Twenty Two

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Harry's POV

I look out to sea. Jade, Niall and Louis were just talking. I catch a glimpse of Jade and Louis giving each other a handshake. They prepare for what looks like a race. They are both very fast swimmers. They are both very daring. Maybe it would be better for Jade to be with someone like that. It's not like we were together, but I don't feel like I'm right for her. I couldn't even get into the water for her. Not that I care or anything.

I look out again and they have made it to the end of the peer. They were very far out. They stopped. I wonder why? I look at the foot of ocean and see that it starts receding. It keeps going but I don't see any waves. I look and behind Jade and Louis is a wall of water. Please start swimming. Please start swimming. They start to swim. I hope they can out swim it. They don't.

Jade and Louis went under. I rush to the edge of the water. Niall swam after them. There is no sign of them. Louis comes up for air. Niall starts to pull him to shore. Louis is hardly moving. Where's Jade? Why is it that something always has to happen? Can't we have one good day? She still hasn't come up. When they get here Louis is coughing up water. Niall starts pressing down on his chest to get him to start breathing again. He repeats it over and over again. This is why I hate large bodies of water. Louis is alive and breathing, still gasping to refill his lungs of oxygen.

I look out and still no Jade. I take off my shirt and dive into the water. I swim into the center of the ocean. The guys call after me but I can hardly hear them, my heart is beating too loudly. I look around. Where could she be? I follow where my gut leads me. I dive under and open my eyes to find her. They stung. I look and I see her a few feet away sinking. I swim as fast as I can. My lungs are gasping for air, but I don't give it to them. I want to leave desperately. This brings back haunting memories. Flashes of me as a boy came rushing back. Me drowning. Gasping for air. I continue to swim towards her anyways. I look at her face. I grab hold of her waist and pull her up with what little strength I had left.

I don't think I could make it. I have to try not only for my life but for hers too. I see the light of the sun glistening. I break the surface. Niall is making his way towards us. He takes her from me and we swim to shore. I crawl onto the sand and cough out some water. I lay on my back, taking in the sweet air. I crawl over to Jade. I push on her chest. I put my ear to hear chest. I breathe into her mouth."Come on Jade." I keep repeating the same actions."Come on Jade. Don't give up on me now. Try. Please try for me." I wipe away tears that Id didn't know had escaped.

Jade's POV

There is a bright light. It's blinding me. Where am I? Am I dead. I break down. I can't be dead. I can't. I know a couple of weeks ago I wouldn't have mind, but not now. I hear a faint voice in the direction of the darkness behind me. I try to see what's there. Nothing. "Come. Come. Come. It's time." It said. I was drawn to the voice. The angelic voices hypnotizing. I hear another voice. This one is more familiar. It was in the direction of the light. I can't see though."Try. Please, please. Try. Don't give up." I don't know what to do. I walk blindly to the voice.
The light is blinding but I keep going. The voice gets louder it's Harry. I start to run towards his voice. "Harry?"

I start coughing hysterically. I open my eyes and the guys surrounded me. Harry had tears running down his cheeks. He holds me tightly. I hold him back not wanting to let go. He cradles me in his lap. He lets go of me and I look up to Louis.

"I'm glad you're alright Jade." He said. "I'm glad you're ok, but hate to break it to you but I won."
"Excuse me."I agrue.
"Well I got to the shore before you. Niall brought me here first so I won." He rocked back on the heel of his foot.
"Speaking of, Niall why didn't you get me first." He stared at me dumbfounded.
"I would've helped you, but I saw Louis first." He insists.
"Thanks Niall."Louis says sarcastically.

Harry picks me up and carries me on his back to the car. I notice Harry is all wet. "Harry you went into the water." I said surprised. "I couldn't leave you out there." He says. "Thank you Harry. Are you still scared?" I ask."Not so much as scared. I just hate the water." "You and me both." I laugh.

Harry drives us home and I sit on the passenger side. Liam, Niall and Louis all crashed out in the back.

I turn on the radio and it's them. Harry groans. "You don't like it?" "I like it. It's just when you sing it a hundred times a day, they get kinda old." "Well I like it."

He lays his hand on the center counsel. I grab his hand. He looks at me but I keep looking forward a smile on my face. "Keep your eyes on the road Styles."

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