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Harry's POV

I woke up around 9 in the morning to the bed shaking. Are we having an earthquake? I wake in a panic. It was just Niall jumping on my bed I grabbed his ankle. He fell face first on the bed. He pushed me off the bed. I groan.

We had to be at the airport in about an hour. We were to go to the next arena for our concert tonight.

Louis barged in singing. "Good morning, good morning, good morning!!!" He missed every note on purpose. I throw my pillow at his face to shut him up.

Everyone seemed very cheery this morning. It was very strange. They had so much energy. They don't usually have this much energy in the morning. I didn't have time to worry about why they were being so suspicious.

I got out of bed but on my pants and shirt from the other day. I really wanted to see Jade. I didn't want Jade to be a liar so I was going to get everything I wanted. Louis kept getting in my way. I had to push through him. I jogged to her room. I came to the door and it's already open. Liam's inside.

I walk in and everything of hers was gone. "Where is Jade?" It hit me hat she was no longer here."Oh."I couldn't believe she just left like that. She didn't even say goodbye. The fact she didn't say good bye made me furious. Why do I even bother. If anyone leaves it's her.

Today I was planning on asking her to tour along with us. I was thinking about it all last night. "I'm sorry mate." Liam patted my shoulder and left. I turn to leave the room. I don't care if she is gone. Good riddance with her.

But I couldn't just let her go. I'm going to keep to my promise and never let her go. Out of all the promises I've made I'm keeping this one. She is not getting away that easily. I smirk.

I rush past the guys in the hall and ran to the elevator. I hit the elevator button to go down. I was so anxious and the elevator was taking to long. I just took the stairs instead.

I get to the lobby, I rush to the receptionist desk. "Can you give me all the names and numbers of the people that stayed in room 415." I probably looked like a lunatic. "I'm sorry I can't give you that information it's hotel policy." That's not what I asked. "God Damn it. Just tell me the names. I don't give a shit about your policy."She complied. I looked through the the list and found her name "Ms. Hart" and her number was right next to it.

Why didn't she put her first name?

Jade's POV

I woke up and cleaned the mess I made. I sweep up all the broken glass and thro it in the trash bin in my room. I started to unpack my things from my bag. I was depressed. I miss the fun memories and it was just one day. "Honestly pull yourself together. You'll get over it. You always do." He had his life and I had mine. He's a celebrity and I'm a nobody. He is someone you shouldn't be messing with. I'm barely getting by. My phone starts to ring. I look and it's an unknown number. I swipe the screen and answer.

"Hello, Jade?" When I heard his raspy voice and British accent I just knew.
"Jade this is Harry. You left without saying good bye, why?"
"I didn't want to wake you guys up." To be honest I forgot.
"How do you expect me to keep my promise when you run off?"
"I don't know. That is exactly why I told you not to promise, but you had to counteract me."
"I meant it when I said it though."
"I'm here and you're there. It doesn't matter now. We can just forget everything."
"I'm willing to try. Are you willing to try. I know it's not going to be easy. Will you try with me?" I bite down on my bottom lip.
"You know we are miles apart it would never work."
"Are you telling me your scared." I could literally hear the smirk rising in his face.
"Wipe that smirk Styles." His laugh ran through the phone.
"Come on who doesn't love a challenge."
"Well I guess if it was easy where would the fun in that be." I smile.

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