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You get out of the car and head over to where the others are parked. As you reach the SUV they get out laughing. (Fr/n) walks over to you.
"OMG! That was hilarious! And awesome. Being in the same car with Pentatonix while they sing is epic!"
You laugh at her as you lead the group to the front door. The restaurant was family owned and you were friends with them, so that was why you had picked here to eat. Avi holds the door open for everyone and you walk inside.
You walk up to the front counter. "Can I have a table for 7. In the back." You ask. The girl looks up at you.
"(Y/n)? Is that you?" She asks.
"Yep! Its me! I haven't seen you in sooo long Jessie!" You say giving her a hug. "But before we have a reunion, you have to keep a secret." You finish pointing to PTX.
She looks behind you and her eyes widen. "I won't say anything." Then she leads you to the back part of the restaurant that is sectioned off. You motion for everyone else to follow and they do. The place was a bar/restaurant so it stayed open most of the time.
You make it to the back room and she lays out the menus for you. There are 8 seats at the table. Four on each side. You sit second to the end, (fr/n) sits on your right, Mitch sits at the end next to you, Scott sits next to (fr/n), Kirstie sits across from you with Kevin on her left and Avi on her right. Not your first choice of seating arrangements but you'd deal with it.
"Hi! My name is Jess and I will be your server tonight. Can I get you something to drink?" She looks to Kirstie and goes around while they all order their drinks. When she gets to you she stops. "Usual I'm guessing?" You nod your head and she goes to get your drinks.
"What's your 'usual' (y/n)?" Scott asks. You look over at him.
"Well, I get sweet tea, peach flavoring, extra sugar, and a little something that is the restaurants secret ingredient." They all give you an odd look. Even (fr/n).
"I didn't know that you came here that often." She says. You nod your head. You and Jess had been best friends since being in plays and choir together. She had called you about a week ago saying she was going to try and get on The Voice. She knew you had gone big and she wanted to go for something too.
"Yeah. Me and Jess have known each other since we were kids. We used to do choir and be in plays together." You tell them.
"Was she in that play....what was it....Fiddler on the Roof with you in 8th grade?" Mitch asks.
"Yeah! We both tried out together since we knew the musical. She got the part of Chava who was about 13 and I got the part of the the 15 year old daughter Hodel. It was my favorite production. I still have it on video." You say, smiling at the memory.
"Oh yeah, I remember there being posters up in the high school for that. I was going to go see it, actually me, Mitch and Kirstie were all going to, but we didn't have a ride." Scott tells you. "Well to bad you couldn't come. It was good, considering it was all done by middle schoolers. And they even let us do the whole original script too." You had been happy about that. Except for one reason.
"Hey I have your orders. Did overhear someone say Fiddler on the Roof?" Jess says. She starts to set all of the drinks down in front of everyone. "That was one of the best productions we were ever in." She smiles over at you. Well, it was more of a smirk and you knew why she had that look. "(Y/n) had her first kiss during that production." You bug your eyes out at her.
"You didn't have to tell them that!" You yell. Everyone was looking at you. "Well, it was my first kiss but I'm guessing the only reason that you brought it up, is because it was both my first on stage and off." You are aware of Mitch staring at you along with Scott but you ignore them. "Well are we ready to order?" You say changing the topic. You didn't want it to stay on that.
"Well I know I am. What about everyone else?" (Fr/n) asks. They nod their heads and Jess takes your orders. When she leaves to put them in (fr/n) stares at you. "You never told me that! Why didn't you tell me!" You shrug.
"I didn't think it was a big deal, honestly." You reply.
"Okay, no offense but a girls first kiss is definitely important. You should have at least told your friend." Kirstie says. "And since you didn't spill it before, you have to spill it to all of us." She finishes.
Scott gives her a look. "She doesn't have to, Kirstie. Its okay you don't have to tell us." You shake your head. It was sweet but getting looks like that from over half of the group was unnerving.
"No its okay. So when they cast our parts and I found out who I got, the first thing I did was see who was playing Perchik, the love interest of my character. When I found out the first thing I did was go tell Jess. I new she would freak more than me." You pause. You had all of their attention, all of them staring at you.
"Well it just so happened that the person who was playing him was my "crush" at the time. When I told Jess she freaked out. Majorally, like she started shrieking in the hallway. I calmed her down so people wouldn't notice. I was friends with him, which made it even odder, but we talked about and everything went well." You finish. The only thing you had left out was his name.
"So what was his name?" Kirstie asks. Oh man.
"His name was Adrian Jackson." You spill. Mitch just stares at you with a confused look. "Adrian? I remember him. He was the smart guy of the grade right?"
"Yep. We were always in the same classes, including the advanced ones, and we did plays and skits together. We were, like the only people in the grade that year with continuous straight A's. But once we found out about the casting, we would practice together a few times a week." It had been fun back then. Most of the memories were good ones.
Then its Kirstie who speaks up. "You practiced the kiss that many times? Including with the practices at school?" She ask.
You shake your head. "No! Of course not. One, we weren't that comfortable with it. Plus the director said he wanted to save to action for the performance nights. And that they were already pushing it to let us kiss on school grounds during the performance itself." She doesn't seem as interested after that but you don't care.
"I'm surprised it didn't bother you that you had to kiss your best friend on stage in front of that many people. Especially at the age of 14." Scott says. You smile. "Well, I had accepted that it was possible to get that part before I auditioned and I knew that he was auditioning. I knew what could happen and so did he. And I'm a whole lot more used to it now than before. Being in real movies, I've had to do that a couple times. Its just part of the acting." You finish. It might seem odd to some people, but it was your job.
"Well, looks like our foods ready." Avi says. You look over and see Jess coming to the table loaded down with food. You just knew they were going to love it.

