To The Hospital

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You sit there for a second before giving Mitch a hug. You had finally decided that you liked him. It was a miracle you had made up you mind that fast. Mitch hugs you back and you sit there like that for a minute.

When he pulls away he throws his arm around your shoulder. You lay your head on his shoulder. You let out a sigh. "You know how long I've wanted to do that?" He asks. You look up at him. "How long?"
"Well. You know how I said that I didn't go to see Fiddler on the Roof? Well, I did go to see it. By myself. I had a small crush on you when we were really little and I had heard that you were going to be in it. So I decided that I should go and see how good of an actor you we're compared to what everyone else said."

"And.... What did you think?"

"I thought you were the best I had ever seen. But when I saw that scene....with Hodel and Perchik... It made me mad. At the time I didn't think that I still liked you. But obviously I did. Ever since then I've still had little daydreams and memories of the two of us sometimes. Together." He finishes with a smile.

"Awwww. That's so sweet. I had no idea you've liked me that much! I'm glad you did something because I probably never would have realized how much I've liked you. I've started noticing ever since I heard about the sing-off. But I've been pushing the feelings to the side." He looks down at you.

"Well. I'm glad I took action too." He smiles and you smile too.

You look over at the clock at the wall. Crap. "Crap. It's already 11:30! We need to head out." You stand up with Mitch right behind. Grabbing the keys off of the kitchen table you walk out the door. When you make it down the stairs and to the parking lot, you stop in front of your car.

You see Mitch staring at it. "What? Something wrong with my car?" You ask. He shakes his head. "No. Its just I don't know you got paid enough to have a Mustang." That's right. You had a mustang. Nowhere near as nice or as new as Ben's. But it was a royal blue. And was still clean enough to make it look new.

"Yeah. Its a few years old but it still cost me a lot. Too much, but it was worth it. Climb in." He nods his head. You walk over and climb into the drivers side as Mitch gets in on the passenger side. He still seems surprised but it was cute. You could actually think that now.

You start to pull out of the parking spot and towards the gate when Mitch asks you something. "Hey, (y/n), I know...well since...uhgh" he seems flustered. He's at a loss for words.

"What? Just spit it out." You smirk at him.
He seems to get himself together.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" He asks. You look at him through the mirror and see him blushing. Your smile grows even larger. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend Mitch. I have absolutely no reason to say no." You look over at him quickly and see his face brightening up. "Thanks."

"No, thank you, Mitch." You can see his blush growing deeper by the second. "Hey, wanna listen to something? I've got a few CDs in the glove box." He nods his head and goes to look through them. You don't think about it until too late.
He holds up the case. "What're these?" He asks. The CDs he happen to be holding up are both a George Strait and a PTX with all of the new singles. This time it's your turn to blush. "I thought you said it was (fr/n) who had all of the CDs?" Your blush deepens.

"For one, she bought it for me so I could learn the parts to sing it with her, and two, I did say that your music was good and just cause I was mad at you doesn't mean that I didn't like your music." He seems satisfied with your answer but then be holds up the George Strait CD. It had his top 50 songs on two CDs.

You sigh. "Hey, we do live in Texas for one. And his music is good. It's more original country instead of all the crap they write now." He smiles at you. "Sing one for me." Your face falls. You were not bringing out the country accent in front of him. "No."

"Uh, come on. What's the big deal?" You stare at him through the mirror. "If you want it that bad just put the CD in and I'll tell you which song to put on." He puts in the first CD and you decided on which one you want to listen/sing to.

"Put on I Cross My Heart. Its one of the ones he sings in the movie he was in. I know it by heart." He goes to the right track number. When it comes on you just let the country flow out of you. Mitch was your boyfriend so he would found out sooner or later what you sounded like singing country.

When you finish the song he claps. "Woo. Good job."

"Hey, looks like we're here." You say as you pull into the hospital parking lot. It wasn't very crowded. You get a spot close to door and put the car in park, pulling the keys out of the ignition.

"Let's go get her." Mitch says. You nod your head and climb out of the car. Mitch follows you up to the front door. Once you make it inside you walk up to the lady at the front desk. "We're here to see (fr/n). Dr Jamie Smith called me and said we could pick her up at noon today." She looks up at you.

"And what is your name?" You give her you information and she tells you what floor and room she's in.

Hopefully she would be feeling okay.

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