The Makeup

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You make your way over to the bathroom door and open it. After walking inside you head straight for the bag that held the medical stuff they had given you. It had your pain pills, multiple wraps, and some different lotions or creams of some sort.

You grab a couple of the wraps and a cream that was labeled "pain relieving/numbing." You didn't know if it would work but if he had put it in the bag it couldn't hurt, right?

Anyways, you walk back into the bedroom and sit on the bed. As you drop the stuff next to you, you notice Mitch had turned the light on. You see him lock the door and walk over to you. "It's so no one will walk in on us." He says. You nod your head as he sits down next to you.

"Okay. So they gave me this to use on my ribcage area and on my leg. Its supposed to be numbing and help with the pain so I thought I could try some of it. Other than that I just grabbed a few wraps." He nods.

"So...don't you need to take your shirt off so we can wrap you up?" He asks. You giggle slightly at the blush forming on his cheeks. But that doesn't stop you from blushing along with him. "Yeah."

You grab the bottom hem of your shirt and pull it off. You feel his gaze on you, and try to ignore it. Your bra was luckily one of the ones that covered a fair amount. It's not like he was getting much of a view.

You avoid his face and grab the cream putting some of it in your palm. You start to put it on your side but pull back at first. Just barely touching it hurt, let alone rubbing it. But you clench your teeth and rub all of it on as quickly as possible.

You roll up the knee of your jeans and rub it on the forming bruise on your leg. After wiping your hands on your pants you wrap up your leg tightly. Then you look up at Mitch's flushed face. "I need help to wrap my rib up." He nods his head and hands you the wrap.

You both alternate turns bringing it around your torso. Tears come to your eyes but you hold them back. Finally you finish wrapping yourself up and grab your shirt. "Thank you, Mitch." You tell him. He smiles at you.

"Your welcome."

You pull your shirt back over your head. You noticed after standing up that now that you were wrapped up again it was easier to walk with the harmed leg. It still hurt of course, just not as bad.

You stumble over to the bedroom door and are about to open it when you feel a pair of arms snake around your waist. You turn around to face your boyfriend and smile. "Whatcha want?"

"One more kiss before we go back out in front of the others." He replies. You blush lightly but lean in and give him a lingering kiss. He kisses back and pulls away quickly. You grin at each other before unlocking and exiting the bedroom.

You see the crutches leaned up against the wall beside the door and grab them. You use them to get into the living room and to the couch. You sit down next to Scott on the middle cushion. He smiles at you as you plop down next to him.

"Feeling any better?" He asks. You sigh but nod your head. Then Kirstie speaks up. "If your feeling better we should probably start on your makeup. It'll take about half an hour and it's already 1:28."

You stand up. "Okay then. Come on." You grab the crutches and head off to the bedroom again with Kirstie right behind you. She closes the bathroom door behind the two of you when you make it in. You set the crutches down afte sitting down on the stool.

She clears the hair accessories off of the counter and replaces them with your makeup. There was a wide variety of brands and types and so you start to advise her on which brands looked more accurate to your skin tone.

(A/n: sorry if you don't like to wear this much makeup I describe up ahead)

You point out the foundation, powder, blushes, brushes, concealers, and eye shadows. All of the lipsticks looked alright and that mostly depended on what shade of eye-shadow and blush she used. Luckily since your skin tone was the exact same as tour foundation you wouldn't have to blend it all over your chest.

You leave your eyes closed as she puts the concealer and foundation on your skin. You open them up when she declares she's done. It looked good so far, but of course it was odd in the fact that your whole face including your lips were the same color.

She asks your to close your eyes until she's done and you obliged. You feel her putting the powder and blush onto your face. After that she moves on to your eyes. Which of course take a while.

Lastly she instructs you to open your mouth slightly. You do and feel her apply lipstick and lipgloss over top. She has you blot and lets you open your eyes to see the full effect. Which you and to admit was pretty good looking.

She had used a rose reddish color blush with matching bright red lipstick. The gloss she had you put on was clear and made your lips pop even more. For your eyes she had done black eyeliner winged out to the side and smokey eye effect for the eye-shadow. And plenty of mascara.

It looked perfect in your opinion. The smokey eye effect would match perfectly with your dress and the red lipstick would add a pop of color. Altogether you would look like the movie star you were. Perfect for a red carpet appearance.

A/N : Hey guys! I can't believe how many reads I have! Almost 4K reads already! Thank you sooooo much for all of the support you guys are giving me. I love all of you. I am planning on doing a special A/N when I reach 6K reads. It will include some answers to whatever questions you ask. Ask and you shall receive answers. But thank you for sticking with me this far make sure to comment on all the chapters up until I reach 6K.


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