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It's been four days since I agreed to try something with Harry. What ever that something is. It's hard for me to think of it as a relationship. So it's just "something" for now and that's how I want it to stay.

He's still on tour. He asked me to go with him on tour. I don't have a job, my apartment is trash, it would have been very easy to drop everything and leave. But I was still holding onto that what if.

I know I should forget that because I told Harry I would try. It's hard to let go of something you've held on to for so long.

There was a knock on the door. Who else could come in to my life right now? The president? An alien would be more realistic at this point.

I open the door and it's him. Christian Romero. What was he doing here? He was the picture of perfect, in his appearance. His brown hair styled up, his tall broad figure and perfectly white smile. His personality, on the other hand, not so much. A prick to sum it up. I preferred the alien.

"What do you want?" I glared at him and his grey eyes. Darn people and their colored eyes. It's always been a weakness of mine.
"Is that how you welcome a friend into your home." He lets himself in. He glances around my apartment with disgust. "I can see you fixed up the place since the last time I was here." He spins on his heel to face me. "There isn't as much useless crap around here anymore." He grins.
"You are no friend of mine." I spit."You still haven't answered my question. Why are you here?"
"You don't remember, which of course you wouldn't, I tried to work your little brain too hard." He pats my head."We made plans last Friday for this Friday."
I try to recall last Fridays events, ugh. Why did I answer the door?
"Your going to wear that." I look down. I'm wearing an oversized sweatshirt, some skinny jeans and my hair was up in a messy bun. I hadn't planned on going out today.
"If you have a problem with it I can tell you were you can shove it." I threatened.
"Fine lets go."

I couldn't believe I was going out with him. Mr. Perfect. Mr. white teeth, slicked hair and chiseled chin.

He brought me to Olive Garden. Wow isn't he just a doll. I roll my eyes. We aren't even seated right away. We waited half an hour for a table. Half an hour trying to ignore him.

The waitress eyed me up and down."Take a damn picture it will last longer." I snap. "You don't have to be jealous. I'm here with you aren't I." He always has to make it about him. "Oh please it would make my night if someone took you away." I scoff.

Why did I ever go out with him?

"How's your life been? I doubt it's been exciting since I haven't been around." He started.
"Actually I had the best weekend ever because I didn't have to deal with you. Not even once." I say.
"Now don't be that way. See this is why it never worked between us."
"You know exactly why it didn't work between us." I scowl.

The waitress brings him his beer and me my iced tea. He's drinking. Maybe this was a bad idea. I should go. I didn't bring my car. Shit. At this point maybe I'll walk. I was about to stand when the waiter came. Christian kicked my shin forcing me to sit back down. "What can I get for you?" The waiter asked oblivious.

We ordered and I got Parmesan Chicken. I could care less about what he ordered. I didn't even want to look at him. What I did notice was he started with one beer to three then five and so on.

He started becoming aggressive and even more obnoxious. If that was even possible. He got in a fight with a waiter and punched him. We were asked to leave and he started to put up a fight. Three waiters had to detain him and lead him out. This isn't the worst night we've had out.

"Give me the keys." I demand. "Excuse me?" His voice is slurred. "I said give me the damn keys you can't see one foot in front of the other, let alone drive." I reason."I can drive I'm perfectly fine." He declared. "This isn't funny give me the damn keys." My voice begins to rise. "Your wasted."
"Don't yell at me I have more money than your worth." He yelled. "Fuck you! I'll walk home. I don't need you. Nor do I want to die with you." I start heading home.
"Where do you think your going?" He grabs my wrist tightly.
"Are you deaf. Now let go. Your hurting me." I shout. "I'm tired of you. You need to know your place in this world. You worthless little shit.This will teach you."

He slapped me. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pushed me into the car. I couldn't see clearly anymore. My vision blurred from my tears. I tasted blood in my mouth. He swung once more bruising my eye. I couldn't open my left eye. He pushes me on the ground and throws a few more punches. The point of his shoe met my abdomen. "Now get in the car bitch!" He demanded. I complied. I didn't want to anger him anymore, I did not want to see what else he could've done. I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

I slid into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt. My body ached. He backed out of there quickly. He got I on to the road and then the freeway. He stepped on the gas full force. He was going 80 mph. I feared for my life. What if this is how I died?

The car was swerving from left to right. He hit the car in front of us. The car spiraled out of control. My head hit the dashboard.

Everything went dark.

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