|Time skip brought to you by my Percy Jackson reference|

After food, everyone was stuffed, but you still ordered desert. You knew how good it tasted and the rest said it sounded too good not to try. You were happy that they liked the food, and especially happy they like the desert. Jess was even happier considering that she worked somewhere that had PTX approved food.
You see Avi and Kevin drop the forks in their plates. "I'm done. I'm too full to eat anything else. But That. Was. Amazing." Kevin says. "I'm with you brother." Avi says.
"What about you Scott? Mitch?" Jess asks them. They look up from their deserts. Mitch still has half of his left and when Scott looks up he gets whipped cream on his nose. But he doesn't notice. We're all to delirious to do anything other than laugh at him. It makes us laugh even harder when he looks around asking what's wrong.
Finally Mitch stops laughing long enough to tell him to wipe off his nose. He does and we finally stop. Mitch and Scott finish their deserts and that pretty much answers Jess's question. She looks satisfied and takes all of the plates from the table. You look around and can tell that everyone is about ready to go to sleep.
"Is anybody other than me awake enough to drive? Because I can drive everyone home if needed." You say. (Fr/n) had left before desert. She had gotten a call from her work and they needed her to pick up paperwork. Who knows why they called at around midnight. At least she had given you your CD before she had left. The group had told you that they would drive you home.
"I think you should probably drive, (y/n)." Scott says. "We're probably all to tired to drive." You nod your head. You were fine with that. Plus you wouldn't have to try and lead everyone to where you live.
"Alright. You ready to leave then?" You ask looking around. "Do I need to help you up over there Kevin?" You ask.
"I got it. I think Avi needs some help though." You walk over to help as Kirstie drags Kevin out of his chair. "If you don't get up I will slap you Avi." You say. "Don't underestimate me."
When he doesn't get up you swing your right hand back and then slap him right upside the head. You can literally hear the sound of the skin on skin contact. He sits up immediately clutching his face.
"Owww. You didn't have to do that! That hurt!" He half screams at you.
"You're lucky, I could've done worse. You should only have a slight red spot on your face. You shouldn't get a bruise. You'll be fine." You tell him. Kevin looks at you. "Don't worry, he's had worse happen to him by any of us." You laugh. Though it doesn't surprise you.
Everyone gets up and you start to head out. Scott had taken some of the extra money to pay for everyone's meals. You give Jess a hug before you leave and promise to call her later. When you make it to the SUV you climb in the drivers side and Mitch gets in on the passenger side. You look back to see Scott behind you with Avi next to him and Kirstie and Kevin in the back.
Scott raises his eyebrows and looks back and forth between you and Mitch. Your eyes widen. You shake your head. "No." He shrugs and hands you the keys. You put them into the ignition. Your just about to put the car out of park when Mitch says what you were dreading.
"Hey, (y/n), do you want to put in your CD and demonstrate your song for everyone?" You freeze. "Uh....I don't know. Y'all are so much better than me, there's no reason for me to sing." When you say that Mitch gives you a look. "What?"
"Don't criticize yourself, you have an amazing voice. Just sing. For me?" You glare at him. Finally you give in. "Okay. Just once."
You grab the CD case out of your purse and take the CD and put it into the player. You move it to the right number, and wait for the song to start.

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