Déjà vu

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I'm just finishing the last few details of my doodle in Advanced Lit when the door slams open in the middle of class.
I, and about half of the class, jump out of our seats at the sudden intrusion, and we all turn around as a whole to look at what made the intense noise.
It's the head administrator for the school, and man does he look upset. He marches up the steps toward the professor and then leans down to whisper in his ear.
The professor looks confused for a second and then falters as realization dawns on his face.
The professor immediately composes himself and then turns to the whole class and says, "Sorry for the intrusion but I'm afraid we will have to cut class short today. Don't be alarmed, nothing is wrong, there's just... umm a... an issue with one of the classrooms that... that needs to be dealt with before we can continue. See you all next week, class dismissed", he says before quickly grabbing his stuff and rushing out of the room, on the heels of the head administrator. I spring up from my seat and almost run for the door. I open the door and watch the administration head to the lector hall right across from us. My heart starts beating quickly, sensing something is wrong. I watch them open the door to the hall across from me and my eyes widen when I see the name, Calculus 121, Peej is in that class right now!
My whole body is covered with goose bumps as I imagine what horrible things could have happened in that classroom with Peej in it.
The door starts to open again and my heart starts beating like crazy again until I see Peej step out of the door with the administration staff. I feel myself exhale the breath I didn't even know I was holding as I finally start to calm down my overactive imagination.
Suddenly Peej turns around, I get ready to wave or smile incase he saw me but the look on his face as he blindly scans the crowd, makes my hand freeze in motion before it can even start to wave.
He looks lost, like he's already in mourning, like whatever hope he had left has been drained from his body.
I feel my blood turn to ice in my veins as I watch his blind eyes scan the crowd, not really seeing anything as the head of administration starts to talk to him.
Suddenly the lost look on his face fades away and is replaced with a look so murderous that it almost made me step back. He steps away from the Head Administrator as if being near him was revolting. He turns toward the Administrator and says something so angry and vile, that even though I cannot hear the words, I can practically guess what he said. The Administrator looks down at him with a sneer and starts walking towards a black car. Peej reluctantly follows, that dead look back on his face again as he pushes himself into the back of the vehicle.
Before I can even react the vehicle starts speeding away and I know I've lost it.
Panicking I grab my phone and text Chris's number, hoping Peej will tell him wear he is going.
I start heading back to the dorms while I wait for a text back. I'm almost halfway there when my phone buzzes in my pocket and I look down at it quickly.
Before I even know what I'm doing my feet are turning my body around and running in the opposite direction, everything else, forgotten.
My hair is blowing around my face like crazy but my only thought is about trying to remember how to get back there again after these few months, my thoughts seem to come to a halt as my body wars with a sense of déjà vu.
Please don't let me be too late.

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