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A/N : I was given ideas for this chapter by Tardis10rox. Thank you for the advice! I am also going to make it where each of them are 22. It is the spring of 2015. Basically it follows when Age of Ultron came out.

"And on another note completely, how are everyone's relationships going?" The interviewer asks. You inwardly groan. At least it would take a while for him to get around to you.

The whole main cast was in an interview right now. Which included RDJ, Chris H, Chris E, Mark Ruffalo, Aaron, Scarlett, James Spader, Jeremy, and Paul Bettany. Some of them weren't in but half of the movie but had large roles.

You turn your attention back to the conversation. You notice they had already passed Paul, James, Scarlett and Jeremy. You were at the end, next to Aaron so you would be last. But the question was moving fast.

"Yeah. Me and Elsa are doing fine. Our kids too. Not really any updates on that." Chris H says. "Well that's good to hear. What about you Chris?" The guy asks Evans. He just smirks. "No updates in that category. I'm still single."

"Ooh. Hear that ladies? Cap is still single." He says. "Okay. Moving on. Mark?"

Mark runs his fingers through his hair. "Same as Hemsworth. Kids and wife are good." Satisfied the guy turns to RDJ, Aaron, and you. "Same." Robert says.

"What about you Aaron? Your wife came with you tonight didn't she?" He nods his head. "Yes. Yes she did. And we are very happy and doing well."

Lastly the interviewee turns to you. "Ms. (L/n). Are you still single?" You sigh. "No actually. I have a boyfriend." And with those six words, all of the people in the group turn towards you. The guys were all wondering. "Spill."

"His name is Mitchell and he came with me tonight. We've only been dating for a couple weeks, but have known each other longer."

"Does this Mitchell by any chance belong to a famous music group called Pentatonix?" He asks. You groan. "Yes. Yes he does. Are we done now?" He sighs. "Yes. Cut." He wave at the camera man who turns it off.

Scarlett walks over to you. "You gotta tell me about it. Girls gotta stick together." You laugh. "Okay. Now spill to me. We have time." She steals Aarons chair which he had gotten out of and leans forward.

"Well, we used to be best friends, and we just met up again around the time they had their last tour performance. He asked me out a day or two after and I asked him to come with me tonight. He's waiting with the others." She nods her head. "What about the car accident?"

What? "What? How did you know about that." No one should have known exactly why you were using crutches except Aaron, Chris H, and Tom. "Word get around sweetheart. Believe me it does."

You sigh and give her the short story of what happened and what was physically wrong with you. You both talk a while longer before she goes off to talk to and find RDJ and Jeremy.

You get up slowly and grab your crutches. The movie would be starting in fifteen more minutes. Well, you had to be back outside to enter the actaul movie theatre in fifteen minutes. That gave you time to find Mitch, talk a little bit, and then get to where you needed to be.

As you start to head towards the door Aaron comes back up behind you. "Here. Let me help you with that." He holds the door open for you and follows you out. "Do you know where the VIP room is?" He asks you. You smirk. "You really don't know?"

"No." He says pointedly. You roll your eyes and start to lead the way. "Follow me. Well be there in about 2 minutes of walking." He groans, but you ignore it. He was really lazy sometimes. You were used to it.

He literally says hallelujah when you tell him that you're there. He walks in and almost forgets to hold the door for you. But he does and you get into the room without too much of a problem.

You look around. The room was fairly large. The whole main cast doubled would be able to fit in there. There were multiple couches and a few love seats. A few chairs were scattered everywhere and there was a bar in the back.

"Hey sweetheart." You look down to see you were standing right next to the chair Mitch was sitting in. He had a cup of soda in one of his hands. A grin takes the place of the previous frown that had been on your face.

"Hey baby." You say. He laughs and you rest the crutches against the wall. "Come here." He motions towards the chair across from him. But you walk over and bypass that chair and sit in his lap. He seems taken about at your actions but starts to smirk at you.

"What? Wanted more than just a normal view?" He asks. You rest your forehead against his. "Yeah. I want a close up view." You say, pecking his lips. He's still smirking as you pull away.

You lay your head down on his shoulder and close your eyes, sighing. He chuckles. "You sure do sigh alot. How come?" He asks. "It comes as part of being an actor?" You say, questioning yourself. "I really don't know. I shouldn't sigh as much as I do for the age that I'm at."

"And how old are you exactly?" He asks. You scoff. "Never ask a lady her age. And you should know. I did go to school with you." He shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah. So, your going to be turning 23 later on this year?" You nod you head and his smirk changes into a grin.

"I'm still older than you if I remember correctly." You roll your eyes. "Yes, but that is very common in a normal relationship for the man to be older." (A/N : you were like a mini Dr Reid from CM, sorry) He raises his eyebrows. "Man? I'm a man."

"Well what do you want to be? A boy?" He shakes his head. "I'd much rather be a man than a little boy." He pauses then whispers into your ear in his tenor voice. "But only under certain circumstances. I can always act like a boy again."

It sends a shiver down your spine the way he said it. Lord only knows what he meant. Hopefully he didn't mean that. Hopefully he didn't have any experience. But you never knew with your Mitchie.

He starts to trail a few light kisses down your neck and you try to stop him. Luckily you were closer to the front corner of the room, where no one else was. But still, you needed to stop before things went too far. "Mitch. Stop. We're in public." He stops for a second and looks into your (e/c) eyes. He smirks. "We can continue that later then."

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