Fourty Two

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I woke to the light snores coming from Harry. Every time he exhaled a strand of loose hair would fly up. I recall last night events. My body aches. I've never been more grateful to have met Harry. I'm also glad he beat the shit out of Christian, it's about time someone's done it.

I snuggle in closer to Harry. He wraps his other arm around me. He hummed in his sleep, good morning. "Good morning Harry." I turn to face away from him so my back was against his torso. I could stay like this all morning.

The door swing open, startling me. Harry, on the other hand, continued to sleep. It's was none other than Niall Horan. I close my eyes to pretend to be asleep. I hear a thud and the bed starts to shake. He body slammed onto the spot beside me. Then Louis came in an did the same, except he landed onto Niall. Last but not least Liam came in. "Hey, I want to join in on the fun." He jumps onto Louis. Their little human pile started to tip over. They landed on Harry and I. "Ahh, Niall your elbow is in my ribs." He looks at me. "Your ribs are under my elbow." I started to laugh but stopped he really was injuring my ribs. Harry ended up on he floor. He jumped to his feet. He looked upset, like we've awoken the beast. Then he jumped onto the guys. They all were laughing. I wasn't. "Not you too Harry." I begin to become over dramatic. "The air. I can't breathe. Why me? Good bye cruel world." One by one they rose to their feet. I sit up. "Thank you." I can't help but laugh.

"Would you guys like to meet Thomas?" I say at breakfast.
"What?" Niall starts to choke on his Frosted Flakes.
"Don't start. We are actually all getting along." Harry says taking a bite of his pop tart.
"I know but I wanted you to see that he isn't all that bad."
"Bad, he is like a walking devil." Harry spits.
"What Harry meant to say is that he is just bad news." Liam corrected.
"Story time." Niall announces. "Liam you can tell her."

"Ok. He has been in this business for years. They say the reason he hates celebrities is because he was given a shot to be a performer and was turned down. That really didn't spark much though. His eldest daughter wanted to go see this one guy, 'Tied Down' or something. He saved every penny he could to make her dream come true, he even bought back stage passes. The night of the event the guy was a total ass. He called the girl a runt and to get out of his way. That he didn't have time to deal with children. His daughter cried, it broke his heart. That's why he hates famous people, mainly singers."

"But what has he done to be so terrible?" I ask.
"I'm not finished." Liam said.

"Have you heard of the singer Sarah Wills?" I shake my head. "Exactly. He followed her until he found a story worth telling about her. He wanted to exploit her for being rotten and full of lies. Regardless of whether they were true he sought for reasons. He will follow you and snap pictures of you doing something that seems alright, but edit it to make it seem wrong. Do you understand? He's done that with artist like: Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, more."
"What? Then why are they still very popular?"
"Because they have a very stable fan base. Not only that, the terrible dirt he has on them, their managements paid a good buck to keep him silent. He is like a snake. He is open to a deal to where he wins something. Lately he has been very low key. That means he is working on his next target. Sadly that's us. He might be using you to help him get what he wants."
"I would never tell him anything though."
"That bastard just wants money and to ruin people lives." Harry spits. "I'm his main target right now but I don't give two shits about it, management on the other hand cares for those shits."
"It's not that we don't trust you. We do. We just want you to be careful."
"I will I promise."

My phone begins to ring. "Speak of the devil." I look at Harry. He isn't amused.
"Hi Jade. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up today?"
"Today? I don't think that is such a good idea."
"I thought we had a deal. You were going to show me some pictures of what the guys do on their free time."
"I know, I just haven't-"
"You're not going back on our deal, are you? I still have the images of you. You're privacy depends on me."
"Alright I'll meet you in about an hour."
"Great. See you at the library again, same spot."
"Ok bye."

All eyes are on me. "You're still meeting with him after everything we told you?" Niall asks.
"I have too. I made a deal. I have to keep my end of the bargain." I say.
"You should have told us you made a deal with him. We could have helped you." Liam says, disappointment laced his voice.
"I'm sorry. Now I don't know what to do. I have to meet him in an hour. I can't just break our deal."
"You won't. I'll go with you." Harry announced.


Harry drove me to the library. I jogged up the stairs. I could see Thomas across the room his back was to us. Harry closely behind me. "Harry wait here or look around, please I have to do this alone." He opens his mouth to began to speak. "Please, if anything goes wrong I'll call you." I cut him off. He groaned. He wasn't pleased but he complied.

I sit across from Thomas. I could see Harry in the distance.
"What do you want Thomas?" I start.
"Hello to you too, Ms. Hart." He eyes me skeptically.
"I'm in no mood today."
"Is it because of what I said on the phone? I'm sorry you shouldn't be so sensitive." I gave him the you've-got-to-be-kidding look.
"Sensitivity is not in my vocabulary. Being annoyed by idiots is."
"Fine. I can see you are upset."
"You still haven't answered me. Why did you call me here?" I snap.
"You owe me pictures." He slightly stood pointing a finger at me. Harry starts moving in this direction. "And I'm not leaving until I get them."
"I suggest you sit down unless you want your ass kicked." I threaten. He regains his place on his chair. "Thank you." Harry stops in his tracks, still watching.
"You said you were going to take pictures for me. I need them now. I have a deadline to meet."
"Screw your deadline. I never said I was going to take shit for you."
"Yes you did."
"I said I would look for a picture of them on their free time. I have one. I'm giving you a picture. One and only one."
"We had a deal-"
"We did and I'm keeping my end of it." I show him the picture of us at the amusement park on The Vortex.
"We had a deal. You can't go back on it." He starts to rise. "You think I can do anything with this. It's useless to me." I stand to my feet too.
"What's the matter Thomas? It's not the photo you were expecting. It can't help you ruin their image or exploit them? You are writing a story about what they do on their spare time, right?" I say sweetly.
"You little bitch, you've ruined everything. I should-"
"What? Hit me? Beat me? Plaster my face everywhere and take away my privacy? Does it look like I care?" He raises his fist.

His fist never meets its target. Harry held his wrist tightly. He bent and twisted his arm back. "What was that mate? You were going to do what to her? I couldn't hear very well." Harry growled. "You brought him with you?" He shouts. "What's wrong? You weren't expecting that?" I pout. "Now let's see."

I begin to search him. I was a cop for a while back. I frisk him under his heavy coat. I find a recorder in his jacket pocket. I slide it into my back pocket. I take the film out of his camera and rip his notes from his out of his book. I shove the notepad into his chest. "Have fun writing your column."

I walk out with Harry. So much for having someone to talk too.

"You alright?" Harry asks as we get into the car.



Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful that to all those who have actually read this far. If you haven't that's fine too. I'm thankful that anyone has read this, I really hadn't expected it. Well, have a wonderful day. :)


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