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Hey guys. I suck I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a month I have become completely obsessed with Supernatural and now Ican'tstopwatchingit I even got my grandma obsessed with it and IjuststartedreadingtheMortalInstrumentsseriesandI'vealreadyreadalmost2 1/2booksandI'veseenthemoviewhichirri-tated me until I saw how bad the TV show was and I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore and I'm also freaking out becauseImightbegettingtomeetPTXformybirthday andand this is a really long sentence that I should finish.

Okay. Sorry. Let me go slower.

I'm obsessed with Supernatural

•My grandma likes Supernatural more than my mom

•I am also obsessed with The Mortal Instruments

•I am on The City of Glass

•I know that Clace will work out because my friends are giving me spoilers but I hate the barely there relationship they have right noe where I am.

•I ship Malec (and obviously clace)

•I have come to a conclusion that the movie is a way better adaptation than the TV show

•My best friend just bought tickets to the PTX concert that is five days after my birthday and about 10 before hers. Its a present for both of us

•My mom is thinking about getting me a backstage pass and I'm irritated because she might not, even though I could pay half of it myself

•And I'm not going to be happy if I don't get to go backstage when I know that my friend already has a backstage pass

Okay. So those are my excuses. And you might think I'm lying, but the whole WiFi situation is still going on. I don't know if I'll ever have my free use of it back unless we change providers.

So basically, I have joined almost 3 new fandoms and have been filling my time with them. I really hope you understand. I am writing the next chapter right now, I just keep getting distracted.

      And I even woke up at 6 this morning. Which is weird because I went to bed at like 3. And I'm barely staying awake writing this. But I had to do something and tell you guys why I hadn't updated. I realized it has literally been a whole month since I've wrote a chapter. So I'm going to post this, and then go and try to finish the next chapter which is a part two of the first.

Please don't murder me with words. I am so so so sorry and I'm gonna try and get on track.

(P. S. If you want some thing to read that I can publish faster, just suggest a one shot for almost any fandom and I'll write it for you in my collection)

Thanks for still reading if you read this one and the next one I publish. Once again I'm sorry. But I'm gonna try.


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