Shopping with Scott: Part 2

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A/N : dress is a high low version of the picture. Hope u like

You look at him in the mirror. His eyes were wide. He liked it, you could tell he did. You turn around. "Like it?" He nods his head looking at it. You slightly blush. "Yeah. Kirstie would kill for that. And Mitch would kill to see you in that." He says wiggling his eyebrows at you. You laugh. "Thanks I guess? I'm thinking about getting it." You tell him, turning back around to look in the mirror.

"Where would you wear it though?" He asks. You had been waiting for that question. "Well, there is this one movie premiere that I'm going to go to. One of the movies that I haven't told you guys about. And I don't have a dress for it. I could wear this for it." He nods his head. "Good idea."

Then you notice what he's wearing. A white button down, black dress pants, and a tie. No jacket but he still looked good. "You look good too." He blushes lightly. "Thanks. Name brand, but its on sale." You walk back over to the door. "Okay. I'm going to change. Still got stuff to try on?" He nods his head. "Okay. I'll just wait out here. If you want me to be your judge I will be." He smiles. "Sure."

You both go back into your dressing rooms. You change out of the dress putting your own clothes back on. You put everything back onto the hangers and text Kirstie as you walk out of the dressing room. Tried it on. Fits well. Getting it. Still don't show Mitch. Surprise. She messages back a second later. Kk. Can't wait to see it in real life.

You sit down in one of the chairs with the clothes you're going to get and wait for Scott. When he walks out you tell him what looks good and bad and that goes on until he runs out of clothes. It was kinda nice to give someone fashion advice. He ends up getting a couple pairs of pants, two button downs, and about 4 t-shirts. He checks out first and you after him. Your total comes to $175. Expensive but worth it. You had the money, you just didn't like to spend it all.

|time skip brought to you by fashion|

You ended up finding some dress pants at (fav/store) along with some t-shirts. You and Scott were on your way to Hot Topic currently. Luckily only two people had noticed who the two of you were. One was a boy about 14 who liked the hobbit and Lotr movies. You gave him an autograph.

And the other wanted an autograph from both of you. It had been a girl who was about 16. She was obsessed with PTX and had on a Ben C shirt. She had flirted with Scott and even gave him her phone number, which he threw away after she walked away. He didn't have anything to do with it so he had decided that was the best thing to do with it.

Hopefully no one in Hot Topic would noticed you. You walk into the store and immediately head for the Lotr section. Ironic but still funny. Scott was just looking around at some of the band t-shirts and video game related stuff. You grabbed a T-shirt that head all of the elves on it (including you). Other than that you go over and look at the marvel and sherlock areas.

You end up picking 221B key earrings (srry if you don't have pierced ears) from the sherlock section. You were going to get one of the shirts but didn't want to torture Ben that much. You look over at the marvel section to see if they have any Loki stuff. Might as well get a head start on it since you would be in the movie. In the end you decide on a T-shirt that says: I'm in Loki's army, with his scepter on it.

You walk up to the counter and pay for the merch. The girl looks at you. She was wearing an elf cosplay which almost made you laugh. "You look familiar." You shake your head. "I don't think that we've ever met." You say. She seems to shrug it off but you can tell that she knows who you are. She laughs when she sees what you're getting and checks you out. You put the points on your card and pay for it.

You're about to find Scott when she speaks up. "Can I get a picture with you? My friends will never believe me that I met you." You turn around. "What's my name?"

"(F/n) (L/n)." You nod your head and she pulls out her phone. You walk over and take off your glasses. She pulls up the camera app and you get a selfie with her. She thanks you and you walk to the back to find Scott. "Hey. Ready?" He asks when he sees you. You nod.

As you walk out the girl thanks you again and you wave. "She asked for a picture with me." You explain to Scott. He nods his head, understanding. You check the clock. 11:30. "Hey Scott. We should probably call the others. Its already 11:30." You look up at him. He was looking behind you. "Look behind you (y/n)."

You turn around to see Kirstie and Mitch walking over. Kirstie was wearing her glasses and had her hair pulled back. Mitch was wearing a baseball cap that covered his face but you could still see his brown eyes. They walk up and you give Mitch a hug. "Find anything?" He asks. You look over at Kirstie. "Yeah. We did." He seems confused but shakes it off.

Kirstie smirks. "So. Where should we eat?" You look at her and at Mitch. Scott was on the phone with Avi and looks over. "Chili's okay?" He asks. You all nod and he finishes talking to Avi and hangs up. "Him and Kevin will meet us at the chili's here at 12. We can go ahead and get a table. Its probably packed." You all agree and head for the food court.

Mitch walks over and grabs your hand. You smile and entwine your fingers with his, while putting your glasses back on with the other hand. "Anyone ask for autographs?" Kirstie asks jokingly. You nod your head. "Scott gave out one to a 16 year old girl and got a phone number in return." She laughs. "Which I threw away." He reminds you.

You just laugh along with Mitch and Kirstie. "And I gave out two. One to the same girl, she had seen Imitation Game. And another to a 14 year old guy. He was a hobbit and lotr fan. Oh and I got a picture with the cashier at Hot Topic. She was wearing a cosplay for an elf. Obviously a lotr and hobbit fan." They seem slightly surprised that you had been noticed more than Scott. "Well I guess that I should have hidden my face a little bit more. And it didn't help with what I bought."

"What did you get?" Mitch ask.

"I got a Loki T-shirt, hobbit T-shirt with the elves on it and Sherlock earrings." He nods his head. You notice you had already made it to the restaurant. You walk up to the waiter. "Hello. Can I help you?" You smile politely. "Table for six." He nods his head and grabs enough menus. "Booth or table?"

"Either. And can we get one near the back of the restaurant?" You ask. He seems confused but obliges. You motion for them to follow you as you follow the man. He brings you to a round booth near the back. You slide in first and Mitch sits on one side of you with Kirstie on the other. Scott sits next to Mitch. You sit the bags down next to your feet.

"Can I see it?" She whispers. You groan. "Sure." You grab the bag and show her the dress without taking it out. She squeals. Mitch and Scott turn from their conversation to look at you and Kirstie. "What are you squealing about?" Mitch asks. Scott understands what you were doing as you slide the bag underneath the table. "I'll show you later."

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