Chapter 25. Surprise!

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I walked into Nate's condo and saw him standing at the door in a nice black suit with his hair slicked back.

"Nate, today's our anniversary. Have you forgotten?" I asked nervously.

"No, no baby I could never. I have a surprise waiting for you. I got a dress and shoes for you upstairs to change into." He said and kissed my cheek.

"Oh really!" I exclaimed as I hurried up the stairs. I couldn't wait to see what he had got for me.

The dress was gorgeous. It was a classic light pink, short sleeved and fitted Chanel dress. May I mention that I love Coco Chanel. I put it on along with the shoes, which were black Jimmy Choo pumps. I felt like a princess, no actually a queen.

I hurried back down the stairs as I anticipated Nate's reaction.

"How do I look?" I asked Nate as his eyes widened.

"Absolutely gorgeous! That dress on you is just perfect and happy anniversary!" He exclaimed while wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you. Happy anniversary to you too." I said as he took my hand and led me to the dining room.

It was transformed into a romantic dinner setting. There were candles lit, roses scattered on the table, classical music playing, fancy decorations and our meals were waiting on the table. It was breath taking.

"Wow Nate this- this is amazing." I said and smiled because I was so happy.

"I told you I had a surprise planned for you." He said as he pulled my chair out for me.

"Thank you so much for everything!" I said, as I took everything in.

"No need to thank me. One question though, can you be my princess for tonight?" He asked.

"Of course! Can you be my prince?" I questioned.

"I already am. I'll even be your king if you want." He said with a smile.

"I'm the Queen of the castle then darling." I said in a funny accent.

"Great, so Queen can we eat now?" He asked in the cutest way. It was funny how he was playing along.

"Absolutely." I replied and began eating as well. It was classic spaghetti and meatballs, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and a side of garlic bread.

We were half way through our meal when Nate stopped and looked at me.

"Nate, is there something on my face?" I asked not knowing why he was staring at me.

"Oh no, no I am just admiring your beauty. I'm sorry, you're just beautiful." He said shyly.

"Thanks Nate. You're quite handsome yourself." I said with a laugh.

He chuckled. "Thank you. Would you like wine, if you drink alcohol or sparkling grape juice? Because I know some people don't."

"Oh um yeah I don't drink alcohol. Grape juice is better, thank you."

That alcohol thing took me by surprise. I almost lost it. If I even had one sip of wine, it would have been done. I would have needed to drink the whole bottle to feel satisfied.

"Yeah neither do I. Here you go." He said while handing me my glass.

"Thanks." I said and took a sip. It was fizzy, almost like soda, but better.

"So, are you ready for dessert?" He asked standing up and taking our plates.

"Yes, what is one the menu?" I asked excitedly.

 He looked so good in his suit.

"Well my love, we have cheesecake topped with cherries." He said in a cute French accent, which made me laugh.

"Okay, I love cheesecake anyway so..."

"Perfect. Here you go!" He said and handed me my slice of cheesecake which looked extremely good and tasted even better.

After we finished we just talked and laughed and made silly jokes. I am really glad I met Nate.

"Nate, I just want to thank you for setting this up. It means a lot, it was wonderful."

"Oh my pleasure. Anything for my princess Alaysia. Sometimes it's nice to block out the outside world and just have some fun you know."

"Oh definitely. I agree. I definitely had fun and this outfit is just perfect. How did you get this?"

"I asked my manager to make a few calls. No big deal." He said with a smile.

"Well thank you for that too. I am so glad you're in my life."

"Alaysia, you're welcome and I am even happier to have you in my life. You make everything better. I can't wait to celebrate many more anniversaries with you." He said.

"Thank you, honestly. Cheers to more anniversaries!" I said, knocked our glasses and leaned over to kiss him.

"Cheers and I love you." He said with a smile.

"I love you too."

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