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Harry's POV

"Jade! You have know idea how happy I am to hear you voice." You can hear her giggling on the other end. "I mean I knew you would be alright." What is wrong with me?

"Are you ok? I heard what happened on the news. Why were you with that guy anyways?" I questioned.
"He made plans to go out to dinner on Friday. We were coming back early because he got us kicked out." She explained. He made plans?
"How do you know him?" She let out a deep breath.
"We went out a few times but it didn't work out because he is too controlling and serious."
Hmm. I don't believe her, she is concealing something from me. It's none of my business though. Yet there is still in the back of my mine that pisses me off about this guy.
"We have our last concert tonight. What do you think about the guys and I going down to see you tomorrow."
"That's great. You should know where it is thanks to the news and I'll text you my address. I can't wait to see you guys."
"Me too." I hung up. With me here and her there made my plan much more difficult.

The fact that she is ok made me feel better as well. There goes the feeling thing again. I don't like it. I knew she was ok, but I still wondered.

I go to Liam's room. The guys are all in there. "We heard the news, how is she?" Niall sounded very concerned. "She's fine. I'm going to see her tomorrow. Would you guys like to come?" They stared at me and gave me a look as if did-I-just-really-ask.

We drove to the concert and went to out dressing room. Lou did my hair upwards as always. That's become a thing of mine. I change into my black jeans and shirt. The shirt hugged my torso tightly.

That was the best concert performance I've ever given. I actually tried to sing well tonight. The fans should appreciated the fact I'm in somewhat of a good mood. It's as joyful as it's going to get.

We leave to the airport straight after the concert. Louis thought it would be fun to surprise her. My palms were sweating. Strange. Butterflies were going crazy in the pit of my stomach. What is this girl doing to me? She's nothing more than a one night stand to me, right?

We land and I notice we are still about an hour or so away. Her town is apparently that small it didn't have an airport. Neither did the neighboring towns.

We all hopped into the rental car. I was growing impatient. We passed through two towns first. I think they were towns. Sign after sign and it didn't seem like we were making any progress. Gonzales, Soledad, Greenfield. I've never heard of these places before. I read a sign and it says "Welcome to King City." It's about fucking time.

1432 Oak Avenue was her address. The town is miniature compared to everywhere else I've been. There isn't much to it. There is graffiti everywhere. Broken windows, old houses, even the grass was dead. Police sirens filled the air. There were druggies, and homeless people around every corner. I could have sworn I heard a gun shot as well. She lives here? This has got to be a joke.

We ended up getting lost. I think we might've passed it like three times everything appeared to be the same. We stop at an apartment complex. It was gated and had faint brick walls. I felt as if I were to lean on the wall it would collapse. So much for security. I buzzed in. An entry code was needed. Why need an access code when the walls are crap. I look through her text.


Her apartment number is the same as her room at the Four Seasons. Yes, I remembered.

We walk up to a green door. The paint was clearly chipping off. The bricks had some various symbols on it. She even had dead plants outside her home. I finally knock, gently so I wouldn't break the door. She opens the door. I take in all of her presence. I notice she had what resembled to what used to be a black eye. She must have gotten that from the crash.

"Oh my God! Guys!" She shouts coming in for a group hug. "Come in."

Her apartment was small. He perfect size for one person I guess. Her walls were a pale blue and she had nothing really hung up on her walls. She had a T.V. and a speaker with stacks and stacks of music.

Jade's POV

"Um... well welcome to my crappy little home." I laugh. "My house is your house so do as you please. I'll be right back." I grasp my stomach and go into my room. I close the door and look at the full body mirror.

I lift up my sweater. I trace my finger around the black purple spots on my stomach. I flinch as I make contact with the bruises. I sigh. "Ok you can do this. Just fight through the it."

I walk back to the guys. Niall is scavenging through my fridge. Liam is flipping through the channels on the T.V. Louis and Harry were going through my music and CDs.

"You know most people have there music on an iPod or there phone right?" Harry raises a brow at me. "Like I said I didn't get the privilege to own one." I say taking the album out of his hand and placing it back on the shelf.

"Are you guys hungry?" I heard a unison of yes's but Niall's stood out the most which made me burst out laugh. "Alright coming right up."

I pull my hair back into a ponytail. I roll up my sleeves and look in the fridge for something to cook. They all gather around the island near the sink and watch.

Harry is very quiet with a hard look on his face.  He comes up from behind me and grabs my wrist. "What is this?" He is referring to the bruises on my arm. I curse under my breathe. I pull my arm back and slide my sleeves back down. I look alway from his piercing look. I tug at the end of my sweater too. He spins me around to face him. He lifts up the end of my sweater to make my bruises evident.

"Who hit you?" He growls.

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