Fifty Six

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Louis POV

I couldn't believe what Jade had just said to Harry. I refuse to believe it. Something deep down told me that was all an act. She ran out of the house and left us. We all stood here for a moment staring back at one another until we finally acted. We went out to see where she had gone but by the time we had there was no sign of her.

"I'm sorry mate. I'm sure she didn't mean it." I comfort Harry. "I'm trying to tell myself that but I just don't believe it." He sighs. He seemed so defeated. Harry had finally cracked. He pulls out a small black box out of his pocket and moves it through his fingers. I didn't know what was in the box, but I knew it was for Jade. He puts it on the table and sulks up the stairs. My curiosity got the best of me and I couldn't help but open the box.

It was a silver necklace, with a rose pendant that hung at the bottom. There was a note in the box.

You are my rose Jade. You are beautiful. Like most roses come thorns. They protect and hide its beauty. Some give up because of the pain they bring and others fight for the beauty inside. And for you I would be hurt a million times by your thorns, just so I could reach you. ~Harry

I don't believe that Jade would just leave like that. Niall and Liam are on either side of me reading the note as well. I put it all back the way it was. "Something doesn't seem right here." Niall says from my left. "I know, I only wish I knew what though." I say.

Harry comes back down. I'm afraid that since Jade is gone he will be go back to his old ways. He's isolated, bitter ways. So far he hasn't broken anything or gone on a rampage. I think what Jade said must have really wounded him past anger.

We all huddle around the living room and continue to write the songs for our album. When I was writing, I couldn't think straight. Jade was fogging my mind. I had to know what the deal was.

We finishing writing everything around 4 in the morning. I thought back to when Jade said it was all made in the a.m. I chuckle to myself. I call Simon. He picks up after a few rings.

"We finished the playlist. Would you like us to come down and show you?" The guys are straightening up the mess of papers we have scattered. There was a long pause. I hear shuffling on the other end of line.

"No. Not now, maybe not today. Maybe if you guys could come tomorrow." "-I'm here-" He seemed very suspicious on the phone. He is definitely hiding something. I wonder who he was talking too. I could have sworn it sounded a lot like...


Is that where she was. Had management stuck their nose where it doesn't belong. "Alright, see you tomorrow then." I hang up the phone and jump up and down in my seat.

"Guys I think I know where Jade is." They all just stare at me like I'm crazy. "Now's not the time for jokes Lou." Liam says sternly hinting towards Harry. I roll my eyes still smiling widely at the fact that I know it's a setup.
"It's not a joke. I heard her on the phone when I called Simon. I could have sworn it was her." I say, excitedly,
"Are you sure it was her it could have been anyone." Harry says, sadly. I would though he would be happy with any news of her.
"Fine let's go down there." I challenge.
"I thought he said not until tomorrow." Niall says.
"Niall seriously? Now you chose to listen? This is a serious matter, it can't wait." I protest.

I run to get the keys. I have to literally pull each and everyone of the off their asses. I lead them all to the car. I was the only one who seemed hopeful. They needed some hope right now.

I drive into the back of the parking lot. It's something Jade would have done. Besides they can't know we are here. 'Think like Jade' kept running through my mind. I say 'Hi' to our security guard. I roam the halls looking for Simons office. I see him come out of a room.

"Hello Simon." I walk straight up to him. His face goes pale. I look at the lads and see I'm not the only one who notices his nervousness.

"I thought I asked you to come in tomorrow." He says sternly quickly recovering from our surprise. I shrug my shoulders at his comment. "Well, we were just so eager to show you what we have come up with. We feel like this ones our best one yet."

I see Lux come running down the hall. Where's Lou? She runs right up to Harry. They've always had a bond. He lifts her up. She pulled at Harry's hair. He chuckles. It seems that she is a good distraction for him. She traces his tattoos across his arms. Harry sets her down. "Tag." She taps Harry's leg and runs into one of the rooms. Harry was going after her when Simon stops him.

"Actually why don't we review the songs. Come join us Harry." Simon says. I wonder what was behind that door, he didn't want us to know about.

"What do you have to show me?"

We hand him a paper with song titles on it. The rest are the lyrics to each. He scans through them. He seems to be reading every detail. I kinda was hoping he would look through them quickly.

Liam leans next to me. "What do you think he is hiding?" He whispers. "I don't know." I reply back.

"I think these last sixteen are the best. I'll keep these. Thank you. If you'll excuse me."

When he closes the door I decide to speak up. "Is it just me or is something fishy around here?"

"Simon is always acting strange." Harry says being doubtful, again.

"Not like this, it's like he didn't want us to know anything. More like you to know. He could care less about what we saw behind that door." Liam says.

"I wonder what was behind it. Maybe it was Jade." Niall says.

"Only one way to find out. Let's go check." Harry sighs, standing to his feet. He seems like he is just fed up with my hope. He just wants to move past everything. I can't let him do that. What kind of friend would I be if I did.

We follow him closely out the door. He opens the door slowly. I push him so that he could open the door faster. We stumble in to find Lou.

"Hey Lou. What are you doing here?" Niall questions. She picks up Lux who is repeating tag.

"Simon called to come in. He really didn't say much." She answers.

"We thought you were Jade. Sorry Lou, it's not that we're not glad to see you." Liam says. Harry looks down at his feet, his shoulders slump.

"I'm pretty sure she had a good reason to leave, Harry. If fate will have it you'll see her again." She says giving Harry a hug. She leaves the room.

"We tried." Harry turns to walk out of the room.

I hate to see Harry like this. I still can't get it out of my head that there is something off about this whole thing. I think as his friend I should find out.

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