Thirty One

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It's 5 o'clock. I start to get ready for tonight. I take another quick shower, but I don't wash my hair.

I fix my hair first. I pin it back and create a small bump on the top. I curl the hair in the back making loose curls. I have a loose strands of hair on either side of my face. I part some of my hair so that it sits on either side of my shoulders.

Next I try and apply light makeup. I've never really done it before so this should be an adventure. I swipe some mascara on my eyelashes. I'm terrified I will poke my eyes out or get some in my eyes. I put a light layer of lip gloss on. Done. That's as good as it's going to get.

Lastly, I need to put on the dress. I step into the dress and pull it up. It was very beautiful. I couldn't believe Harry bought this for me. I still couldn't help think there was something behind it.

By the time I'm done getting ready it's 6 o'clock. That is the longest it has ever taken me to get dressed. I make my way down stairs. The guys are all dressed up and in their suits.

"You look amazing Jade." Louis says giving me a kiss on the cheek. We've been together for over a week. He still always manages to put a smile on my face and make me feel beautiful.

Niall whistles at me. "Jade who knew you could look this hot." I pick up a pillow. I throw it at him. "I may be dressed like a girl but that doesn't mean I hit like one." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Forget Niall. He doesn't know what he's taking about." Liam says. "You almost messed up my hair Jade." Niall whines looking at a mirror adjusting his hair.

Harry comes down stairs with Jane's arm entwined with his. She looked beautiful, almost sexy. Weird. That was a strange thought. I became self conscious. She was wearing a tight red dress. It showed off all her curves. It was short and her hair was down in tight curls. Her makeup was heavy, in my opinion, but it looked perfect. Harry had his Harry slicked upwards as usual. He wore a black dress shirt and black skinny jeans. At the top of his shirt some of his tattoos peeked out of his collar.

We all drove in the same car. "Wait will there be cameras?" I ask paranoid. "Yes every event we come to there are paparazzi." Liam says. "Idiot." Jane mutters under her breathe, I just glared at her. "Is there anyway I could avoid the cameras?" Louis seemed concerned. "Why would you want to avoid the cameras? We've been dating for a while Jade. People should know we are together." I shake my head. "I don't want them to know. I like my privacy." Harry speaks up. "I can wait with you in the car and I'll have the driver go around back. That way you won't have to worry about the cameras." I'm still not convinced."I'll stay back with her. She came with me." Louis declares. "They will be expecting you. Me they would be surprised if I wasn't here on time. They won't notice I'm gone. You can escort Jane inside." Harry reasons. Louis was about to say something when I interrupt. "Alright. It's ok Louis I'll be fine. I'll see you inside." I give him a kiss. The car stops. They each pile out of the car one by one. Me and Harry are left alone. What is he up too?

"What are you doing?" I finally ask fed up with the suspiciousness. "What? I know how you feel about cameras. Just trying to help." He shrugs. "Why are you being so kind to me?" He gives me a confused face. "Would you prefer I be bitter and rude?" I shake my head. "Well no." "Then." He grumbles.

"We're here Mr. Styles." The driver says. Harry opens the door and helps me out. We enter through the back door. There are so many famous singers here. "Ed!" Harry shouts. Ed? As in Ed Sheeran? It was. I was starstruck. "Hey Hazza, whose this beauty?" "I'm Jade. I'm Louis girlfriend." Introduce myself. He called me a beauty this is officially the best night ever. "If you'll excuse me." My eyes scan the entire room looking for the guys.

Someone taps my shoulder. "Miss are you lost?" I turn around. "Louis!" I laugh. "Thank God I found you." He laughs. "I came to the rescue just in time. Who knew what you would have done if I didn't get here in time?"I punch his arm playfully. He shakes his head at me smiling. "Our table is this way." He had me worried for a second.

The food they served appeared to be very expensive and high quality. It's food it all goes to the same place. Rich people. Of course they give small portions. How do they expect someone to fill up with something like this?

They started giving out the awards. The music group of the year went to One Direction. I was proud of them. How could they not win? They were very well known to every teenage girl around the globe. The awards went on and speeches were given. I wasn't really into the whole party celebration. Especially with the she devil straight across from me. She acted as if she were helpless and needed a strong man to do everything for her. I saw at least three men come up to her. Skank. How can she do that when she is here with Harry?

Someone taps my shoulder. It's Ed. "Would you care to dance?" I just stare at home for a minute. When finally my mouth and my brain begin to work again. "It would be my pleasure." He leads me to the dance floor. The DJ was playing Classic. I really loved this song. We danced. I let loose and had fun. Ed wasn't a bad dancer either. We made fools of ourselves, but we didn't care. When the song ends we give each other a bow. "May I steal a dance?" It was Harry. "Sure thing mate." The tempo of the music changed it is slow this time. You Love Me Anyways played. How ironic. He pulls me close. There is not an inch of space between us. His hand sat on my waist the other held my hand. My remaining hand was placed on his shoulder. We moved throughout the entire dance floor. People on the dance floor dispersed. They make a ring around Harry and I. He dips me but we still keeping dancing around. Circles and circles we go. That moment felt perfect. The last time we had a moment like this was at the park. The day we met. I didn't know he was a good dancer. The song repeated "How you love me," it rang through my ears as we danced. The song ends and we stood like that for a good while. My pulse was racing. I couldn't break contact with his deep green eyes. I pull away. We take a bow to everyone.

"Jade-" I leave the room. I was making a mistake. I couldn't think straight. Thoughts flooded my mind. Of my brother, my nieces, the guys, Louis and especially Harry. I wasn't thinking clearly that I made the mistake of exiting through the front of the building. Cameras flashed in my face. I ignore their questions and keep running.

Real Cinderella moment here. The difference is I didn't lose a shoe and the guys knew who I was.

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