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It's Phil's first day at Uni and all he's expecting is a quiet uneventful year filled with a lot of school work, new friends, and opportunities for his future.

However everything that he thought he knew changes when he meets Daniel James Howell, hands down the most beautiful person he has ever seen, Dan intrigues him from the very start.

Dan however, wants nothing to do with Phil, he's hiding a few secrets of his own and he seems to want Phil as far away from him as possible.

But when destiny pulls two people together, sometimes it's best not to stay away.

Warnings: sexual content M/M, abuse, assault, homophobia

Time is the only real unit of measure. Time is the only way to tell if you even existed. Time creates life and it can destroy it just as easily.

Hello, my name's Philip Lester or Phil for short and today is my first day at Uni. And yes before you even ask, I am freaking out. I don't do well with new people and even though today is just an introduction day and we don't even have to go to class, I can't help but worry. 
There is supposed to be 10 people in my dorm area, 5 girls and 5 boys. Holy crap. Luckily because of the uneven number of guys I get the room to myself.
I clench my sketchbook closer to my chest as I weave through the halls towards my dorm. I go to Manchester University in Manchester. It's a really beautiful school but until now, I've never been to a school this big and now I feel completely overwhelmed.
It's been a really cold day so far and I'm hoping that the weather picks up later so I don't have another issue on my hands.
My dorm is at the very end of the hallway on the right, and as I rush to turn the corner I smack right into a tall warm body, my books go everywhere, including my sketchbook, which falls open to one of my drawings. I instantly reach for it, not wanting anyone to see my personal drawings in it.
I view my sketchbook as a part of  myself, it's hard for me to express myself in real life but drawing allows me to be myself in a way that I have never been able to without it, but before I could reach it, a hand snatches it up off the ground.
I jerk back, almost forgetting how I got into this situation, and freeze as I stare into the most intriguing pair of brown eyes that I had ever seen.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now