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About an hour later, at 3:00, (fr/n) shows up at the exact same time that Tom and Ben decided to come. They all walk in together and the two men look over to Mitch.

Mitch stands up to greet them. "Hello Tom. Ben. (Y/n) has told me a lot about you two." He says shaking their hands. You had? Well a little. They widen their eyes and look over to you. Ben and Tom sit on one side of the bed, while (fr/n) sits on the opposite side of the guys.

"You don't look to good. What all happened?" She asks. You laugh. "Thank you so much. Well, we were being normal people, driving through the intersection when the other idiot came around and slammed into the passenger side at an angle, pushing me up against the console, along with shattering the window and fracturing a few of my bones."

"Well at least your okay now." Tom says smiling down at you. Mitch grabs ahold of your hand and you grin looking at him. Then you see Ben's eyes look at your hand seeing the ring then back at the two of you. "Wait a second, did you get engaged?"

"No we didn't. I had to tell the nurses that we were engaged so they would let us get into each others rooms. Just a precautionary measure. I didn't propose to (Y/n)."

(Fr/n) looks slightly disappointed but you ignore her to look at the guys reactions. They seemed relieved. "Too bad that you can't make it to the premiere tomorrow though. I know I won't be allowed in, but I know that you, Tom, and Mitch were looking forward to that." Ben says. You eyes light up.

"Actually, the nurse said that as long as I'm careful and use crutches, I can leave tomorrow morning. They wrapped up my torso and my leg. As you can see my arm is in a cast but other that that I have a bruised tailbone. Nothing too major. Oh, and I need to come back soon to get the stitches out." They seem horrified at what all is wrong with you but you were actually being positive for once.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Tom asks. You turn your head to him. "Yep. I'll have you and Mitch to take care of me. And when neither of you can be there for some of the things, one of the Chris's can help me." They don't seem fully convinced but you were going to go to the premiere so you would be happy.

"We'll see you in the morning okay? Where should we pick you to up?"

"My place I guess. Kirtsie is going to want to help get her ready I can guarantee that." He gives them the info and they head out. (Fr/n) leaves not to long afterwords after dropping off a change of clothes along with some other stuff.

Joe comes in and says that he wouldn't be checking in on you until morning and that since Mitch had been cleared he could stay with you for the night. You were surprised that they allowed it but were definitely okay with it.

Once he closes the door Mitch climbs into the bed and lays down in front of you. "We probably should have called Scott." You say. His eyes widen. "No I should have. I can right now. They might let him in." You nod your head as he walks out of the room and to the main desk.

He comes back a few minutes later. "I called him using their phone and they said that him and one other could come and visit for a little bit. Him and Avi should be here any minute. I thought that Kirtsie would want to come but Scott said she's already asleep. Don't ask me why." He closes the door and walks over, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Okay. Lay with me until they get here?" You ask. "Sure. But they'll be here soon. Only for a few minutes." You grin as he climbs over you to lay behind you. Your facing the door so you would know when they came in. He wraps his arms around your waist, careful to avoid hitting your rib. But it was against the bed anyways.

You're just about to drift off when a knock comes at the door. Mitch immedialty jumps up and walks over to the bed. You just lay there trying not to fall asleep. He opens the door and lets Scott and Avi in.

You slightly smile at the two of them. Scott walks over and sits in the chair next to your bed and Avi sits at the end of your bed. You sit up so your closer to their level.

"You doing okay?" Scott asks. You nod your head. "Yeah. I hurt in multiple places but I'm okay. Did Mitch tell you exactly what all was wrong with me?"

"No, he didn't." Avi says. They both look pointedly at him and he shies away against the wall. "Don't hate on him. Its not like it was his fault. I have a fractured arm." You lift it up. "A bruised tailbone, a very small fracture in my right rib, and my right leg is extremely bruised."

"That does not sound good." Avi says. You nod your head. "So are still gonna be going to the premiere tomorrow?" Scott asks.

"Yeah. The nurse said that as long as I use crutches for the leg that I can leave in the morning. They just want me to come back soon to get my stitches taken out." His eyes widen. "Stitches?"

"The glass in the window shattered and a larger piece sunk into my right thigh. They had to stitch it up." He nods his head.

"Probably a bad time to bring this up, but what are we gonna do about the car?" Avi asks. Mitch sighs and walks over. He climbs into the bed and sits next to you. "You had to bring that up didn't you?"

"Well. I guess we can just give you a ride for a while or you can get a cheap one." Scott suggests.

"Are you trying to save all of the tour money?" They nod their heads. "I can help you pay for one."

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