Getting Back (pt 1)

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"Are you sure you're okay to move more?" He asks. You roll your eyes. "If you tried to pick me up it would just make it hurt worse than me walking. So yes." He looks at me for a moment before returning to helping me get off the stool and make my way to the door. Aaron and Chris H were going to ride with me in the limo on our way to Ben and Tom's temporary apartment.

He helps me limp over to the doorway and when we make it outside I see Chris hang up the phone. He turns around to the two of us and gives a sympathetic smile. "They're obviously worried about you. They said that they would be waiting at the apartment and that they had already dropped Mitch off about half an hour ago. And that you should call him."

"Crap. I can't believe I actually forgot him. I'm a bad girlfriend. Give me my phone." He hands it to you and you immediately dial Mitch's number. He answers after the second ring. "Hey (Y/n). Something wrong?"

You take a deep breath, feeling a sharp pain in your chest. "Well kinda, yeah. The pain in my chest is even worse than this morning. My leg and arm aren't that bad, but it hurts a little bit to breathe. I'm headed over to Tom and Ben's place. They're gonna take me back to your place. But if things get worse I might have to go back to the hospital."

The line goes silent for a moment before you hear a sigh on the other end. "I shouldn't have let you go out tonight. I feel horrible that you got hurt...gosh (y/n)."

"Don't feel that way Mitch. Its my fault. I should've known this was gonna happen. Pain killers don't last that long, and dancing didn't help any. Don't apologize. It good enough to know you care that much about me."

The guys are staring at you as your talking to Mitch. They look concerned, though why, you didn't know.

"Alright. Just call me if you need to go to the hospital and I can meet you there." He sound slightly happier than earlier which makes you smile. "Okay. See you soon, bye."


You hang up after saying goodbye and slide you phone into your purse. Looking back up at the guys you try a smile. They both smile back at you. "It should be here any second." Chris says. As he say that though, it pulls in right behind him. "Here we go." He opens the door to let you and Aaron in first.

Aaron climbs in to help you get in from the inside of the limo. With a lot of tumbling and grimacing, you make it in. You slowly ease yourself into the seat. Chris climbs in behind you and give the driver the address. You end up seated between the two men, leaning your head on Chris's shoulder.

You can't see but he was smiling down at you. He throws an arm around your shoulder, laying it down gently, not wanting to harm you. But he doesn't. Sighing, you close you eyes. If you fell asleep, you wouldn't be able to feel the pain as much. But before you drift off you feel Aaron rest his hand on your knee and kiss your forehead.

|time skip brought to you by PTX concerts!|

"(Y/n). Wake up. We're here."

You yawn and open your eyes. You had slept the whole ride to Tom and Ben's apartment. How long that must've been you had no idea. You see Aaron and Chris looking down at you. Attempting a smile, you try and sit up, only to grimace at the sharp pain in your side and lay back against Chris. They both give you sympathetic looks.

Aaron opens up the door of the limo and steps out. "I'll go ahead and get the two of them. Which apartment is theirs?" You give him the number and he runs off. Barely keeping your eyes open you look up at Chris. He looks back at you.

"I'm guessing your not feeling too well. Is it worse than earlier, or the same?" He asks. You sigh. "A little bit worse, actually." He frowns. He obviously felt bad about that. Especially about the fact that he would have to practically carry you out of the car.

A minute later Aaron, Ben, and Tom are all by the side of the limo trying to find a way to get you out with as little pain as possible. But in your mind, there would be no way to get you out with something hurting.

And a fair amount of pain later, you're standing/leaning outside of the limo. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" Chris asks. You nod your head. "Yeah. And if it gets worse and I go to the hospital, I'll call you." He nods his head and gives you the softest hug he can before climbing into the limo. Aaron comes over and does the same thing. "Never think you can't talk to me. I'll always be here for you." You grin as he climbs in by Chris.

As the limo drives away you look up to Tom, who you had been leaning against the whole time. He grins down at you, those pearly whites shining even in the dark of night. "Can you carry me?" He nods his head and picks you up bridal style like you were a feather.

He carries you back up the stairs, following Ben. They were going to go over some stuff with you and you were going to call Mitch again before you left. But that doesn't end up happening. Instead, like the pained girl you are, you fall asleep again.

•Tom's POV•

You shake your head. She was asleep again. But she needed it. With all the pain she was in, all the meds, and the dancing and drinking tonight she had to have felt horrible.

"Here. Take her for a minute. I'm gonna take her phone and call Mitch. Tell him we'll be a while." Ben nods and takes her from you. He walks over and lightly sets her down on the couch, which results in a slight whimper from (y/n).

You sigh, finding Mitch's number in her phone. He answer on the first ring. "(Y/n)?"

"No. Its Tom. She made it here, but she's out like a light. Tired as all get out. She probably won't wake up for a while. I was thinking about keeping her overnight here, and if things are bad in the morning when she wakes up, we'll call you then."

He doesn't say anything. You were guessing he was thinking. Taking action on first instinct was not the best thing to do in these situations anyways. "That sounds good. I know that she's safe with you. Just call me when she wakes up. Or if anything happens."

"Okay. Will do. Bye."

"Bye." He hangs up and you set down the phone. Hopefully nothing would go wrong.

A/N: Hey guys, this is Mega. I am so so so sorry that haven't updated. The WiFi at my house is wacko and so we used all of our data before our plan was even halfway up. I can write but I can't publish. And I'm starting a few new stories that I will publish soon. Updates will be slow because of my WiFi issues, but I am writing! Don't lose faith in me my readers! I live. Thank you for continuing to read, and don't forget to vote please. Thank you to all of those who do vote.


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