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We don't talk. Neither of us says a word the whole way there. It's too quiet and I feel like the silence is collapsing in on me, yet I'm too afraid to break it.
Peej's blue eyes are haunted and he seems to get reliving some dark past memories.
I've already texted Chris and told him to meet us there, Peej seems like he is going to need some support.
We don't have much information. Just the text. It says:
Hello Mr. Liguori, this is Carrie from The Royal London Hospital, your number was listed as the Emergency Contact for Daniel James Howell, we request that you please get here as soon as possible. Thank you
That's it. We don't have a clue why he's there or anything. He was hurt already, from the fight, but not hurt enough to go to the hospital. Something must have happened later to send him to the hospital.
I put my head in my hands as all the worst possible options run through my mind.
'What if we are to late?'
'What if he dies before we can get there'.
'What if it's my fault?'
My thoughts are put to a halt as we arrive at the Hospital. It's very old fashioned looking yet at the same time state of the art. Hopefully Dan is getting all the treatment he needs.
Dan... My heart stops beating for a second. I hope that's he's going to be okay. I barley know him and yet I don't want to loose him, that doesn't even make sense. I care about him, a lot more than I should. He constantly confuses me and make me frustrated. And yet at the same time, it excites me, I look forward to seeing what he will do next and the fact that I am a part of it. That's probably not a very good thing, in fact it's destructive. I'm setting myself up to get hurt, all over again, you would think I would learn after the first time.

We rush into the hospital, and my heart is in my throat. Everything is happening in slow motion and I feel like I can't breath. Peej is taken away by a doctor to be talked to since he is Dan's emergency contact but because I'm not family I have to stay back in the waiting room.
My hands are shaking like crazy and my breathing is frantic. I feel like I can't drag enough air into my lungs and I am slowly suffocating.
This is insane, I barley know Dan and he hates me, I should not be having this sort of reaction to someone who I shouldn't care less about.
'But oh my god if Dan dies'-suddenly my whole body starts shaking and I almost fall to the ground, I reach over and grab a nearby chair to steady myself.
'He won't die', I tell myself as the shaking starts again.
'It's probably nothing', I lie to myself as I put my head in my hands and wait.

Peej's POV
The nurse leads me down the white hallway. Her name is Carrie, she's short with blonde curly hair, and seems really nice. She keeps trying to making small talk with me as we walk to Dan's room. I answer her, if only to be polite, but I am not tracking the conversation at all. All I can think about is what the doctor said.
He took me into a separate room, away from Phil, to tell me about Dan's condition.
"Mr. Howell is in a bad condition, it appears that he and another person got into a fight, I'm sorry to ask this now but do you have any idea who it could have been? All evidence points toward someone he knows, because it's seems that he was fighting someone more for a personal reason, then if he had gotten jumped or something to that regard", the doctor said.
I freeze, I have my suspicions about who did this, but there is no way in hell that I would tell Dan's secret.
"No I have no idea", I say.
The doctor nods slowly, looking unconvinced.
Then a nurse comes up and offers to show me the way to Dan's room.
We make it to Dan's room. She walks right in but gives me a minute outside to collect myself before I walk in. I take a deep breath, stretch my arms and then push open the door.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now