Chapter 62. Better Together

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• Nate's POV •

"Sweetheart, where's Alaysia?" My mom, Catherine asked as I tugged at my hair in annoyance.

Even when Alaysia and I aren't together, it's like we still are.

I looked at her and smiled. "Take a seat. There's something I gotta tell you." I said, as she sat down.

I hadn't told my parents about the whole situation with Alaysia because honestly it was just too much to discuss.

"What is it honey? Is everything alright?" She asked, as my sister Naya appeared in the doorway.

"Hey Nate, I texted Alaysia and she says you guys aren't together. What the heck?" She nearly yelled as she threw her phone to me.

She is always supportive of I and Alaysia's relationship. She's like a big sister to Alaysia, so that's why I avoided divulging this unhappy news.

"What?" My mom shouted as she jumped from the chair.

My mom and sister are way too dramatic.

I ran my hands over my face. "Okay first of all be careful before you hurt yourself." I said, pointing to my mom. "And second of all yes Alaysia and I aren't together right now. We're taking a break." I said, breathing a sigh of relief.

They both looked at me in disbelief.

"You are getting back with her, right?" Naya asked, as I tried to hold back my tears.

I shook my head. "I don't know, honestly."

"What do you mean you don't know? She's the loveliest young woman!" My mom chimed in as I grew even more annoyed.

"Yeah Nate, if you lose her, I'm sorry to say it but you'll lose someone really amazing. You didn't propose to her for no reason." Naya added as I sat there in complete confusion.

My family loves Alaysia. I love Alaysia. We've been on a break for a few weeks and I want her back. She's the one for me, I know that for sure. Does she even want me back? She wanted to work things out, but I didn't let her.

"Yes, I know. I know you guys are right." I admitted as they hugged me.

"We love you sweetheart and we want you to be happy. What would make you happy right now?" My mom asked, as she rubbed my shoulder.

I didn't even have to think about the answer. "Alaysia." I blurted out.

"Yes! Exactly, so where is she?" Naya asked, as she sipped her tea.

"With her parents in Montreal as far as I know." I replied, hoping that's where she actually was.

"Damn, I was gonna say maybe you two could reunite in time for new years, but I guess not since she's across the country." She mentioned, as I suddenly got an idea.

I took a deep breath. "How long is the flight from here to Montreal?"

"About five hours, I think." My mom replied as I sighed.

"I wouldn't make if I tried to get to Montreal in time for new years." I said, sadness filling my voice.

"It's okay honey. You can see her after that." My mom added, trying to raise my spirit.

"Yeah, if she even wants to see me." I said, as I got up to drink some water.

Naya laughed. "I'm sure she wants to see you. You guys are like two peas in a pod. She loves you and you love her, what else is there to it?"

"She's right. Just relax, everything will be fine and if it's not, it's not the end of the world either." My mom reassured as I smiled.

She was right.

"You can just Skype or something. I'm sure that will be okay." Naya added, as I nodded.

"You're right. I'll see if she answers." I said, as they quickly stepped out of the kitchen.

I clicked Alaysia's name on my contact list which was saved as fiancée and hoped for the best.

Suddenly her pretty face appeared on the screen.

She looked at me. "Nate, is that you?"

"Yes. How are you?" I asked, unable to stop smiling.

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm really good now that I see your beautiful face." I said, as she giggled.

"Oh really? So um why are you calling me?" She asked, as I felt my heart sink.

"I uh- um- I just wanted to uh..." I said, unable to gather my words as she looked at me confused.

"What is it Nate?" She asked, as I tried to stay calm and collected.

"I want you back Alaysia." I bluntly said, as her eyes widened.

"You do?"

I nodded. "Yes, very much. I wanna forget the past and move forward into the new year with you by my side."

I could see tears in her eyes. "Nate, I don't know."

"What don't you know?" I asked, surprised by her reaction.

"I've been doing some self reflection and evaluation. I think it may to be too soon. I just don't know." She said, running her hands through her hair.

I took a deep breath. "Okay, you do what you have to do. I'm sorry for bothering you."

I was ready to end the call when she said my name.

"Nate, wait!" She shouted as I looked at her.


"I do want you back. I wish I could be with you for new years, but I can't. Enjoy the night. See you in the new year. I love you baby." She said, as I smiled again.

"I love you too."

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