Small Talk and More Pain

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You pick up your crutches and make your way through the bedroom and out to the living room. When you make it to the doorway however, you notice that no one else was there.

You sigh and decide to head outside to the backyard. Hopefully the cool spring air would help distract you from the pain. They had only had you take one pain killer when you left the hospital, instead of the three you had the day before. The pill didn't help though. All it did was make you sleepy.

You head through the kitchen and make it to the back door. You decide to carry both crutches in your hands as you step out and close the door behind you. You limp down the steps of the porch and walk over to the nearest chair that was facing the backyard.

You sit down in the chair while laying down the crutches on top of the table next to you. You sigh in both pain and relief. Your leg felt better along with your arm and especially your shoulder, but your tailbone and rib weren't feeling any better. If anything they felt worse.

You close your eyes and lean your head back. Luckily you had shade behind the house. You decide to just relax and let it all go. After a minute you've zoned out. All you can hear are the noises of nature around you. Of which include birds, the sound of a breeze blowing the leaves on a tree, and not necessarily nature but the sound of cars passing by out front.

After sitting in the chair for about 5 minutes you feel someone rest their arms on your shoulders and their chin on your head. "Hey sweetheart." A soft voice says. You grin, opening your eyes to turn around and look into his. He looks back at you again. "I like the hair."

You smirk. "Thanks. Kirstie did it. I'm gonna let her do my makeup too." You tell him. You had decided on that because you were way to lazy. He pulls a chair over right in front of yours and sits in it. His left leg was in between your two legs and your left between his. You were sitting that close.

"Wanna do anything before you get your makeup done?" He asks. An idea comes into your head. But it probably wasn't what he wanted to do. "Eat. They didn't give me food at the hospital this morning and I was hoping coffee would help with the sleepiness I'm having to deal with."

He looks slightly dissapointed but puts a smile on his face. "Sure. Need some help getting back into the house?" Youre about to nod your head when another idea pops into your head. "Actually Mitch, can you carry me?" His eyes widen, but his smile does too as he scoots his chair back. "Sure."

You scoot to the front of your chair and he puts one arm underneath your knees and the other behind your back, carrying you bridal style. You laugh as he carries you back into the house. He opens the door and walks through the kitchen to the living room.

But as you step through the doorway you are met with the gaze of 4 people. They stare at the two of you for a second. A small blush forms on your face as Mitch sets you down on the couch. "Why so tense?" Mitch asks looking around at everyone.

Nobody answers. You just ignore them all and lay your head down on Mitch's shoulder. "If you're wondering why he carried me in it's because it was easier than me walking. It's not that weird so can we please start talking again?"

"I'm gonna go get you some coffee. Be right back." Mitch says exiting the room. You don't even move your head as he gets up and just let yourself fall over. Right into Avi's lap. You don't even open up your eyes though and just lay there. You feel him stiffen up slightly but he relaxes after a moment and lays his hand on your back.

By the time Mitch makes it back into the room you're practically asleep. You hear him whisper, "I'll take her back." to Avi. Then you feel someone's hands lift you up and then your head is on Mitch's shoulder again. You open your eyes to see him holding a large mug of coffee.

You grin and grab the mug out of his hands. Then quickly take a sip out of it savoring the taste. It slightly burned your tongue but you didn't care. It only takes a minute for you to finish the drink. Mitch takes it out of your hand and sits it on the coffee table.

Sitting up, you thank him for getting it for you. "Your welcome. Awake now?" You nod your head. Actually, you were full of more energy than you should have been. "How much sugar did you put in that?" He looks down at you. "Your usual. Two tablespoons." (A/n if you don't like that much, pretend).

That actually was your usual but something was wrong. "I think the sugar is interacting with my pain meds. Cause I'm full of more energy than a Chihuahua on steriods." He chuckles at you but you look up at him. "No. I'm serious. And I can't run it off. How in the world am I gonna get rid of this?"

"I have a few ideas." You hear Mitch mumble. You turn towards him. And smack him upside the head. "Perv!" The others just give you a questioning look. "What did he say?" Scott asks. You stare at him for a moment before he catches on.

His eyes widen and he looks at Mitch for a second. "Wow dude."

"What?!" He says looking between the two of you. You just sigh as he continues. "I'll be back." He says, looking dissapionted. He stands up and makes his way up to his room. You all watch him as he leaves. Scott goes to follow him. "I should probably go talk to him.

You hold your hand up. "Let me." You stand up slowly and then walk over to the stairs. You may have walked like nothing was wrong but the pain shooting up your leg was almost unbearable. You bite your lip as you walk up the stairs to Mitch's room.

You knock on his door and he opens up rather quickly. He looks down at you. "I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have said that." He runs his hands through his black hair.

"It's okay. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." You barely make it through the statement without wincing. He notices you're in pain and looks down at your leg.

"Come in. You really shouldn't have walked up the stairs to come see me. You're in pain." He throws his arm around your shoulder and helps you into his room, lightly closing the door behind the two of you.

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