nice to meet you too." I said as I sat down on a cute little chair.

"Are you ready for the interview?" She asked.

"Yes." I said nervously.

"You seem nervous. Are you alright? Would you like some water?" She asked as she looked at me with concern.

"Um water would be good. Thanks." I said with a smile as she stepped out of the room to get the water.

"Alaysia, relax it's okay." Gigi said reassuringly as I took a deep breath.

"Here you are. Sorry, there was no ice." Anna said and handed me the glass of water.

"Oh it's okay, thank you." I said and sipped the water.

"No problem. So how are you?" She asked while sitting behind her desk.

"Good and yourself?"

"Very well thanks. So do you know why I wanted to interview you?" She asked with a smile.

"Something about upcoming talent...." I said shyly.

"Yes I actually got in contact with Jean LeBrun, you're coordinator. He's lovely by the way and I told him that I was interested in featuring you in Vogue because you are just outstanding." She said and took her glasses off.

"Oh my goodness thank you so much." I said as a  huge smile spread over my face.

"Your style, look and fashion sense is very unique. Stay unique, never change. I like working with eccentric people, the ones that stand out." She said.

"Thank you so much Ms. Wintour. You're so nice." I said with a laugh.

"So are you, dear."

After 2 hours, the interview came to an end.

"Thank you so much Alaysia for allowing me to interview you. It will be published in a few days. Lookout for it!" Anna said and hugged me.

"You're welcome. Thank you for everything." I said as I walked out the door.

"We'll stay in touch, okay? Cheerio!" She said as we waved to each other.

When we got back to the hotel, it was already 9pm. We had gone for dinner after the interview. I quickly called my mom to tell her about the interview.

"Mommy! The interview was so good!" I said with excitement.

"Congratulations muffin! I knew you could do it! I am so proud of you."

"Thanks mom. You're the best!" 

"Aww I love you Alaysia. See you when you come back. Enjoy the rest of your time in L.A. Tell Giselle and Nate I said hello."

"Okay bye. Love you too!"

I put my phone in my purse and took off my makeup. Giselle was on the phone with her fiancé, so I decided to text my friend, Dreeana.

A: hey D!

D: hey girl, how was Vogue?

A: complete opposite of what I thought. Anna is so nice

D: that's great to hear. Congrats :)

A: thanks. I'm super tired so I think I'm gonna head to bed. G'night

D: okay, me too, love ya

A: love ya too. Bye

That day was probably one of the most educational days ever. I learned to stop making assumptions about people and listening to rumors. I am so proud of myself for staying strong even when I was scared, and yes I was actually scared. Anna is so kind. I will never forget the things she told me. She made me feel like some superstar. Irreplaceable, so unique, so different and special. I cannot wait until the interview is published.

"Come on Vogue, let your body move to the music!"

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