Problems at the Club

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Your last thought hadn't been completely correct. But still was on some levels. Did you regret getting drunk? Maybe. Did you regret dancing with another guy? Definitely.

Okay. Flashback. So you had just finished dancing to the first and just like normal, another one came on. Aaron pulls you over to the bar and orders a beer for each of you. And after that came another. And another. And you lost track after that. Aaron only bought you the first two, then stopped, not even realizing you kept getting more.

After finishing your, 5th? drink, what little mind you have left tells you to take a break. You could still walk and talk, but wouldnt be able to if you took one more drink. You hear a slow song start and see someone walk over to you. It was the bartender from earlier. He must've gotten off and been let to stay.

"Hey sweetheart. Wanna dance?" He asks holding out a hand. You hesitate for a moment, but end up giving him your hand. He leads you to the dance floor. He actually strays front he typical hands on the waist thing and gives you one of his hands and only puts one on your waist as you put got other hand on his shoulder. Almost like the typical middle school dance scenario.

But by the next song, which was unluckily slow, you find that he had moved his hands down to rest on your waist, pulling you slightly closer. You try and ignore it and move your hands to his shoulders.

You had found out that his name was James and that he was 26. He worked at the club at nights and at a Starbucks in the mornings. He was in fact single, which he had made sure to enter into the conversation. You were surprised that you remembered that and you hadn't even said anything. You felt like the hangover part was coming too quickly and didn't want to open your mouth.

You were now back to your senses luckily, but appernetly he thought you were still drunk. He slips one hand down to your butt and squeezes it a little. You stiffen up and look at him. He just smirks at you and true to lean in for a kiss. But it was too bad, because he gets a punch to the face before he can.

You shake off your hand a little as he holds his now bleeding nose. He looks up at you from his bent over position. "What the he** is wrong with you, you b****." You just shrug and walk over to the bar ignoring him.

You see RDJ and Chris E are just staring at you. Sighing, you sit down in between them. While sitting down you realize that you had blood on your hand. Turning around you look for the bartender. But before you can call him over to ask him for a napkin Chris hands you one.

"You probably don't want them seeing blood on your hands." He says. You nod your head and thank him. "Anytime." He says smiling. He was always so calm. And unlike other people you knew why. You were surprised he even came out tonight.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and your turn around to face RDJ. He just stares at you with a mix of surprise and appreciation on his face. "What exactly was that?" He asks. You laugh lightly before answering. "He grabbed my a** and so I punched him. He had been trying to pull stuff all night. One of those idiots who takes advantage of drunk girls."

"You're drunk?"

"No. Not anymore. The effects of the beer kinda wore off ab-" you cut yourself off with a sharp intake of breath. You could feel the pain in your chest from the rib, but you wished you didn't. Your chest wasn't even hurting earlier so you hadn't put anything on it. Stupid a** desicion.

He places a hand on your shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asks. You nod your head and try to shuffle around in your seat but the throbbing pain comes back even worse. You stop, closing your eyes and tipping your head back. "Not really."

You hear Chris get up on your other side. Hopefully to go and get the other Chris and Aaron. Then Robert speaks confirming your beliefs. "Chris just went to grab the others. Just don't move too much." You nod your head, opening your eyes. You look over at him and see genuine concern on his face.

About a minute later Chris E comes back over with Chris H and Aaron. The two run up to you. "Are you alright?" Aaron asks.

"Obviously I'm not, Aaron!" You practically yell at him. He seems slightly taken aback by your sudden burst of anger. "Sorry. I didn't mean to have that tone. The pain is worse. Like seriously worse. Can one of you get me my phone. I need to call them."

Chris H shakes his head. "No. I'll talk to them. You don't need to be moving. Not even just to talk on the phone. Let me handle this." He grabs your purse and gets your phone out of it. "Still on speed dial?" He asks. You nod your head as he types in a 3 and it calls Tom.

He walks off once he answers the phone to explain the situation. The others just stare at you. You roll your eyes. "Well don't stare at me. Go and have fun. I'll be fine as long as one person is here." The majority of them head back over to the tables and dance floor leaving RDJ and Aaron with you.

"I need to check on something real quick." RDJ says heading for the door. You sigh but then gasp again as the sharp pain in you chest becomes constant. A repeated, throbbing pain. You see Aaron sit down next to you. He doesn't say anything. Just sits down, scoots his chair closer, and throws an arm around your shoulder. You grin and rest your head on his shoulder.

"Thanks for the company."

"Your welcome. That's what friends are for."

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