Changing Medical Conditions

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"I wouldn't have been allowed to see you if I wouldn't have told them that." He says protesting. You giggle. "It's okay. I know why you did that. Its just a little odd hearing all of the nurses call me Mrs. Grassi." You say. He raises his eyebrows. "Don't tell me you don't like it." You laugh. "Sure I do." You add a slight hint of sarcasm into the statement.

"So. When will you get the casts?" He asks. "I don't know. Sometime today probably. But you'll probably want to be out of the bed when the nurse gets back in here." He smirks but stands up. "I'm still gonna sit next to the bed though. You can't stop me from doing that."

"I won't stop you." You say as he sits down. You adjust your position to laying on your stomach, since laying on your right side hurt like h***. You sigh into the pillow as you hear the door open again. You also hear a wheelchair rolling in. "We're ready for you to get the cast on, Mrs. Grassi." Joe says. You see Mitch smirk out of he corner of your eye.

"I'm going to roll you into the room where they will be putting it on, along with the wraps." He says, starting to help you into the wheelchair. "I'm going to need you to stay in here for now Mr. Grassi. He nods his head and sits back down. Joe rolls you out of the room and down the hallway into another room.

In the room is a nurses assistant and tons of surgical stuff. She has some of the materials out already. "Wait. I'm only getting one cast?" He looks over at you and nods. "We looked back over the X-rays and noticed that it was only your wrist that needs to be in a cast. Your leg is fine. And you can still sit down with your tailbone fractured, just be careful. The head nurse said that as long as your carful with the wraps we put on your torso and with the tailbone, you can leave tomorrow morning. I was a little off."

Your eyes widen. "Thank you so much." He grins. "Your welcome. And this may seem slightly kiddish, but considering that you will be going to a movie premiere, would you like the cast to be in a different color?" You smile, grateful he had suggested it. "Can I get it black?"

"Sure. Ready?" You nod your head and he starts to grab the materials from his assistant and prep you for putting the cast on. About 30 minutes later he's finished. "There you go. Next we need to wrap your leg, and torso." You nod your head.

He props your right leg up on his knee and pulls out the wrap. You let out a small gasp of air. The pain hadn't subsided all of the way. He looks up at you for a second before returning to wrapping your leg up. It doesn't take too long luckily.

"I need you to remove your shirt so I can wrap you up." He says. It was awkward, but he was a nurse and you knew you needed to so you took your shirt off. Only then did you see the large bruise on your right side. That didn't look good.

"Okay come here." You roll your chair closer to his. He presses lightly on it and you draw in a sharp breath. It hurt. Bad. He starts to wrap up your torso. It hurt to have it so tight around your body, but you knew you needed it.

When he finishes he says if you wanted to he would help you walk back to your room instead of taking the wheelchair. You greatfuly nod and he helps you up out of the chair and opens the door.

Luckily it didn't hurt too bad when you walked, but you knew it would just get progressively worse over the next few days. But you make it to the room without falling over. "I suggest that you use crutches for now. You may have just a small enough fracture to not need a cast, but it would definitely help. We can provide some."

"Thank you. I will gladly take them." You say. He tells you he will go ahead and grab them for you. You grin and open the door to you room for the night. You see Mitch sitting down in the large cushion chair next to the bed. He looks up as you enter.

You wave with your newly casted hand. He grins sympathetically. "Black?" He asks. You shrug and hobble over. Be starts to get up but you push him back into the chair. "You. Are staying right there." He raises his eyebrows. "I'm going to attempt. Attempt is the key word, to sit in your lap." You say.

"Are you sure you can do that?" You nod your head and sit down on his lap. You squeak slightly but take a breath and lay your head on his shoulder. You would think you would be taller than him but he was actually about the same height as you when you sat in his lap.

He puts his arm around your shoulder and squeezes. A loud squeak escapes your lips. "Sorry. Forgot about the shoulder." You relax again, closing your eyes. "It's okay."

"Since we're supposed to be married, where are our rings? I don't have one." He says. You open your eyes and look at your right hand. Your ring was still on your ring finger. It looked kinda like and engagement ring. You move it over to your left ring finger. "I can pretend we just got engaged. This look good enough?" He nods his head grinning. "Perfect. Good enough fake wedding ring."

The door opens to the room and a women walks in with a pair of crutches. "Joseph asked me to bring these for when you got out tomorrow. Need some help adjusting them?" She asks. You nod you head and stand up slowly. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long.

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