Chapter 40. Vogue

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When I got back to New York, I was quite happy since I had a pretty interesting time in Los Angeles. That wasn't the only thing I was happy about though since the day I got home was the same day that the new Vogue magazine hit the stands. I made sure I grabbed my copy at the airport. The first page I turned to was New & Upcoming Talent.

Vogue's New & Upcoming Talent for March: Alaysia Joelson

Alaysia Joelson called "AJ" by friends and family is the new face in the fashion industry with nearly 500 thousand followers on her social media. At the age of 19 she already has her own clothing line "AJ"  which she debuted at Paris Fashion Week. We caught up with her in Los Angeles for an interview. If you don't love her already, you will after this.

Anna: When did your passion for fashion start?

AJ: It started when I was a little girl. I loved to mix and match my outfits. Sometimes I would try and choose outfits for my mother, which drove her crazy. [Laughs]

Anna: How did you turn that into a career at the age of 19?

AJ: I started designing clothes in my sketchbook. Then I got in contact with Giselle Blackthorn and it went from there. I really don't think that age should limit anyone's capabilities.

Anna: That's amazing. So you just debuted your clothing line. How did that come about?

AJ: Yes so like I said, I'd always had a passion for designing and putting outfits together. Giselle helped me get in contact with her mentor, Jean LeBrun and he loved the pieces I designed and offered to help me bring it to life!

Anna: Was there any specific pieces you wanted to include?

AJ: No, I just created whatever I felt like creating and whatever worked.

Anna: That's wonderful. This big life change must have taken a toll on you. How do you deal with it?

AJ: It definitely can be stressful. So when I get overwhelmed, I usually call my mom or my boyfriend or a friend who I can just talk about my feelings with and it always helps.

Anna: It's good that you have ways to cope with stress. You debuted your clothing line at Paris Fashion Week. What was that like?

AJ: Absolutely amazing. I think it's every girl's dream to be featured in any fashion show. Any girl that is interested in fashion at least.[Laughs] 

Anna: Do you have any regrets so far in your career?

AJ: No, I do not regret anything because everything is a learning experience.

Anna: I agree. Do you have any advice for people trying to make it big in this industry?

AJ: People may not want to acknowledge my advice since I'm only 19. [Laughs] But, my advice would be to work hard for what you want and don't let defeat bring you down. Stay positive and never give up. That's exactly what I did, but if that doesn't work for anyone, I apologize. [Laughs]

Anna: That's brilliant. What are you planning for the future in terms of your career?

AJ: I do not like planning because it usually never works out. I like letting things fall into place. I am a big improviser, so I just create things on the spot sometimes, if that makes any sense.[Laughs] However, I hope that the future will be bright and successful.

Anna: Was your highschool education affected by these successes?

AJ: No, I graduated high school when I was 18. So, nothing affected my education and education is very important to me. I'm actually doing online school in case I want to do something else later on in life. 

Anna: That is very impressive. I don't doubt that your future will be anything but successful.

AJ: Thank you so much.

Anna: You're very humble and down to earth. How do you stay that way after all this success?

AJ: It isn't hard. I can't tolerate arrogance and I never forget where I came from. I wasn't handed my career, I worked for it. I'm just a girl from Montréal, Québec, Canada and I never forget that.

Anna: I love it. Thank you for your time.

AJ: Thank you! 

It was so crazy to read my own interview in Vogue magazine. It felt really amazing to be recognized for my work  in such a short period of time. I was so proud of myself for what I had accomplished thus far.

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