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Everyone who ever said Uni was hard wasn't lying. I've only gone to one class and yet already I have a semester long syllabus and a promise of multiple hours of homework a day. Great. Just great.
My next class is Advanced Lit and I know nothing about it yet. I can only hope that's it's more entertaining then Chemistry.

Surprisingly, I'm the first one there.  I take a seat up towards the front and open my sketchbook as I wait for people to arrive. It's a good ten minutes before even the next person shows and then they all start piling in one by one. I check my watch. The professor was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago.
I pass the time by drawing, at the beginning I just let my mind flow, not really focusing on what I am drawing, when I look down and realize that a pair of familiar striking brown eyes are staring up at me, dark secrets swirling in their depths. I slam my sketchbook shut as I pull out my Literature book I got a couple days ago and try to distract myself by reading about chapter 1.
Just as I'm about to finish skimming chapter 1, I hear a very familiar unwanted voice that almost makes me drop my pencil.
"It's not my problem Alfie, I told Jessica multiple times that this was strictly platonic and any feelings she has right now are her problem and I'm done with that bitch. Did you hear that she told Becky that I had an STD WHAT THE FUCK!", he says, his voice rising toward the end.
"Listen mate, I told you multiple times, you have to stop fucking around with those girls, you tell them straight out how it's going to be and yet they try to pull you in with their long hair, perfect smile, beautiful eyes...", Dan's friend says as he trails off.
"Haha you've got it bad mate, just tell Zoe that you want to see her again", he says with a laugh. It's the first times I've ever seen his face with a peaceful expression. His laugh is beautiful, like the rest of him. I flinch and put my head in my hands trying to stop my racing thoughts.
"Yeah right, she doesn't see me as anymore than a player who just wants to get into her pants".
"And you don't?", he jokes.
"Of course I do but, I don't know man, I just, I want more with her", he says, blushing and looking down.
Dan claps him on the shoulder as they walk to their seats.

The rest of the class passes in a blur, I can't think of anything except that Dan is only a few seats behind me.
When the professor dismisses us I get out of there as fast as I can, leaving behind the boy with the brown eyes.

When I get to Engineering I immediately take my seat and try to calm down my racing heart.
"Hey I didn't know you were in this class", Peej says as he comes up to sit by me.
"Yeah I'm thinking about a career in this", I say as I pull out my books. Peej starts to say something but is cut off when the professor walks in. I grab my books as the class starts but my thoughts are completely consumed by thoughts of a beautiful boy with mysterious brown eyes.

"Hey Phil we're having a party at the dorms this weekend, you should stay around and hang out with all of us", Peej says as we get ready to leave.
My first thought is to make up something so I don't have to go, but I stop myself before the words come out of my mouth. College is supposed to be something new and exciting and I should take these opportunities before they are gone.
"Sure sounds great, when is it?".
"About 8 but anytime works", he says with a smile as we walk back towards the dorms.
"See you then", I say as he walks into his room.
I go into my room and set my stuff on the ground. 'Wow a party, I haven't been to one before, I only had around two months at my last school so not really enough time to make friends and the school before that... no I'm not going to let bad memories ruin what could be a great night for me. It's time to move on and let loose. To be me, for me.
I just hope that this one doesn't turn out as bad as something's for me have.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now