Chapter 26. Meet Up

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Today, I'm having lunch with Giselle. I haven't seen her since the last time I was in Los Angeles. I want to make up with Dreeana because last time we talked, it did not end well. I know that she is really protective over me, that's all.

•••phone call with Dreeana•••

"Hey Dreeana. What's up?"

"Nothing and I am surprised that you called. How are you?"

"I am fine and don't be surprised. You're my best friend. You know I can not stay mad at you."

"I just wanna say sorry. I said some pretty mean things that were not true about you."

"It's fine. I accept your apology. You just care about me and do not want me to get hurt, I get it."

"Yeah,that's it. I really did not mean the things I said. If you and Nate are good, then who am I to judge?"

"Thanks. Yesterday he had a special dinner set up for me for our anniversary, even an outfit for me to wear. It was perfect."

"Girl! Wow that is amazing. What kind of outfit?"

"Chanel dress and Jimmy Choo heels!" I exclaimed still excited.


"I know, but I didn't expect that."

"That is so sweet, honestly. I need to meet him Alaysia!"

"You will, do not worry."

Thank God everything is resolved with Dreeana. I'm ready to head to lunch with Gigi.

"Babe,I'm heading to lunch with Gigi!" I said from downstairs to Nate since he was upstairs.

"Okay" he said coming down the stairs. "Have fun." He said and kissed my lips. "You look really good by the way."

"Thanks. So, about that Benz....."I said trailing off.

"Yes, you can drive the Benz. Just take care of it, you know it's my baby." He said as I shot him a glare. "But not before you of course." He added, correcting  himself.

"Uh huh..." I said with attitude.

"Sassy, are we? Keep that up and you might not make it to lunch." He cheekily whispered in my ear while putting his arm around my waist.

"Nate, what am I going to do with you?" I asked jokingly.

"You tell me." He said with a smirk.

"Ugh, goodbye." I said walking out the door.

••• at lunch•••

"Alaysia, honey how are you? I like your outfit." Giselle asked while hugging me. She was always so sweet.

"Thank you and I'm well, what about you?" I asked as we sat at our table.

"Great thank you. But, you have to tell me about you and that boy at the Versace party a few weeks ago." She said with a smile. 

Was she talking about Nate? Good Lord. More explaining to do.

"You mean Nathaniel Neverson?" I asked.

"Ah yes that's his name. He is quite big in the modeling world you know. He is managed by LA Models. He is a fine young man. So what's the deal with you guys?"

"Oh, we're dating actually.." I said shyly.

"What? Oh my heavens. That is amazing!" She exclaimed and came over to hug me once again.

"Yeah, we actually just celebrated our one month anniversary yesterday!"

"Oh my goodness. Alaysia, you're growing up too fast. Clothing line, now a boyfriend, oh my." She said as I laughed.

"Yeah, my mom likes him. I met his family too, they're sweet."

"That's amazing. Just so you know, I approve." She said with a smile.

"Thank you. So, tomorrow I'm meeting with Jean.
I'm nervous."

"Oh don't be. I am excited for your future Alaysia. I spoke to him yesterday. He is excited to meet with you." 

"Thank you. I am excited to meet with him too, but he is so serious and intimidating."

" I understand. Once you get used to him, it's fine. He's definitely one of the best. He isn't just my mentor, but my best friend. He is very caring and just wonderful all around." 

"I can tell, but off topic question, do you have a boyfriend or anything?" I asked with a smile as she sighed.

"Well, yes, yes I do. His name is Leo and we're actually engaged."

"Oh,congratulations! Why do you not seem happy?"

"Well... there's a lot of things that have to be done. I am a busy woman. Leo is a busy man. We got engaged last year and we honestly barely see each other."

"Really? Where does he live?" I asked.

"Florida. That is where his business is based. Los Angeles and Florida are quite far apart. He never wants to make the effort to visit me, so I stopped making the effort to see him." She said sadly. 

We were done eating and were walking out of the restaurant as she talked to me.

"Aw that is terrible. I am so sorry." I said hugging her from the side since we were walking side by side.

"Oh don't be. That is life. He'll come around when he is ready."

"I hope he does."

"You don't worry about that. You have a big day tomorrow. I'll meet you at Jean's office." She said as I got into my car and she got into her own.

"Okay thank you. See you tomorrow."

"Yes, bye dear."

I feel sad for Gigi. She is so beautiful and nice and talented and her fiancé doesn't even visit her. But, anyway tomorrow is going to be a big day!

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