Twenty Three

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I slept in today and it felt great. I would have slept longer if it wasn't for the smell of food that had traveled to my nostrils. I love food.

I put my robe on and waddle to the kitchen. Harry is making breakfast. The guys were all showered and eating. "Morning sleeping beauty." Niall laughed. I sat next to them. Harry brought me a stack of chocolate chip pancakes. They smelled so good. I was about to start eating when I hear a buzz. I walk to the machine and push the button for them to enter. Not to long there is a knock on the door.

I open it and it's a repo man. Really? "You Ms. Hart?" I nod."Yes. Can I help you?" I say with as much attitude as I could muster. "You are three months late on rent." I nod my head signaling for him to continue. "I'm sorry ma'am we have to ask you to leave your home. You and your things need to be out my sundown." I take the paper from his hand and slam the door behind him. "Ass."

I walk back to the kitchen."Who was that?" Liam asked. "Just a sales man trying to get me to buy a security system. Like I need one in a town like this?" I say sarcastically changing the subject."I didn't know you could cook." I tell Harry. He shrugs his shoulders. The pancakes were so good. If I could marry food I would marry these pancakes. My opinion didn't really count though because I ate anything really.

I put my dish in the sink. "What's this?" Louis grabs the paper the repo man gave me from my pocket. "Nothing, can I have it back, please." I plead. "Jade this says the are repossessing your apartment." I look down embarrassed.
"I might be behind about three payments. I haven't been able to find a stable job."
"Why didn't you say anything?"said Liam.
"It's because it's my problem remember." I reply back.
"I have an idea why don't you stay with us at our place in L.A." That catches my attention.
"If you had a place in L.A what were you doing at a hotel?" I ask.
"We like to change things up sometimes. Is that so wrong?" Louis said. I just laughed.
"Alright. I guess we are going to be housemates?" I laugh. "And I promise to pay rent."
"Jade we're not going-" Liam starts. I raise a brow at him.
"To make you pay until will calculate everything." He says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Great. When do we leave?"
"After you shower." Harry points at me with the spatula in his hand.


We packed my clothes and objects that had sentimental value. which in the end was not that much. The rest I left, they would just sell it off anyways. I didn't have many clothes or things for that matter. We finished pretty quickly since there was five of us. We took their plane to L.A. Their house was like a castle especially for just four people, now five. Their driver opened the door for us. I thanked him. It all was so strange to me. There was movement in the bush. I couldn't see what it was. I think I'm going crazy.

We each take a box up to the house. We set the things down in what I think is the living room, or maybe a slightly larger version of my whole apartment. "Jade how long did you say you've lived in that apartment again?" Liam asks. "Um, almost five years now." I say."Why?" "It's just that I'm trying to make sense of something." He pauses."You're 19 right?" I nod. "Then you would've had that apartment since you were 14 maybe 15." I nod again."What's wrong with that?" "Nothing I was just wondering why did you have an apartment at such a young age. Most people would be living with their..." He stops. I look down at my feet. "I'm sorry I didn't know. I shouldn't have said anything." He apologizes."Its ok. If we are going to be living with each other you guys should know more about me."
"I have an idea." Niall shouts tripping over a box. "Let's play twenty questions." I agree.

We all sit in the living room. I sit on a recliner, Louis sits on a love seat and Niall, Harry and Liam got the sofa.
"Ok how does this work? Are you guys going to ask me the questions or do we alternate." I ask."How about we ask you the first ten and you ask us the last ten." We all agree.

Liam started us off."Why were you living alone?"
"When I was about fifteen I ran away from the foster system I was in. They were very abusive. I was punished often so I just left, got a job and rented myself an apartment."
Niall went next."Why were you in a foster home." I took a deep breathe.
Harry interrupted. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to." I shake my head.
"When I was nine my parents died. I shot my drunk, abusive father three times, then my mother shot herself." They all looked at me with wide eyes.
"Next question." I keep it going.
"Where was you're brother in all of this?" Louis said.
"He worked all the time. He had too. My dad spent most of his money on booze. He never came with me to the foster system with me. I didn't hate him for leaving me. I was happy he didn't have to go through what I did."
They shook their heads. This was deeper than I thought.
Harry was next."If you could change everything that happened to you, would you?"
I shook my head."Actually I wouldn't. Because of everything I went through growing up its made me the person I am today. So no I wouldn't change a thing."
Liam asked again."What are some things you hate?"
I laugh."Where do I begin? The beach for one thing.-" They laugh."-Liars, people who drink, invasion of my privacy, the color pink, seafood, cats. Oh and awkward silences those really kill me."
Niall asked."How many relationships have you had? Names too."
"I've been in three relationships since I was fifteen. There was Bryan he was 20. Joshua he was 18. Then Christian Romero he was 23. I haven't had one since Christian." Harry's eyes flared up.
He spoke up."Why didn't you and Christian work out?" I glare at him.
"Do I have to answer that?"
"Yes you do." He insisted.
"Because that's how you play the game." He argues.
"Fine. If you have to know everything Harry. He was abusive just like my father. He beat me all the time. That's where I got the bruises from last time too. Are you happy now?" He was quiet. He got up and stormed out of the room.
Louis interrupted the silence."Let him cool off. Now its my turn." He thought long and hard. He had a smirk on his face."Are you a virgin?" My mouth drops open. My checks feel really hot. "Yes." I say quietly. They just stare at me in awe. "I find that hard to believe. I mean look at you." Louis says. "That was such a stupid question Louis." I grab a nearby pillow and throw it at him.
Liam asked the ninth question."Would you ever date a celebrity?"
I think about this for a while. Would I?
"Maybe." I answer honestly."I would but I wouldn't go out in public with them. Privacy means a lot to me. Besides I think all celebrities are cocky bastards."
Louis puts his hands to his heart."I've been wounded." He falls on the floor.
"Except you guys. You are the only exception I have." He jumped back up with a childish grin on his face. I roll my eyes.
Niall asks the last question."Do you believe in love?"
"No I do not. My parents didn't have a good relationship. I haven't had any that went well either. The only good example of love I've seen has been what I feel for my nieces. That's about it."

I ask them questions too. It was hard because most of the things about them was on the Internet. They would look up what Google had to say. All the way down to their dick sizes was on the Internet. There were no limits. There really wasn't much for me to ask.

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