Thirty Seven

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The whole morning the guys tried to clean themselves up. We had a hectic morning. "Let's go ladies. You have to be at the recording studio in 10 minutes."

Wrong day to play pranks on each other. Who am I kidding there is never a wrong day to play pranks.

We all piled into the black vehicle. I've never noticed that the windows were so dark. You could hardly see through to the other side. I tagged along because I was curious about what they do for a living. When I was younger I wasn't like most children who wished to be a singer, actress or something like that.

"You really had to put purple hair dye in my shampoo." The once blonde Niall whined pulling at his hair.
"Don't worry the bottle said it was only permanent." I joke.
"Very funny." He looked at himself in the mirror.
"Why did you have to put honey in my hair?" Louis said.
"At least your hair smells sweet." I said with a cheeky smile.
"It was painful to take out though." Louis rubs his neck.
"Sorry, but I saw it in a movie and I just wanted to really try it out."
"You know I'm not even going to try and get my things down from the ceiling."
I couldn't help but laugh.
"I'll help you with that later."
"Why the wrap on the door?" Liam questions.
"Yours had the least damage be thankful Liam. Be thankful I ran out of ideas." I frown.
"My feet reek of ketchup and mustard though."
"You could've stepped in something a lot worse." I reason.

We finally are at the recording studio. There were many of their fans outside. How do they know everything? "I'll wait here and go around back." I suggest. This has become a thing of mine. They each exit the car. I look in the rear window and see them taking pictures with their fans. Even Harry was smiling in some. I couldn't help the smile on my face.

I enter through the back. I thank the driver and head inside. It was like a maze in there. I accidentally interrupted someone recording. I left the room so fast I was unable to see who was recording. Whoever it was sounded great.

I keep searching for where the guys are recording. I run into something firm. It's not the wall. It's him again.
"No fans are allowed back here." He grunted.
"Nice to see you again too." I roll my eyes.
"Come with me." I wiggle out of his grip.
"Look big guy, we've got to stop meeting like this."
"You're not allowed back here. You have to leave."
"I understand but I'm here with One Direction. I came with them."He laughs, I thought he might've started an earthquake.
"Right, and I'm married to Katy Perry."
"Are you now? That's great for the two of you."
"Enough messing around."
"Sorry big guy gotta run."

I begin running down the halls. I'm so glad I do my mile ever morning. I keep searching for where they might be. Why couldn't this place have been smaller? Or at least have their names on the doors. I hear a set of familiar voices. I lose the security guard. I lower my pace and follow the voices. I come to a red door. I open it. I'm relieved when I see the guys in there. I feel a large hand on my shoulder. "Hey there friend. Where've you been? I've been looking everywhere for you." I say. "Let's go." The guys come out of the studio. Just in time guys. I roll my eyes. "It's alright she came with us." I look up at the man. "Told you. So how are you and Katy doing?" I ask. He leaves me be. It's about time. "Katy?" Niall asks. "Yeah before I found you guys he was telling me how he was married to Katy perry." I shrug and sit on a chair.

"That reminds me." I grab a piece of paper and crumple it into a ball and throw it at them. "Thanks for telling me where you guys were going to be. I was like a mad woman looking for the right room." Louis chuckles. "Pay backs a bitch isn't it." I shake my head in disappointment.

"So let's get started superstars. I didn't come to see you just stand there and do nothing." I begin to spin in my chair. I loved these chairs. "Well technically that's all we will be doing in there, except we will be singing too." Liam replies. "Ok wise guy, get cracking. I'm not getting any younger."

I scoot my chair next to the sound guy. "Hello." I say breaking the tension. "Hi, I'm Eric." I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you." I don't know how he does his job. There are so many buttons, switches, and numbers in front of him. He has real talent. I rest my elbows on the table and place my head on my arms, giving the guys my full attention. They put on some headphones and began to move to the music. It was a new song they have been working on. I've never heard it because I had planned to wait like everyone else, but today was an exception. Harry starts to sing first. His voice was soothing to the ears. I really got into the song. They ran through it like 5 times. I thought the first time was perfect, but apparently not. See this is why I don't do is for a living.

"I've got a fire for a heart-" I start to sing along. My voice isn't the best, but it doesn't sound like a garbage disposal either. "-with your love nobody can drag me down." I pretended to play the drums on the table. I enjoyed hearing them sing. It was better than seeing them in a concert, but I need to keep myself entertained. I found a piece of blank paper to my right. I folded it make a fan. I swipe it across my face and I smile widely. I move it over my face and then I'm pretend to cry. I continued this for a while. The guys noticed and started laughing in the middle of the song. I stopped before Eric asked me to leave.

"Do you like what you do here?" I ask him. I spun the chair. I wanted to see if I could get dizzy.
"It's fun. I've always liked doing this when I was younger. But when I was younger I didn't think I would be working for people like One Direction."
"You achieved your dream and more." I say.
"I guess you can say that. Harry do you think at the end you could make that note a bit higher. Sorry." He looks back at me.
"It's fine I'm the one disrupting you at work."
"It's alright. It's different to have someone to talk to when I'm working."
"Well I'm glad I could be of service." I adjust the way I'm sitting on the chair. I pull my knees to my chest.
"What's your dream job?"
"Well I told you what my dream job was. What is it that you've always wanted to do?"
"I don't know." I answer honestly.
"Come on there has to be something you could see yourself doing for the rest of your life." He turns his chair towards me.
"When I was younger I never really wanted to be anything when I grew up. I just wanted to grow up."
"That's it. There has to be more, right? Out of everything you've done, there's not something you wished to happen?" I shake my head.
"Oh, when I was like 15 I found this old camera. I fixed it up and bought film for it. I took pictures of everything with it. That camera was my first camera ever. It felt more special because I made it my own. Since then I've love to capture moments worth remembering, places worth seeing etcetera."
"So like photography. See that's a dream. Why don't you go after it?"
"Because I have to be realistic here."
"You can make it real, if you really wanted too."

I think about what he said. The guys walk out of the studio. "How did we do?" Niall asks. "I've heard better." I say swaying from left to right in my chair. "Really?" Asks Louis. "I'm kidding. You guys were amazing. Talk about talent. Eric here is a magician." They all just stare at me. I throw my head back and laugh. "Let's go." Harry suggests. I take hold of his hand. "Bye Eric." I wave.

"What did you guys talk about?" Harry asked being nosey. "Nothing just how he is doing his dream job." He give a hard look but nods. We leave through the back exit this time. I didn't want to get lost again and run into my good old friend.

We drive past a newsstand. "Stop the car!" I get out and walk over to the recent magazines. None of them are about me. What a relief. I guess I owe Thomas his story.

I jump back into the car. "What was that about." Liam looks concerned.
"I was curious about this weeks magazines."
"Why?" Harry ask.
"I'm nineteen can't I have some interests."

I text Thomas. Thank you. I guess I owe you your story.
My phone vibrates. Your welcome. Now what are your terms?

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