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You get up to the right floor and start to look for her room number. Mitch points down the hallway to the left and you head down that way, following him. You make it to her door which was already open. You knock on the door while entering. She's sitting on the bed with the same clothes on from the day before. She looks up at you and smiles.
You see a small bandage on the left side of her forehead. "Hey (y/n)." Then she sees Mitch behind you. "Oh, hey Mitch! So you've come to pick me up?" You nod your head and sit down next to her on the hospital bed.

"They told me that I should be able to drive again tomorrow. Just to take it slow. And have someone drive me places for a little bit just in case." You smile and nod. She leans over and gives you a hug and you hug back. When you pull away she looks over at Mitch.

"So...why did Mitch come with you? Shouldn't he be with the rest of the group?" You look over at him. "Well, he offered to stay with me until you came back home. He spent the night on the couch." It wasn't a total lie. You see him smile but he can tell you don't want (fn/n) to know about the two of you. "That makes sense. "That was awfully nice of you Mitch." He nods his head.

"Okay. You ready to head out? All you have to do is sign this paper right here." She gives you a clipboard. You grab it along with the pen and sign your name. She takes it back from you and sets it on the bed. Then she stands up and walks to the door. "You coming?" You smile and you follow her out the door with Mitch right behind you.

Once you make it to the car you turn to (fr/n). "Okay, I was thinking it might be a good idea for you to lay down in the back seat." Without saying anything she climbs into the back seat and lays down. By the time you get unto the car she's already asleep, slightly snoring. You look over at Mitch and smile. "She doesn't snore that loud. And she's a heavy sleeper."

He nods his head and turns up the CD player. He puts on his song and you both sing along to the background vocals as you drive back to the apartment. But before you make it halfway there, you hear a voice from the back.

"Are we going to stop anywhere to eat something?" She says in a tired voice. You roll your eyes.
"You and your big stomach. Yes, we can stop somewhere. What sounds good to you?" Her eyes widen with what you're guessing is hunger.

"Mexican." You smirk. That's what she wanted anytime you were out somewhere. "Okay. Mexican it is. That okay with you Mitch?" He smiles and nods. Good thing you hadn't passed the exit for the best Mexican food, yet. You get off at the next exit and within three minutes you make it there.

Once you park you climb out. Mitch has to get out before (fr/n) can. Once you're all finally out of the car you head into the restaurant. The person at the front counter leads you to the booth you normally sit at. With (fr/n) liking their food so much you came here often. You sit in one side with (fr/n) across from you and Mitch sits down next to you.
(Fr/n) gives you a funny look but you just look right down at your menu and decide to get something different then you normally get. She shrugs and looks at her menu. The waiter comes back and takes your food orders along with your drink orders. You say thanks as he walks away.

(Fr/n) looks over at you. Mitch had left to use the restroom. "Is there something going on that I should know about?"
"Not really. I'll tell you later." She doesn't seem satisfied but then Mitch comes back and she stays quiet. You didn't want to tell her anything on front of either him or a restaurant full of people.

Just as Mitch sits down the waiter comes back to the table with your food and drinks. It all looks really good. You were hoping you would like what you had gotten this time. You pick up the fork and figure out where to start. You cut into it and take a bite. It melts in your mouth.
"Mmmm. This is amazing." You say. By the looks on their faces say theirs are just as good as yours.


"Have a nice day!" The waiter says as you head out the door. You smile head for the car. "Did you like your food Mitch?" (Fr/n) asks him. He nods his head. He was too full to say anything. As you climb into the car you see her give you another look as if to say, when are you going to tell me?

You all buckle up and you put the key into the ignition. You pull out of the parking lot. "Hey (y/n) can you put on George Strait?" She asks. You nod and put in the CD.

You let the CD play through the first few songs instead of fast forwarding. You just let her sing and you take a break from it. Your voice was starting to get a little hoarse.

You pull into the parking lot at the apartment complex and park in your spot. Mitch is the first to get out so (fr/n) can get out. You climb out of the car and head inside right behind them.

"Hey (y/n), do want to go ahead and drive me back or is it too dark out?" Mitch asks you. You think about it. It was already 5:30 because you had taken the long way around. But it was already almost pitch black out.

"I guess you can spend tonight here and I can drive you back tomorrow morning." You give a small smile.

He smiles back. "Thanks."

"Hey, (y/n), I'm going to go to bed. Let me sleep in tomorrow morning." You nod your head and she heads to her room and you hear her close the door. You plop down on the couch and Mitch drops down right next to you. He turns on the TV to HBO. (F/movie) was on and he leaves it on.

You yawn. It had been a long day. Mitch notices you. "Wanna lay down?" You don't know in what way he meant it but you lay down across the couch and put your head in his lap. He seems a little surprised but he relaxes and puts his hand on your back.

A little while later you yawn again which passes on to Mitch. "Now look who's tired." You say. He smirks. He motions for you to get up. You do, but wonder why. He repositions himself to laying down facing the TV. He pats the spot in front of him.
You smile and lay down in front of him. He wraps his arms around your waist and you cuddle into his arms. You both lay there until drifting off to sleep.

Long Lost Friend (Mitch X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now