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A/N : Hey guys, I am going to put in this chapter that you play the same role as keira knightly did in The Imitation Game. Sorry if you are offended. It was the most recent movie of Ben's that I could use

|time skip to later on|
*Mitch's POV*

"Bye everyone. Hopefully I'll see you soon, Mitch." You're mom says. You smile and give her a hug. She kisses you on the cheek and goes over to give (y/n) a hug too. They hug and say goodbye. She waves on her way out the door, then gets into her car and drives away. She had only stayed a little while after lunch.

It was about 6 o'clock now. She knew it was getting late and thought it would be best for her to leave. Plus there would be more room for everyone to sleep if she left.

You all sit back down and they to decide who was sleeping in what room. "We should probably separate the two of them." Kirstie says eyeing you and (y/n). "Seriously?!? Is there a problem with us being together?" (Y/n) asks. Kirstie just puts her hands up. "Okay, you two can stay in Mitch's old room. Anyone else have any ideas for the rest of us?" She asks. You look around.

*(Y/n) POV*

Scott speaks up. "Is it all right if I take the spare room with Kevin?" He asks smirking. You knew what he was thinking. Before Kirstie thinks about it she answers a "Sure." Then she realizes. "Seriously Scott!" He throws his hands up defensively. She just groans. That meant she had to room with Avi in the master bedroom. Good thing he wasn't in the room. Yet.

Then he walks in and sees the look on Kirstie's face. "Something wrong?" He asks. She looks over at him blushing. "You and Kirstie have to share the master bedroom tonight." Scott tells him. Kirstie slaps him upside the head. "Owww. What was that for!" She just shakes her head.

But she doesn't even pay attention to Avi long enough to see his face turn as red as a strawberry. He must have some sort of feelings for Kirstie, you think. Hopefully Kirstie would say something to him. They hung out a lot by the look of it, but the way they both had been acting since you had shown up seemed like more than friendship to you.

But you were happy as long you could spend more time with Mitch. You turn and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles and gives you a small peck on the lips.

"Inappropriate!!" Kirstie yells. Your eyes widen. "What was so inappropriate about that!" She just rolls her eyes. "Well. I'm gonna go ahead and go to the bedroom and turn Netflix on." She says standing up.

"I think I'll do the same. You do still have a TV in your old room right Mitch?" You ask. He nods his head. "Yeah. I think I'll come up with you. Maybe we can watch a movie you've been in." You stand up. "Maybe."

He follows you up the stairs and into his old room. Luckily he had a queen sized bed. You were surprised you hadn't noticed earlier. You plop down on his old bed and grab the remote from the bedside table. Mitch closes the door and sits down beside you. You put Netflix on, using your own password and go to the search bar. "Are you sure you want to watch something that I've been in?" He just smiles and nods his head. Sighing you enter it in.

"The Imitation Game? Wasn't that based off of the book?" You nod your head. "Yes. And I was on the top of the cast list. It was an interesting film. Especially since it was based off of real life." You hit the play button and the movie starts.

You lean into Mitch. He wraps his arm around your waist again as you snuggle into him. It always helped to be comfortable when watching a movie.


The credits start to roll by on the screen. The movie was over. By the way he acted while it was playing, it seemed as if Mitch and liked it. Then he confirms it. "That was amazing. Good movie with good actors." He says, smiling down at you. You look up and smile back.

You give him a small peck on the lips. He seems a little uncomfortable as you pull away. "What is it?" You ask him.

"Are you sure you're comfortable with this?" He asks gesturing at the bed. "I mean, I am, but are you?"

You smile. "I am perfectly okay with it. Let's just not do too much. We don't want someone to walk in on anything again." He smirks. "Well anyways, is it just me or is it cold in here?"

"Well I'm not that cold but that's what the covers are for." He gets up and so do you. He pulls the covers back and you climb under them. Mitch climbs in next to you and snuggle into him. "Want to watch something else?" You ask. "Sure. You pick."

You pick up the remote and go to the search bar. You smirk as you enter (f/cop/FBI show). Hopefully he wouldn't think it was too violent. You liked some of that kind of stuff sometimes. It was real life after all.

You click on the first episode which you had seen multiple times. As it starts to play Mitch asks what it is. "Crime show. My favorite."

"Huh. Interesting." As you sit there and watch it he doesn't seem too grossed out by it. Good. If you stayed together long enough, he would have to get used to watching it. One of your favorite things about this episode was that one of your favorite actors was in it a lot. One of the ones you hadn't met yet.

As it gets closer to the end Mitch speaks up. "Hey (y/n). Look at me for a second." You smirk and keep watching the TV. "Not if what you want is a kiss."

"Come on. What's the big deal?"

"I don't want anything serious to happen. I don't want our relationship to move that fast." He nods his head. "I understand..... But what if I promise I won't do anything like that." You laugh at his eagerness. "Sure." You look up and plant a kiss on him.

He seems surprised but quickly kisses back. You smile into the kiss. Both of his hands move to your waist as yours move up around his neck. Then you pull away from it and smile up at him. "That good enough?"

"Yep. Thank you." He says.

"Good. Cause you ain't getting anything else." He smirks. You smile and lay down under the covers. Mitch lays down behind you, but not as close as you thought he would be. "Something wrong Mitch?"

You hear him move a little bit closer. "Of course not." He whispers into your ear. It sends a shiver down your spine. He pulls you closer to him and wraps his arms all the way around your waist. You smile and snuggle into his chest. You knew you would sleep well.

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