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'Chemistry, Advanced Lit, Computer Engineering 3.' I run through my schedule mentally in my head.  My first class is at 8 in the morning and then I have Advanced Literature at 10, and Computer Engineering at 12:30. I am extremely nervous. I never do well in new situations, I prefer to have a detailed plan about what is going to happen rather then being blindsided on my first day. I wonder if-
"Crap", I mutter as I drop my toast on the ground, 'Why can't things just work out for once-'.
"Oh my god I swear you are the clumsiest person I have ever met", I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.
I ignore the voice behind me, hoping he will just go away, I've only just met him and yet he already has power over me, I don't want him to know that.
"I'm fucking talking to you, don't you know it's rude to ignore people when they are trying to talk to you", he huffs.
I snort, he doesn't know the first thing about being rude if he thinks that he's being polite.
"What's so funny?", he growls.
I ignore him again as I butter my second slice of bread.
"Fine then, what ever, I didn't want to talk to a fucking weirdo anyway", he growls then stalks out of the room.
I sigh and lean against the counter, 'It's going to be a long 4 years if he is in the room next to mine the whole time'.
I run my hands through my hair as I think, his comments bug me yet they shouldn't because I've been hearing them my whole life, I never quite fit in with a certain group, I've always been the outsider, the one that nobody wants to be seen with.
The one that nobody cares about.
I dig my fingers into the countertop as painful memories surge.
I briefly get a flash of tan skin and bright blue eyes, topped off by a mischievous smile before I can surprise the memories.
I force myself back to the present, however try as we might, we can't change the past, no matter what happens.
I wrap up my sandwich and grab the rest of my stuff, as I head out the door to my first college class.

There is one thing we can count on and that's time, time will always move, no matter how bad things are, or how impossible something may seem, time will move on. It won't be like this forever.
I won't be like this forever.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now