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I try to walk through the front doors and this big security guard gets in my way.
"Excuse you. You are in my way." I snarl.
"No one is allowed in. Guests only." He barked back.
He's really pushing my buttons."How do you expect me to be a guest if your in my way of checking in?" I challenged.
"Nice try, I'm not stupid." That's debatable."Your going to have to do a lot better than that if you want to get into this hotel. Move along."

The girls were sitting on a ledge by some of the bushes. Seeing them there broke my heart. Their tired little faces. I wish I could do something. Could my day get any worse? Just then the roar of thunder occurred. It started to rain. Why do I even bother?

The girls to my right went crazy. I move a little closer towards them and search for what made them scream louder.  I see a guy is peaking his head out of his window. He was saying something but you really couldn't here over their cries.

I see a parked car in the front and had a plan in mind. I quickly reacted. I climbed onto the top of the car. I wave my arms to try and get his attention.

"Hey!" I screamed. He looks over.
"You mind telling that brain-less, idiot of a security guard you have to let me in?" I asked.
"What makes you think he's my guard?" He questioned. I'm surprised I could hear him.
"Well, teenage girls wouldn't scream and cry for just anyone who stuck their head out of a window. I put two and two together and figured he was here because of you."
"Why do you want to stay here?" He has so many questions.
"To tell you the truth, this wasn't my first option, nor would it ever be. My car broke down and this was the closest hotel. I have my nieces with me and I don't want them sleeping on a park bench somewhere. Especially in this weather."

He was quiet. Then he left. Of course. Why would he help? I hop off the car and walk towards the girls. The screams got even louder.

I turn around and see a man in the lobby. He had blonde hair with dark roots, wore faded ripped jeans at the knee and a white t-shirt. He whispers into the guards ear and the guard came out and motioned for us to come in.

I grab the girls and rush into the hotel before they change their minds.

I head straight for the check in desk. When I look back I didn't see him anymore. I figured he went back to his room.

"Err... Welcome to the Four Seasons Hotel." I look down and see I'm dripping wet and my hair is frizzed up.
"I would like a room." I say confidently even though that is not how I feel inside.
"Alright, but our only available rooms are on the fourth floor." She said with a smile. She smiled to much it kind of frightened me.
"Ok, what's wrong with the fourth floor?" I asked.
"Nothing, of course, but it is more expensive." Of course it was. Wait did she think I couldn't pay it. I'll show her.
"That would be perfect. I've always liked a good view." I smirked resting my arms on the counter.
"Ok Miss, will you fill this out for me. Thank you. Now will that be cash or card?" I gave her the cash. She gave me the room key. Room 415.

To my left was a bellhop waiting to escort us to our rooms. I look down at Monique and see her arms are extended upwards. Instead of picking her up I kneeled so she could climb onto my back. The bellhop looked impatient. Thanks for the help jerk. I snort. He hasn't even offered to take our bags. Whatever. I had Grace's hand in my right and Marie's in my left. Then I nodded to the bellhop that we were ready.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look back and see a guy with such a warm smile looking back at me. "Do you need some help?" He says grabbing the bags from Marie. His accent pleasing to the ears. He had three other friends with him. Including the blonde that helped me earlier. "Thank you." I say sincerely. He takes my bag and Marie's.

One of his other friends took Grace's bag. He was taller than the rest. He had tattoos covering his arms. He had a few piercings. One on the left corner of his mouth and another on his eyebrow. Didn't that hurt? He had such a serious look on his face. I looked away from his piercing green eyes. It almost felt like he was digging into my soul with his hard stare.

The blonde one and another with messy light brown hair and blue maybe green eyes carried Grace and Marie.

We all then followed after the bellhop. It was silent on the way up to the fourth floor. The thing I hated most. Ding. We were finally here. I'm one-thousand percent sure if the bellhop wasn't leading us I would have gotten lost. So many rooms and different turns.

415. Three lefts and a right. I hope I remember. At least it's just one night. The guys went ahead into the room and put our bags down. The blonde took Monique from me and took her into the room. My eyes followed them I tot he room. Until I was brought back to reality.

The bellhop coughed wanting attention. I look down and see why and he has his hand extended out palm facing up. He wants a tip. Huh. He's got to be kidding. I shove my hand into my front pocket. I pull it out and flip him the bird. "There's your tip asshole."

He glared at me, then left. I waved him good-bye. I look back to the entrance of the room and they all stood there, watching. I didn't notice that they were watching me. I felt my face heat up. I walked pass them and into the room.

"Thank you for everything." I said. "If you need anything we are on the fifth floor." Said the one with brown eyes and sweet smile.

"Thank you again." I closed the door.

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