An Invitation

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~time skip

You groan, sitting up in bed. Your alarm had went off, but it was way to early to be getting up. At least for a weekday you had nothing planned it was. The clock read 9:00 as you turn over in bed.

It had been a full week since you had invited Mitch to come to the premiere with you and only two days away. It was currently Wednesday and the premeire was on Friday. He was going to meet you at your place and you would be taking your car to Benedict's place where the limo would pick you up.

But that was a little bit away, and since everything was planned you decided to go back to bed. But as soon as you bury your head under the blanket youe phone starts to go off with the song "I Cross My Heart" by George Strait. One of your favorite country/love songs and singer.(if you haven't heard it look it up cause its good)

That meant the Mitch was calling you. You groan anyways and grab the phone, pulling it under the covers with you, into the darkness. "Hey Mitch." You say groggily. You hear him laugh on the other end of the line. "Someone's tired."

You grin. "Who is it? You? Cause I'm up and dressed already." You lie. He chuckles and continues. "Sure. I wanted to call and ask you something. I don't have anything planned for today, and if you didn't there's a place that I wanted to take you."

Your forehead creases. "Where?" You ask. "That my beautiful girlfriend is for you to find out when we get there. Can you come?" You pause a second before answering. "I can come." You can here the smile in his voice when he continues talking. "I'll pick you up in about 45 minutes. It'll take me a while to get there."

"Okay. See you then. Bye."

"Bye." He hangs up and you set the phone down on the bedside table. You lay looking up at the ceiling thinking about all the places he could take you. Somewhere fancy, old fashioned, the mall, the park. Who knew. You definitely didn't. And anothet thing to go on the list of things you didn't know, was what to wear.

You end up going with your classic black, gray, and white plaid flannel leaving it unbuttoned with a fitted black tank top underneath. You had to admit you didn't as bad as you thought you looked, except your hair.

The mess that was your hair stuck up about 2-3 inches, and was full of tangles. You sigh and start to spray it with some leave in conditioner. Hopefully that would help get the flimsy brush through your hair. You put down the bottle after a minute and grab the brush.

You look back and forth between your hair in the mirror and the brush. "Good lord above this better work." You mumble dragging the brush through you hair. It was painful even though you were used to it, and also took almost 20 minutes to get brushed thoroughly.

Since it finally looked somewhat decent, you take the time to look at the clock. Which shows that he should be here in about ten minutes. That gave you long enough to throw on some boots, a hair tie just in case, and a light weight jacket. Since the rain had just blown over it was still cool outside.

You sit and wait on the couch with your stuff. About two minutes after you had sat down you hear a knock at the door. You grin and walk over to get it. You open the door and look up to reveal nothing but the smiling face of an angel. Mitch.

"Hey sweetheart." He says giving you a kiss on the forehead. You blush lightly. You hadn't seen him since inviting him to the premiere and had missed him. Yeah you and talked on the phone and texted but as most people said, it wasn't the same.

But you continued to smile and walk out of the apartment closing the door and locking it behind you. You follow a grinning Mitch down the stairs and out to his car. He opens the passenger door for you and you hop in. He close the door and climbs in on the drivers side.

He's still grinning like a maniac while he pulls out of the parking lot. "What's up?" He glances over as you ask the question. "I'm just excited is all. Anticipating your reaction if you want bigger words." He answers. You laugh. "This better be good."

"It will be. And I'm sorry but it's going to take about 30 minutes to get where we're going. You grin you really didn't mind. "Okay. I'm just gonna doze off over here." You see him smile before you close your eyes and rest your head against the window. After a few more minutes of daydreaming, you start to drift off.

*Mitch's POV*

You glance over at her asleep in the passenger sear. Her hair was framing her face making her look even more beautiful than normal. She smiled in her sleep. Honestly it was cute. If you told her that she would probably maul you though.

You were really hoping she would remember the place you were going when you got there. It was an old childhood favorite. An old tree house hideout that was hidden in the middle of a wooded area near a place your two families had gone camping.

You and (y/n) had discovered it one of the first few days you and been there. It was definitely somewhere you had fun being. Especially at that age. Now, going back there, you hoped you could have some alone time with (y/n).

You knew she would enjoy sitting and talking about old times. It was something she liked to do and you hadn't seen each other since 11th grade so it would be nice to think back. You sigh pulling into the closest parking place to the wooded area. You then lean over to wake (y/n) up. Time to see her reaction.

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