A Night Out

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A/N : Hey guys, hope y'all had a good holiday season. I am definitely not ready to go back to school after it, but I will try and keep the updates as quick as possible. Please remember while reading this part that you are of age, and if you are in real life, pretend that you like the drink I choose.

"Soooo....what did you think?" You ask the Tom. He grins and gives you a side hug. "It was amazing dear. You did great. The whole cast did. Glad I could come." You smile grabbing your crutches back from Mitch. He had already complimented your work when you were on your way out of the main theater. You were currently standing right outside the doors by the refreshment area talking to Tom.

"Okay. I'll be right back." You say. The two men nod as you head off for the bathroom. You had restrained from taking any pain pills during the movie. But since you are determined not to use your crutches while out clubbing, you knew you would need to take more before leaving.

Most people would be worried about the fact you would be drinking right after taking them, but it wouldnt effect you as long as you weren't taking the pills with the alcohol. So you were headed to the bathroom to take care of some of the pain.

The first thing you do once you make it to the restroom is drop the crutches on the floor and then make your way to the mirror. Pulling out the lipstick and lipgloss, you reapply it. You hadn't exactly been keeping your hands to yourself during the movie. You didn't want your makeup to be messed up so reapplying it was the best option.

After putting the makeup back into your purse, you head for the stall farthest away from the others. Closing the door being you you pull out the tube of numbing cream and pills.

You knew you weren't supposed to reuse the wrap, but if you were going to be walking on that leg for hours, it would be best to get rid of the pain in any way possible. You quickly rub lots of it on after unwrapping it and then rewrap if slightly tighter than before. It stings for a little bit, but you clench your teeth and deal with it.

After putting the cream away you grab ahold of the bottle and pour out three pills. Eventually taking this many would make you tired, but hopefully by then the alcohol would be keeping you awake. You doubted it but you were not going to use those crutches no matter what tonight. You wouldn't let yourself.

You make sure that everything is closed after popping the pills and put the bottle in your purse. Stepping out of the stall you head back over to the mirror and check your hair and makeup one last time. You grab your crutches and use them on the way out of the bathroom. It still hurt a little but would only be like that for a little but longer.

You see Tom nudge Mitch when he sees you walking over. He turns around and smiles at you. When you make it to him the first thing that you do it grab both crutches in one hand and balance your weight on both legs.

"Darling, don't do that. You need to use the crutches." Tom says. You shake your head. "I'm not using crutches while out clubbing, and I just took a few more pain pills. I'll be okay. And the guys will be there to watch over me."

"I don't know (y/n). I'd feel safer if you used the crutches." Mitch tells you. You sigh. "I'll be safe. Chris, Aaron, and Robert will watch over me and if something happens I can call you. But I'm sure nothing will." He just sighs and continues to look at you.

"Mitch, I'll talk to Chris about it before they leave. Would that make you feel better? They are really good people." Tom comments, putting a hand on Mitch's shoulder.

"Yeah. Just make sure that you call me when your on your way home." You groan and nod your head. It was going to be a long night.

|time skip brought to you by New Year's Day|

Climbing into the limo you can't help the grin on your face. Mitch had fully relented on you going after he spoke with Tom and Chris H. Chris had promised to watch out for you and be by your side as often as possible.

RDJ opens the little door at the front of the cab and tells the driver which club we would be going to. Unlike what you had originally thought, the guys had rented a club out for the night. The only other people allowed would be the workers who would be switching out throughout the night.

You ended up sitting in between the two Chris's at the end of the limo. They both try and put an arm around you shoulder but Chris E gets to it first. You smirk at the other and snuggle into "cap's" side. He just shakes his head at you and turns to talk to Jeremy.

Finally you arrive at the club and climb out of the limo. Balancing your weight on both legs, you notice that your right leg didn't hurt anymore. The pain was gone. Your smile growing you turn around to Chris H and walk in with him.

The club was relatively small, but there weren't very many of you so it didn't matter. The music was already turned up when you walked in and the bartender was sticking the bar.

The two of you join RDJ and Scarlett at the bar. You take a seat next to Scar (a/n: scarlett's nickname) and Chris sits in between you and RDJ. The bartender turns to you and Scar. "What can I get you two beautiful ladies?"

You smile. "I'll have a glass of red wine." He grins and turns to Scar. She just asks for a water. "Okay. I'll get y'alls drinks." He turns around to get your drinks and then Scar turns to face you.

"Okay. I didn't ask you earlier. Where did you get that beauty of a dress?" She asks. You freeze for a second, trying to come up with an answer. "If I told you you wouldn't believe me." She rolls her eyes.

"I got it from Sears. It was with the Juniors formal wear area." Her eyes widen in shock. You just shrug and take a long sip from your glass the bartender had sat down. "Now that was a good catch."



A few minutes later you had finished your drink and were still sitting at the bar, watching the others dance. Aaron walks over. "Why aren't you over here? Leg hurting?" You shake your head. "Then what is it?"

"I just don't really want to dance by myself." He smirks and you know exactly what he was going to say. "Then come dance with me." Sighing, you stand up and take his hand as he leads you to the dance floor. The last thought that races through your brain before starting to dance is, I am so going to regret this.

A/N : Just to let y'all know, since I am only about .03 away from 6K while writing this, the next part will be the special A/N that I promised. If there is anything you want to know, ask in the comments, PLEASE!!! And if not, I will decide what to tell you. (even thought it would be much easier to answer questions, hint hint). Thank you all for continuing to read!


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