Chapter 15. Jean LeBrun

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My hair was done, I was wearing a long fitted white dress that hit just below my knees, black heels and had my favorite black Michael Kors purse.

I was ready to meet with Jean, I packed my design book and all my photos from previous shoots. Gigi had agreed to meet me there as well.

••• arrives at Jean LeBrun's office•••

Jean's office was huge! There were people at fancy desks talking on the phone, typing away on Apple computers, just being busy. I saw the receptionist desk and walked up to the lady sitting behind it.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" She asked me.

"I'm looking for Mr. Jean LeBrun. I have a meeting with him today." I said, hoping he hadn't forgotten about me.

"Okay and your name is?"

"Alaysia. Alaysia Joelson." I said, confidently.

"Okay he is probably upstairs in his office, I'll give him a call."

"Okay." I said as she picked up the phone.

His office building was so fancy. There was a lounge in the lobby.

"He's on his way down. You can wait in the lounge over there." She said, pointing the lounge on the left hand side.

"Thanks!" I said as I sat down and just took in my surroundings. This building was just so cool.

After about 5 minutes Jean arrived.

"Alaysia, how are you today?" He asked.

"Great sir, you?" I asked, as I stood up to shake his hand, which he had put out.

"Very well thanks. Just call me Jean, we are no longer strangers." He said, as we walked towards the elevator.

"Okay." I nodded.

We went upstairs in the elevator. Then walked into his office and yes, the elevator opened directly into his office. As soon as I walked in, I saw Gigi.

"Alaysia, sweetheart you're here!" She exclaimed while hugging me.

"Yeah I made it!" I said.

"So, Alaysia, what have you got for me?" Jean asked, while sitting in front of us at his huge desk.

"My designs and some photos." I said.

"Okay perfect, let me see!" He said as I handed him my work.

He looked at all of it in such a microscopic way that was almost intimidating. When he got to my photos, I saw him jot some stuff down in his notebook. After 10 minutes he was finally done.

"Alaysia my dear." He said as I suddenly became nervous.

"Yes?" I asked concerned.

What if he didn't like it? I was I supposed to do?

"I love it! I love all your ideas, very unique, very different, very modern." He said, as he rubbed his hands together.

"Thank you so much!" I said happily while Gigi smiled and touched my shoulder.

"I would definitely love to bring these beautiful designs to life for you!" Jean said as I stared in disbelief.

"You mean like an actual clothing line?" I asked, just to ensure that I heard correctly and wasn't dreaming.

"Absolutely and you'll be the model since you're just so photogenic."

"Thank you so much, this means the world to me!" I exclaimed, unable to hold back a smile.

"No problem, I love supporting young, talented people."

"Thank you again so much." I said, as Gigi and I waved goodbye and were on our way.

"Alaysia, he really likes your work." Gigi said to me with a huge smile on her face.

"I know, I'm so excited!"

"How about we celebrate? Cake, chocolate, pizza, anything. It's on me." She said as we got in her car.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive. I'm proud of you!"

"Okay cake. Cheesecake preferably."

"Perfect, my favorite!" Gigi said as we pulled up at the bakery.

After we got the cake and ate, we got in Gigi's car and she drove me back to my hotel to see my mom. I hadn't seen her since earlier that morning.

••• in hotel•••

"Mom!! Jean liked my designs, he is gonna bring my drawings to life!" I shouted, while jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store.

"That is fantastic, I'm so proud of you Alaysia!" She said, as she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks mom, Gigi is too, we went for cake afterwards."

"Oh that was very nice of her. I met Nate, he stopped by to see you earlier, but you weren't here."

"Really, you didn't say anything weird did you?" I asked since she has a habit of scaring away guys that I get involved with.

"Of course not! He is such a sweetheart. You know he is Nate Neverson, right?"

"I did not know his last name but I know he is a model. He told me." I said, not understanding why she emphasized his name so much.

"One of the most famous male models in California likes you!" She said in a weird high pitched voice.

I laughed at her expression. "I know he likes me, but how do you?"

"He told me, he really cares about you. He said you're not like those other girls that just like him because of his career."

"Okay. I need time to process this in my brain." I said, as  I fell onto the bed.

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