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"Jade are you ok?" Niall asks me concerned.
I nod."I'm fine just a bad dream. That's all."
"Are you sure?" Harry repeated.
I change the subject."Where are we exactly?"
Liam looks at me skeptically. "An amusement park."
"I thought you said we would do something in town?" I commented.
"It's in the spirit of the town." Louis defended.
"Wait people are here." I said.
"Course what kind of amusement park would it be if there were no people?" Niall chuckled.
"But won't it be hard since you all... you know... like famous?"
"That's why they have these." Demonstrated Harry.
I look and there are glasses, fake mustaches, and large trench coats. I started to laugh. They all stared at me. "Oh, you guys are serious."

Harry put on a pair of sunglasses and pulled at his lip ring.

Louis puts on some sunglasses and a mustache.

Niall put some regular glasses and a baseball cap.

Liam put on a grey hoodie and some glasses. He pulled the hood up over his head.

They weren't much of disguises.

I was wearing a black and white striped, long sleeved shirt that clung to my body, some light blue jeans and some brown boots.

They had got to be kidding but I humored them. We got in line and people kept staring at us. We are an odd bunch. I didn't bring anything but my phone so I didn't have money for a ticket. Those punks. They planned this. Harry paid for all of us. I glared at him and he gave me a smirk.

It took us forever to get in, the lines were so long. In front of the entrance was a pond, water shot up. Someone grasped my shoulder and turned me around. It was a man with an intimidating stare. He looked just like my father. His hand hadn't let go of my shoulder. He just kept staring me down. Harry stepped in. "Excuse me-" he threw his hand off my shoulder."-can I help you with something?" The old man kept staring at me. "You have a problem with my girlfriend, you can take it up with me." Harry got up into his face. The man grunted then walked away.

"Girlfriend? Huh." I teased. His face turned a slight pink. He looked adorable. "Um... Yeah. I said whatever I could to get him to leave you alone. Like I would have a girlfriend." I didn't believe him. I patted his shoulder and walked away.

The first roller coaster we went on was called The Vortex. It was purple and yellow, it was the smallest out of all of them. How bad could it be? We stood and the safety bars locked us in place. It was very fast, it made three loops. I shrieked of excitement. Harry had his eyes closed the entire ride. I rose my hands in the air and enjoyed the ride. We were coming up to the camera and I flipped it off. When the ride stopped I dashed down the stairs and to the area where they had the photos. I really wanted it. Harry and Louis looked terrified. Niall's eyes look so small because of the speed we were going and Liam's eyes were literally popping out of his head. Then there was me. They eventually caught up with me. They didn't like the picture. "It's because we didn't know where the camera was." Louis defended. "Well I love the picture." "Alright then. Can I buy that picture." Harry declared. I thanked him. For being an asshole he had a piece of a heart somewhere deep down.

I pulled Louis' arm and dragged him to the next ride with me. I looked up it was very high. It could have been more than fifty feet in the air. The Drop Tower. "There is no way in bloody hell I'm going up there." He cursed. "Come on, please for me." I jutted out my bottom lip and fluttered my eyelashes. "Fuck. Fine." I win.

It was Harry, me, Louis, then Liam. Niall went to the snack bar to eat. We start to slowly rise. When we got to the top it stopped. You could see the entire park, the parking lot and some houses in the distance. The ride shook. Louis took my hand and squeezed it. He had a very strong grip. Harry had my other hand. I don't doubt Louis was also holding Liam's hand too. The ride dropped a bit, then it descended quickly. My hair was standing up. You drop at such a quick speed you hardly have enough time to scream. What a rush. "Let's do it again."

We didn't really go on many rides. The guys said they valued there life's. I think they're just being big babies. "I've never been to a place like this before I'm having so much fun." I twirl around. "Really? Who has never been to an amusement park?" Harry questioned. "Never had the money nor time to come." I shrug it off.

We went to the gaming area afterwards. Niall and Louis tried to climb a swinging ladder. Louis fell half way up. Niall's ladder flipped over, but he clung onto the ladder for dear life. He was determined to hit the red button at the top. He was an inch away from it, when he lost his grip and fell.

Next we went to a game were you had to knock down the some plush Russian doll looking things. I pitched one of the softballs at the stand and the doll fell. We needed three more to win the giant, purple panda. Liam threw the next one, it went tumbling down. Louis hurled the next one and knocked it down. Niall launched the last one and hit it, but the ball bounced back and hitting the attendant. I cracked up. He was pissed. "Hey we knocked them all down." I announced. "I don't know what you're talking about." The attendant mumbled. "Yes you do mate. It's right there." Louis pointed. I grabbed one of the balls and threw it at him. "Hey! Where's my panda?" I interrupted.
I threw another ball. "Stop or I'll have to ask you to leave." He nagged. "I'm not leaving until I get my panda." I persist. Liam lifted me up and I unhooked the giant, purple panda. We all ran in the other direction. He yelled after us. Louis carried the panda. He stood it on the ground and it was almost the same height as me. I fell on the floor in a fit of laughter.

Harry comes up to us."Where have you been?" I ask getting off the floor."I was at one of the other stands." He shrugged. His hands were behind his back."What are you hiding?" I try to look past him. "This? It's for you. I won it." It was a stuffed giraffe with nerd glasses, and a red bow tie. "Really? Thank you." I take it out of his hands. He shrugs his shoulders.

Harry and I walk behind the rest of the guys and the panda. I gave him a kiss on the check and thanked him again. The sun had set but I could still see the hint of pink in his cheek.

Today was the best day I've ever had.

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