Getting Back (pt 2)

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•still Tom's POV

      You walk back over to (y/n). She actually looked quite peaceful in her current sleeping state. She was curled up on the couch to where she only took up half of it. You sit down on the edge of the couch at her head, and brush the hair out of her face. She was wrecked. She had drank too much apparently, and that ended up being one of the reasons she was in pain again.

      You felt bad for her. Things had been going good, she had met Mitch, who she claimed was an amazing boyfriend. Then she got into the wreck which led to her current pain which was a result of the trip to the bar tonight. If there was a way to protect her, you and Ben would definitely make sure that happened. But you couldn't always be with her. And you don't even need to explain about how bad you felt for Mitch with him going through this right after they started dating.

       Her breathing had already slowed down, her chest rising and falling with each breath. Slowly, you grab the blanket off the back of the couch and lay it over her small figure. As soon as you do she snuggles up into it, pulling it closer and sighing. You decide to leave her be for a while and head towards the kitchen to make a cup of tea before heading to bed.

•(Y/n)'s POV•

      "Ugh. What time is it?" You wonder aloud, not expecting an answer. But you get one.

      "Its about 7:30 (y/n)." I hear Tom say. Your eyes open slowly, everything still slightly blurry. But you still get a blurry form of Tom sitting at the end of the couch where your head was, while holding a hot mug of tea. A small smile passes across your face. He smiles back. "Don't worry. I haven't been sitting here all night. I only woke up about half an hour ago." He assures you.

      You scoot over a bit and lay your head in his lap, closing your eyes again. Getting up would probably result in pain that you didn't really want to handle right now. He doesn't even flinch and just continues drinking his hot tea.

      "If you want, we can call Mitch and have him come and pick you up from here so you don't need to get up." He offers. A smile plays at your mouth and you nod your head. It was like he had read your mind. He chuckles. "Okay. I'll have Ben call and tell him." Then he screams Ben's name.

      A loud crash is head from his bedroom which is followed by Ben rushing into the living room stumbling half the way. He looks frantic like something was wrong and is holding a hairbrush in his right hand. "What?! What happened?!"

      Tom just laughs again. "Nothing happened. I just need something and I didn't want to disturb our little friend right here." Both men's gaze land on you and you give a sweet smile. Ben looks up at Tom. "Well you could've told me before I went about the apartment looking for something to attack with."

      You giggle. "And a hairbrush is a good weapon?" You say. He just rolls his eyes and sits down by your feet. "We can call him in a little bit. How about I make us some waffles?"

      Your eyes gleam. "Waffles!!!"

      Ben laughs, pats your legs, and stands up. "Okay. How many for each of you?" He asks. Tom asks for 2 and you ask for 4. You were seriously hungry. He nods his head and heads for the kitchen. But before he makes you food, he brings you your cell phone.

      You gladly take it from him and call Mitch. He answers almost immediately. "(Y/n)? Is that you?" He asks frantically. You giggle and proceed to hear a grateful sigh. "It's you. Are you doing okay?" You giggle again.

      "I'm doing fine, Mitch. I am a little scared that my back will hurt if I get up, and so I was wondering if you could come and pick me up?"

      "I can do that. Do you need to go back to the hospital?"

      "I shouldn't unless something bad happens." You tell him. Your back actually wasn't hurting unless you moved. So you were just avoiding moving. And that probably wasn't a reason to avoid the hospital but you didn't care.

      "Okay. That sounds like a plan. I'll be there in about and hour and a half. So about 9, 9:15. See you then. Bye."


      He hangs up first, probably anxious to come and pick you up. But if anything, you were anxious to eat. The last thing you had consumed was the beer and wine last night. And before that had been lunch the previous day. So it had been  a while. "Hey Ben, how much longer till the waffles are done?" You yell.

      You hear him laugh then see him poke his head around the corner from the kitchen. "I have three ready right now. Want me to bring them to you?" He sees the grin on your face and takes that as a yes, disappearing back into the kitchen.

      A minute later he walks into the living room with three chocolate chip waffles on a plate with a fork. He hands in to you and you take it, sitting it on the couch in front of you. (A/n, you're on your side). Immediately you dig into it and you're done with them by the time that Ben come back with the fresh one. You finish that quickly too and set the plate on the coffee table.

      This time when Ben comes back into the living room he's holding your pill bottle from your purse. The pain pills. "You should probably take a few." He says. You nod your head and grab the bottle, before shaking a few out. The feeling of them going down your throat along with the taste was disgusting, but hopefully it would help. Instead, the medicine makes you instantly drowsy and your eyelids start to droop before closing completely, drawing you into a heavy sleep.

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