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I walk into the room and see Grace, Marie, and Monique sitting up on the bed. They were wide awake compared to about five minutes ago."I thought you were sleeping?" I ask raisin my brow. "We were, but our tummies started making noises."replied Marie. Noises? They were hungry.

It's makes sense, they haven't eaten since the concert."Ok, I'll be back. Don't open the door at all, I have a key so I can let myself in. Just wait here." I instructed.

I'm always abandoning them. I hope they don't mention it to their father. He would have my head.

I didn't have much money left. Most of it went towards the room and the car repair. I guess I'll have to come up with something. Man what am I going to do?

I leave the room. I take the elevator down to the lobby. I looked for the dining area. I try not to act suspicious walking calmly.

I walk in and I'm stopped at the entrance. Why does this seem familiar? Why are they always stopping people? Honestly like do I look like a suspicious person? I mentally slap myself. I do. And I still haven't changed it of my wet clothes.

"Reservation ma'am." I was about to speak when a waiter came out, taking his attention. I take a glance down at his reservation list. When he asks me again I say the first name I remember, "I'm meeting Mr. Parker." He checked his list. "Ok, right this way." He motions into the dining room."It's ok, I can find him myself." He nods.

I walk slowly searching for where the waiter went. I spot him and head in that direction. On my way I pass a room that read "Employees Only." I go inside.

There is a white button up shirt folded nicely on a bench, an apron hung on a hook, and name tags on a table.

I button the shirt up, tie the apron around my waist. I pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail and pinned on a name tag. April, ok.

I back out into the dining hall. I head to the kitchen and run straight into the head chef. Towering over me, he gives me a hard stare one that could make me drop dead where I stood.
"Who are you?" He snarled.
"I'm the new waitress."I squeak. I cough clearing my throat and straighten up.
He gives me one more hard look and says, "Fine, take this cart up to room 320. Don't screw up runt!" Ouch. I'm glad I don't work for him.

I pushed the cart out the back door. I see there is a service elevator. I look into the pockets of the apron and find a code on a piece a paper. I punch it in to the keypad. five, eight, five, three.

I take the food up, but I don't stop on the third floor, I keep going until the fourth. I make three lefts and a right and find myself in front of my room.

I carry the two trays into the room and put them on the counter. "Eat up. I'll be right back." I take the empty trays and put them back on the cart. I look around to make sure no one is watching. I go to the nearest supply closest and push the cart in there. I take off the shirt and apron and throw it into the closet.

I jog back to my room and pray that no one notices a few trays of food missing, besides those from room 320.

I walk back into the room to see the Marie and Grace have mouths smeared with barbecue sauce. Then there Monique with some red sauce on hers. I look at the plates and see what was there. Ribs with mashed potatoes and corn. The other had spaghetti. 

I take corn and sit on the bed to eat it. Bon Appetit girls. I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me.

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