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It was a long way home. I crashed out in the back seat. I laid my head on Harry's shoulder holding the giraffe close by.

Harry carried me into my apartment. I woke up and asked him to put me down. I pulled out the couch and it transformed into a full sized bed."I wish I had a guest bed room, but this is all I have. I'm sorry." You could hear the tiredness in my voice. "This is fine. Thank you." Liam said.

I walk into my room and leaving the door slightly open. I take off my shirt, pull off my shoes, and slip out of my jeans. The door swings open. It's Harry. He shields his eyes. "I'm so sorry I should've knocked. But I don't regret it." He laughed. You could tell he was pleased. He turned away. "No it's my fault its a force of habit to change with the door open. I'm usually alone." It was true even with people over, I mastered the art of changing quickly because I always left the door open. I opened my top drawer and put on some boxers and a tank top. "You can look now." I say. He looks at me know fully dressed and pouts.
"Bummer. Anyways, I was thinking about what you said." He paces. "What was that again?" I can't recall what it was I said. "You said you've never been to an amusement park before-" his face is very serious. Oops. Why did I say that? "-I was wondering where else have you never been?" Oh. That's it. I thought long and hard. I haven't really been anywhere other than here. "Well I've never even been to the beach." I finally say.
He nods his head then exits the room.

I get into bed and fall into a deep sleep.

Where am I? Am I dreaming? I see myself again. This time I'm in a different home. This isn't my home. I walk around. This is the Johnson's house. They were one of the many foster families I had. It was taking longer for me to get into new homes since I was getting older. Jacob left me alone to deal with all the homes and went to work. I was always alone. I didn't blame him. Who would want to be here? I'm happy he didn't have to go through the same hell I went through. We were having dinner. I was actually sitting at the table and not the floor. I just had spilled my drink."You worthless little girl. No wonder no one wanted you. That could explain why you're parents decided to take their life's then deal with you. Why your brother abandoned you." I held back my tears. I'd been learning not to cry. People had more control over you when they saw you cry. It was a weakness. They used it against you."I'm sorry sir." I squeak. "You better be unless you want to go to the dark room again." He growled. "No I wouldn't like that at all, sir." The dark room was exactly what the name implied. It's a lonely room with no windows or lights down in the basement. If I missed behaved I was sent to the dark room all day with no food or water. It's not like they gave me much food any of the other days. I ate off the floor out of a dog bowl most days. "Asshole." I mumbled under my breath. "Daddy Jade cursed." His little princess Ariel ratted me out. "That's it I've had enough of you." He dragged me by my hair, literally. I was kicking and swearing. He reached for a wooden spoon and hit me repeatedly with it. It stung. A few tears escaped my eyes. I punched him and kicked him in the groin. I ran out of the house and down the street. The police caught me. They took me back to the foster center. I was whipped repeatedly by the head mistress for bringing dishonor on the company. I couldn't watch anymore. I shut my eyes, when I reopen them I see my dad. He is covered in blood. His white shirt now stained pink. He touched my face. "You're still my favorite girl." He said with a sly smile. "You'll always be my baby girl."

I sit up, screaming. Harry and the guys rush into the room with some sort of defensive weapon. "What's wrong?" Louis remarked. "I'm sorry to startle you guys. I just had another bad dream." "If you need us just holler." Said Liam. They start to walk out.

"Harry. Could you please stay until I fall asleep." I ask. He nods. He climbs into bed next to me. He wraps his arm around me protectively. I lay my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat. It was soothing."Do you want to tell me what's been keeping you up?" I shrug.
"Ok, what's your biggest fear?"
I look up at him. "What?"
"Your biggest fear?" He repeats.
"I really don't have one." I admit.
"That's not true, because if it were you wouldn't be having nightmares." He insisted.
"It's more like a haunting memory." I say.
"See, now we are getting somewhere. What memory is haunting you?"
"My father." I admit.
"Did you disappoint him? Where is he now?"
"The cemetery." I say seriously.
"Oh I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I was the one who shot him." I sigh.
"What do you mean? Are you speaking figuratively?"
"No. He raped and beat my mother then tried to sexually abuse me. He and his buddies raped my mother, then came after me." I shrug coldly.
"When did this all happen?"
"When I was nine."
"When you were nine?"
"I got ahold of my brothers gun in his closest and shot three rounds. My mother hated me because my father gave me more attention. She committed suicide after seeing his lifeless body. She couldn't bare dealing with Jacob and I."
"That's a lot to go through when you're nine." I nod.
"How is he haunting you?"
"I see his bloody figure in my dreams. Telling me 'You're still my special girl.' He would say that when he wanted something from me." He's listening intently.
"The man early today looked familiar. Like one of his drinking buddies. He's probably haunting me too." He holds me tighter.
"What was your dream about tonight?"
"A foster home I was at. It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does. What did they do when they found you're parents?"
I laugh. "They thought they were addicts who didn't pay their do's and I was lucky to be alive."
"I won't let anything happen to you. Now get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow."
"Harry what did you mean by your life was worse before you were in One Direction?" I yawn.
"I'll tell you later."
"Promise you won't leave."
"I promise."

Harry's POV

She really made it hard for me. I just wanted a one night stand. I know I was taking things to far. I had to make a point though. She pissed me off the first time and I needed my revenge. I needed to feel superior.

It's hard to hear what she's been through. She isn't the only one though. I had to make her like me, but at the same time not. I didn't expect her to tell me what she's been through. That wasn't part of the plan.

She fell asleep in my arms. I just laid awake. What am I doing? I tried desperately to push the image of little nine year old Jade covered in blood seeing her dead parents. No matter what I did I couldn't. This was not suppose to happen. Why does she have to make everything so difficult?

No matter. I was going to get what I desired. I just hope I don't fall in the process.

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