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One month later

Phil's POV

"Now today class we will be starting that new project I was talking about. For those of you who don't remember or who just didn't pay attention the first time I mentioned it. This project will be a major part of your first semester grade for this class, I will select your partners and you will work together to complete an essay and a power point that you will present in front of the class. All the information about the project will be on these sheets I'm passing out. If you have any other questions talk to me after class", says my English Lit teacher Mr.Davis.
I glance up from the notes I am taking as he begins to pass the papers around the class room.
He goes back to the podium as he finishes.
"Okay now moving on to partners, Alfie and Gabriel. Kayla and Marcus. Dean and Erica. Hannah and Rachel..." He goes through the list and my heart rate starts to pick up.
"Dan and Becky. Phil and Troye. Okay there are the partners, there will be no trading and I expect full effort and teamwork from each of the partners on this project. It's due on the 18th next month. Get started", he raises his hand, dismissing the class.
I start to collect my stuff, we have 20 minutes till class is over and I want to talk to Troye about plans before we are fully dismissed.
I make my way over to him on the other side of the room.
"Hey I'm Phil", I say to the short curly brown haired boy in front of me.
"I'm Troye", he says with a smile.
I ask him if I can sit and then we spend the next 15 minutes introducing ourselves and talking about what we wanted to do for the project.
The prompt of the project was for us to pick out a little known author from any point in history and to compare and contrast them with a well known author from the 21st century.
We talk about authors that we would like and discuss times and places for a meet up.

As I exit the building after Engineering, I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face, I've noticed Troye in class and around campus but I've never actually sat down and talked to him. He's a really nice guy. He loves music and wants to become a singer after college. He laughs and blushes when he tells me this and tries to shake it off as some pipe dream. I encourage him to go for it and ask him if he has music already recorded. He tells me that he does, just a couple songs that he did for fun and that he would bring them to one of our meet ups so that I can listen.
We made plans to meet up at my dorms this weekend and start the project.
I'm kinda nervous and excited.
This is the first time I have felt something besides the numb and honestly, it feels good.
I smile wider and straighten my shoulders as I walk up the steps to my dorm.
I open the door and suddenly stop, something feels off.
I can't quite put my finger on it but something is different.
However, when I see nothing amiss I just shake it off and head into the kitchen to make a coffee and study at the table. 

After about a half an hour of studying I finally realize what's wrong.
There's a coat on a door hanger, one that hasn't been there in over 2 months.
Just as I am reaching this conclusion the door to the dorm slams open and two people come tumbling in.
It's Dan and and a pale blond girl. They are practically having sex in the hallway.
I can't advert my eyes, even as every kiss and every touch is embedded into my brain.
They don't even notice me.

After a while Dan gets the door to his room unlocked and they both stumble inside, laughing.
Then everything is silent. For a moment.
Suddenly the moaning starts again and I can't take it anymore.
I grab my jacket and practically jump out of the room.
I take off in a random direction, not caring where I am going as long as I get as far away as I can.

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