Fifty Eight

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Harry's POV

Today we were to speak about our album. It's been a week since Jade supposedly "left". Another interview, where of course, they will ask of Jade. Oh how I wanted to just expose management and tell Jade to come back to me but I couldn't.

"Harry how have you been taking the break up between you and Jade?". The camera turns its attention on me. I look down at my hands. I stared at the camera, I just felt like Jade was out there watching. "I wish we didn't have too-" I start. I clear my throat."-but everything happens for a reason." I smile at the man. I found it amusing, I knew the truth.

"How is the new album coming along? There something in particular you have to say about it?" Liam speaks up. "Well this happened to be one we really got into. It took some time to write, we just couldn't keep focused. We had a few distractions-" I tried to stifle a laugh."When we found our muse everything came naturally." Liam answers. He demonstrated with his hands what he meant.

"Where did the title 'Made in the A.M.' come from? What is this muse you referred too?" The camera man shifts his attention to Louis. He was laughing. I would laugh too, but I couldn't risk bringing attention to myself. "Actually we didn't come up with the name. We happened to be writing it all around 3 in the morning or so. Hence the a.m, but the one who pointed it out was our dear friend Jade." She always liked to pay attention to detail. Making her own meanings.

"As for our muse. That is to be kept a secret. Many things inspired us for this album, but that one thing we prefer to keep hidden. You just have to wait and hear." Niall was enjoying himself. I think we all were. We said one thing but meant another. Except we were the only ones who knew.

"You guys added a new song in exchange for another. Am I right? Why is that?" I decide to answer this one. "It was because our hairstylists daughter Lux. She kept repeating this name over and over again. The name was Olivia. I had a spark of inspiration, thanks to that little joy."

"That's wonderful. I bet it's great. I'm sure we all can't wait to hear it."

"Thanks for having us." When we exit off of the cameras we all start laughing.

"When are we going to find her Harry? This is fun knowing and all, but when do we make our move?" Louis asked anxiously.



We waited until it was dark. We drove over to the office. We drive around back. We all are wearing black, and some beanies. The temperature of the weather has been dropping rapidly. I try to pick the lock. My hands are freezing I can't really get the hang of it. I hand it over to Louis. He does it quickly. He must be as cold as I, that's why he wants to get in as soon as possible.

We stumble in to the building. The warmth very welcoming. We make our way to Simons office. I open the door. We each search a different corner of the room. I try opening one of the drawers but it is locked. "Someone find the key." I whisper. We frantically look around for the key. I shuffle through some of the papers on his desk. I see something that catches my eye. It's a cream folder, marked Olivia. I open it and flip through some of the papers. I stop at an image of hers. She has her hair pulled back. The tips have been dyed. She seemed to be working. She had a burgundy polo on. I tried to read the name of the place but it was too small. I flip through some more of the pages. I find a phone number. I take a picture of it. It could be her number. I just need an address any address at this point. I keep rummaging through the papers. Nothing. "Help me look for an address." I give each of them a few pages to look through.

"Here. It's downtown. I think I know where this is." Niall says showing me the paper. I take a picture of the address. "Alright let's get out of here, before we get caught." Liam says.

I found you Jade. I always will.


This morning we all piled into her car. We still had it. She left it at the bar. We didn't know where to return it too so we kept it with us. In case she ever returns.

I type the address into the GPS on my phone. Turn left, make a right, go straight, turn in 3 miles. It felt like we had been driving for hours when in reality it's been more like 20 minutes. We come to this store. It's small. It looks very old. She lives here? Why would they send her here? I understand because this would be the last place I figure she would be.

"Are we going to go in?" Louis asks. He is very anxious. I park across the street. I look through the window. She is in there. She has a smile on her face. She's happy. Do I really want to take that ways from her? Maybe this was best for her. If I were the old me I would walk in there and drag her out. I'm not the same person though. I start the engine up again. "What are you doing?" Niall says. "Turn around." I keep driving. Ignoring his comment. "She looks happy I can't take that away from her." I sigh. How could I?

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