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Another morning, another day and another problem to face.

Today I had to escort Marie, Grace, and Monique to a One Direction concert. Their names alone made me want to puke.

It's not that I had much against them. It's just that they are Pop Stars and they are all the same. Stuck up wannabes and spoiled brats who think they can get whatever and whomever they want. Also because everywhere I've worked there was always that one coworker who was obsessed with them. Let's just say I know way more than I need too.

I groaned and finally got up and out of bed. I couldn't believe what I got myself into. I did my usual routine. Is that what my life has become, a routine.

I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans and paired it with burgundy v-neck top. I laced up my black and white converses and was ready to go.

I grabbed my bag and shoved two changes of clothes into it, including: my charger, headphones, wallet, and the tickets.

I drive up into my brothers driveway and the girls are overflowing with excitement. They keep jumping up and down. Are they going to do this the whole ride? I pop the trunk open and Jacob puts each of their little backpacks in. He tried to give me some extra cash, I refused, but he placed it in my hand anyways. I rolled my eyes and got behind the wheel.

Two hours into the drive I couldn't take it anymore. The silence was killing me. I look back at them through the rear view mirror. They just sat there. All three of them just staring at me. So I tried to make conversation.

"So, are you girls excited to see One Direction?" I started.
"Yeah!" Exclaimed Grace. "I can't wait to get there."
"Are we there yet?" Whined Monique. She just had to start it. Then all three of them chimed in. I honestly preferred the silence.
Three straight hours of hearing, "Are we there yet?" I was about ready to shoot myself.

Finally I see the Staple Center, "We're here." What a relief. It was enormous and many emotional girls were already here. We are like two hours early. Don't they have lives?

I was looking for a parking space and there was none available. What was the big deal about a couple of guys singing? It's not like they had the best reputation either. I found one like on the other side of the lot. I took the tickets out of my bag and slipped them into my back pocket. We headed to the entrance. The girls walked slow. I tried to reduce my pace. I saw Monique struggling to keep up. I stopped and carried her the rest of the way.

When we get there teenage girls are scrambling to get into the stadium even some guys. I grab the girls hands because I don't want them to get lost or trampled over by everyone. We don't want to get in the way of hormonal teenage girls and their idols. I make the decision to wait until there are less people going in so I won't loose the girls. What was the whole commotion about four guys? I've never actually seen them but I assumed they were just like any other guys.

The place is enormous. I felt so small. We made our way to our seats, it filled up really quickly. It was dark and the stage lights up, the concert was about to begin. My phone kept vibrating in my pocket. I left and instructed the girls not to leave and that I would be right back. It was strange, I really didn't have many friends and Jacob knew I was here. Who could it be? I walked out and all I heard was some kind of accent saying, "Hi. We are One Direction."

"Hello?" I answer.
"Jade? Wow I'm surprised you picked up." Oh no. I knew that arrogant voice anywhere. He never called me at this time.
"So I was thinking-" I didn't know that was physically possible for him."-we should get together next Friday. I doubt you have anything planned so I'll pick you up on Friday." The call ended.
Nice talking to you too.

Hearing his voice had me shaken up. The thought of seeing him next Friday was an even worse feeling. I couldn't just go back to the concert. I was struggling to process things. I thought bringing the girls to the concert was my problem for the day. I paced back and forth hoping to clear my head.

What am I going to do? What am I doing?

I saw a little girl with long, straight brown hair with the biggest smile on her face and a bottle of water in her hands. She looks just like Monique. Monique? I totally forgot that I left the girls. And alone. I went to the snack bar bought them each a corn dog and water. Hope this will make up for it.

Damn. Theses things are expensive. Like the concert wasn't expensive enough. They have to over price everything.

I go back and I felt my ears start to bleed. It was so loud. The girls were standing on their seats going crazy. I know they didn't get that from their father. He was always so serious, but I understood why. I gave them their overly priced food and beverage.

I really wasn't into the whole concert thing. The environment was intense. Girls screaming, crying and I think I saw one look like she was about to faint.

I look towards the stage and you can't really see much. If it weren't for the screens and microphones you wouldn't have had much of a clue as to what was going on.

Jacob had always been a bit of a penny-pincher. I was surprised when he told me he bought them tickets. He probably got them for sale or from a friend for cheap.

Monique really couldn't handle staying up any longer. She came and sat on my lap. I cradled her and she slept in my arms. Who brings a 4 year-old to a concert? Oh wait I do.

I ended up crashing out too. She just looked so peaceful. I didn't really know how I could considering how noisy it was. I woke up to the girls tugging at my arm and telling me it was over. I'm kinda glad I slept because I was planning on just driving home and returning the money we were to use for the hotel. I didn't like taking money from people, or anything for that matter. I also felt guilty, since I was just sleeping some other fan could have gotten the ticket I used.

I fastened each of the girls into their seats and then started home. When I left the Staples Center's parking lot my car began to make a strange noise. I don't know much about cars but I knew that it didn't sound good. I keep going anyways and pray that it's just nothing. Not far into town the hood of my car had smoke coming out of it. I pulled over and my car stopped completely so I called a tow truck.

The man was very kind. He gave us a lift to his repair shop and said that he would have it fixed by tomorrow. He directed us to the nearest hotel, but warned it was very pricey. Just my luck. It wasn't far, but I don't think I could afford it. I also had the girls with me, they wouldn't be able to walk to another hotel.

The man was generous enough to give us a ride to the hotel. It was less than 30 minutes from his shop. It read Four Seasons Hotel. "Thank you for everything." I said. It looked like it could be the Queen of England's vacation home. The stench of the rich was in the air. Delightful.

I hear screaming girls. The screams sounded familiar, but all screams are the same right? I look over and many teenage girls are trying to get in. Trying to catch a glimpse of whoever was inside.

"Oh, fun. I wonder what snob celebrity is staying here."

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