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Harry's POV

"What the hell were you thinking Harry?" Louis shouts at me. His eyes blazed with anger. All of their eyes did. I don't regret what I did. Management was right, we couldn't have someone like her living with us.
"We agreed to ask her before we started accusing." Liam says shaking his head putting it in his palm.
"Harry why did you do it mate?" Niall asks.
"Because she was with him. What could you possible talk with a reporter about l? Eventually something would have been mistakenly said." I snap.
"That wasn't your call to make." Louis was furious. I forgot he really cared about her. He probably wasn't over her either.
"You didn't even let her explain herself." Niall says.
"She didn't have to I knew what she was going to say."
"No mate you thought you knew what she was going to say." Liam looks at me.
"I think you should apologize." Liam suggested.
"Me why?"
"Because even though you were accusing her you didn't have to say she was sleeping with the man." Liam says.
"Yeah Harry where did that come from?" Niall questions.
"It's cause he is a coward. He was afraid that she would leave with him. He lets his jealousy get the better of him. Guess what Harry instead of trying to keep her close to you like the selfish bastard you are, you were pushing her away instead." Louis spits.
I rise to me feet. I made my way to Louis. I pushed him and slammed his body into the wall. Niall stepped in between us. Liam held me back. "Get out of my way." He shook his head. "Fine, you want me to apologize I will." I shout.

I walk up to her bedroom door. As I was taking each step up the stairs I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. With each step it got heavier and heavier. I started to think about how it would be like if she did leave. I knock on the door. No answer. She's pissed. She didn't say much downstairs, then again I didn't let her. I kept going at her because she didn't respond. It irritated me that she didn't fight back, when she always does. I try knocking again. Nothing. I twist the knob and it's locked.
"Jade can you please open the door. I want to apologize." Complete silence.

Why does this seem so familiar?

"Please I want to talk to you." Again nothing. I try to open the door again. "Jade open the damn door. This isn't funny anymore." I break my way in.

I stumble into all her clothes scattered around the room. She's not here, but all her things are. She couldn't have left because she never came back down. I roam around the room looking for a source of life in the room. Nothing. I feel a breeze. I look out the window. All the bed sheets were tied together to make some sort of rope.

My heart sank in my chest. She left. My worst fear came true. What I was trying to prevent, happened, and it's all my fault.

I rush back down the stairs. "She's not in her room."
"Maybe she went to one of our rooms." Niall says.
"No her door was locked, I had to practically break the door down."
"She has to be here. The door is right there and she hasn't passed through here." Louis says bitterly.
"You don't think I realized that. She made a way out, through the window." I explain.
"Where do you think she could have gone? She has no car." Liam asks.
Damnit I was going to bring her the car, as a surprise. I didn't like the fact that she took the bus or walked, a lot can happen when you're walking alone in L.A.
"I don't know. Try calling her she won't answer me." I tell Louis.
"Alright, but this is for Jade not you."

He takes his phone out of his pocket and begins to dial her number. I see these guys on their phones all the time. He can type a few numbers faster than he was going. I was becoming impatient. He brings the phone to his ear. I'm anxious. I hope she picks up.

"Hello Jade?" She answered. I'm so glad. It felt like a weight has been lifted from my shoulder.

"You left."
"I know Harry was just being an ass like always."
"We weren't accusing you of anything. We wanted to talk to you before. It's just that Harry skipped a whole step."
"He says he is sorry."
"Ok. Where did you go?"
"Would you like us to pick you up?"
"Alright, bye."

He hangs up and slides the phone back into his pocket. He looks up at us.
"She's alright, but she doesn't want us to pick her up. She needs space." He starts.
"She can have all the space she wants after we pick her up." I persist. I grab my keys.
"Where is she?"
"Just leave it alone Harry."
He hesitated. What is he not telling me?
"Where is she?" My blood is boiling and my patience is running short. He sighs.

"She's with her ex-boyfriend Christian Romero."

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