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London is cold. All year round. I'm not exactly a very outside like person so the cold works for me because I would rather stay inside than venture outside. The cold has never really bugged me.
However when I wake up the next morning alone, with a cool draft blowing against my chest, I have never felt colder in my life.
I bury my head in my blue pillow and instantly recognize Dan's scent in it.
'So last night really did happen', I think to myself as pain flares in my chest.

The day starts out like any other day, which I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not.
People keep asking me about my black eye and split lip, I just tell them I got into a fight and that's it.
Tyler has been hounding me all day, apologizing, even though he has absolutely nothing to apologize for, and trying to get me to talk about Dan.
However Dan is the absolute least person I would wanna see, much less talk about.

However the time comes when I can't avoid him any longer, and that time is Advanced Lit.
I walk to my seat with my head down, not wanting to see him or for anyone to see my face. I'm just not in the mood to deal with people and their need for gossip. 
I spend the entire lecture with my head down, not making eye contact with anyone and not participating at all.
The hour and a half seems to be the longest of my life.
Finally, the professor dismisses us and I turn around to leave.
However I can't stop myself from looking up from under my fringe to the seat where the beautiful brown eyed boy sits.
However, he's not there, and a quick look around determines that he hasn't been here at all.

When I make my way to my last class I can barley sit still.
'Is Dan hurt? Is that why he isn't at school? Or is he avoiding me? If he's avoiding me, why did he help me? He didn't have to do that, he could have just kept walking. Why isn't he here today?'
I'm frantic, and I can't help my thoughts from turning to the worst possible options.
I sit in my seat and start fidgeting with my pencil.
Peej sits down near me and he doesn't seem much better. 
He has his phone in his hand and is tapping his fingers on the screen repeatably, his eyes bouncing around, not really focusing on anything.
I reach over and tap his shoulder, "Is everything all right mate?"
"Yeah... Yeah everything is fine", he says in a voice that contradicts his words.

The entire class seems to crawl by, especially with both Peej and I bouncing around in our seats, both us waiting for the final bomb to drop.
Finally, it does.
Peej's phone suddenly lights up from where he put it between us, he reaches over lightning fast, like he was waiting for it. He quickly reads the text on his screen then freezes and looks up to me, his colorful eyes wide and scared.
He doesn't even have to ask me, we both jump up at the same time and scurry out of the room, ignoring the looks and questions from the people around us as we sprint out of the school and into the parking lot.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now