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I woke up and I could hardly breath. Harry had moved through out the night and he was on top of me. I try to push him off of me but I can't. His dead weight was too much.

I look at his sleeping face. His hair was covering his face. He smiled in his sleep, it was really cute. His pink lips more evident. He had long eyelashes. He was snoring lightly. He looked so peaceful. I move his hair out of his face. I could just watch him sleep, but me being me wanted to wake him up instead.

I reach for a loose strand of my hair. I stroke his cheek, then his ear and under his nose. He sneezed, like a little kitten."Aww." How could a human being be this devilishly handsome, but so adorable. He must not be real.

"Harry." I groan. He shifted. I start hitting his back."Harry, get up. Your crushing me." He starts to whine."Can I just sleep a little longer." He snuggles his head into my neck.

I ran out of options. I started to shuffle in bed and make my way towards the edge. He held a tighter grip. I laugh, "Harry!" I make it to the edge, but I fall off. Harry gets up."Are you ok?" I look up at him. "So me falling gets you up." I remark. "I was up. I was just very comfortable that's all." I throw my pillow at him."Go shower you reek." I stick my tongue out at him childishly. He puts this wicked smile on his face. He better not. He jumps off the bed and starts to chase me."So I reek of disgust right?" He repeats. I run to the living room and throw my self onto the guys. I think I elbowed Louis' groin. My bad. I hide under their covers. Harry pulls the covers off. I see all the guys are in their boxers and a white tee. I start laughing. Louis shrieks, playfully and pulls back the blanket. "Fine if you won't shower I will." I say."We could save water if we shower together." Harry smirks. "Nice try Styles."

I shower quickly because the guys have to shower as well. I change into some white shorts and a flannel.

The guys take years to get ready. They are worse then girls. They end up wearing the same thing anyways. They spend most of the morning fixing their hair. "Come one ladies. I don't have all day." I yell. I actually did ,but I was very impatient.

Niall comes down the hall strutting his runway walk. Then Liam followed after blowing a kiss to the audience. Harry came out being himself. Lastly was Louis being very dramatic. He did his diva strut and snapped his finger in the air.

We drive almost two hours to a beach I remember a co-worker recommending. Point Lobos. It was beautiful. I saw a whale in the distance. The ocean is a magnificent place.

"So, what are we going to do?" I ask.
"You are going to have a good time." Liam instructed.
"And it's our job to make sure of it." Finished Niall.

I put on my sunglasses. They didn't put any disguises on today. There are hardly any people here. They do get stopped by a few people before we even leave the parking lot but it was ok. They seemed unfazed by it. I kept my distance because I didn't want to be questioned.

Harry comes up from behind me."Let's take a picture." I really don't like pictures, but I agree."Ok, but let's not take one of those cheesy photos everyone takes." He actually smiled. I liked it.

We set some blankets down by the beach. I unbutton my flannel and pull down my shorts. I lay on the blanket, to tan, on the beach in my bikini. "Come on Jade." Niall tugs my arm. "What are you doing?" He throws me over his shoulder and runs towards the water. "No. NIALL!" I scream. I'm hit in the face with cold salty water. I hear Niall's panicked voice. I come up for air and splash water in his face."Boo!""You had me scared to death I thought you drowned." He said."Good, that was the whole point. Hasn't anyone ever told you, don't throw someone who's never been to the ocean into the water?" I say sternly. He twisted his face in confusion."I'm kidding. I know how to swim. I worked as a lifeguard at a community pool." He begins to float around. The water is strangely calm. "What other jobs have you had?" I begin to float with him."You know about the office job." He hums yes."Ok, I worked at a clothing store, I was a waitress at one point, then there was the day care, the library. Um, I worked at the police station for a bit. And my last job was selling fake chicken." He is staring at me."You've done all that? Why haven't you ever stayed at a job?" I think before I answer. Why didn't I? I could've."I didn't want to settle down and do one thing. I don't want to belong to anything. I like to wander, explore. I think I'm just looking for my purpose in life. Nothing I've faced has made me want to stay." He smiles."I hope you find that one thing."

Our little moment is spoiled by the one and only Louis Tomlinson. I chuckled. "The waters freezing." Louis complains.
I splash water at him. He did it back but got Niall instead. It turned into an all out water war.

Harry's POV

Niall whisked Jade away and to the ocean. I stayed behind with Liam. "You should go down there with her." He suggests. "Really? Me in the water?" I am afraid of the water. I nearly drowned when I was younger. "I was thinking maybe if you were with her that would change how you felt about the water." He explained. "One girls is not going to help me get over that fear." I reply. "You know she isn't just any girl to you." I don't answer back.

I stare out and Jade, Niall, and Louis are splashing water at each other. She had the biggest smile on her face. I still can't get over the fact that she has had a horrible childhood, she doesn't show it very much.

She starts to walk out of the water. She is making her way back to us. I just stared at her body. I bit my bottom lip. I finger my lip ring. Her golden sun kissed skin just glistened from the dripping water. My eyes traveled her body. She notices I'm staring, she smirks.

"Come on Harry. The water is freezing but it doesn't bother you after you're used to it." I wish I could just go with her but I'm afraid. Yes even I can be afraid of things. "No thanks. Water really isn't my thing." She eyes me up and down. She knows I'm lying."Harry are you scared of the water?" Shit. I hate the fact that I'm afraid. I couldn't look at her."You don't have to be afraid. I'll be right there with you. Why didn't you tell me? You don't have to afraid, you have to try." Damn, how that bit me in the ass. "Ok, if you can try. Well so can I." I stand to my feet. She clapped her hands pleased. The things I have to do.

She held my hand and leads me to my watery grave. The guys had a look of surprise on their faces. I turn back to Liam and he gives me a thumbs up.

I'm truly terrified.

We get closer, and closer. I halt. She looks at me. Her brown eyes full with sincerity."Don't look at the the water. Just keep your eyes on me." I do as she says. She takes my other hand."Ok. Close you eyes." I hesitated."Trust me." Her voice soft and soothing. I close them. She leads me a little further.

I felt the water on my feet. I jump back."It's ok." She reassures me. I kept walking. I felt the water rising. I couldn't do it. I started to breathe heavier. I open my eyes. I shake my head repeatedly and let go of her hands."I can't." I back out of the water."It's ok. You at least tried. That's what matters. Besides we could still have fun out of the water." I shake my head again."No this wasn't for me. It was for you, because you've never been to the beach." I walk back to Liam.

"What happened Harry? You were there." Liam asked."I was terrified Liam. Just the thought of drowning all over again."

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