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The days start following the same continuous pattern, wake up, school, sleep... Wake up, school, sleep.
Yet Dan's schedule is constantly changing, some days he goes to his room and doesn't come out at all, other days he's out all day, and almost every morning there's a new bright eyed, heavily makeuped college girl stumbling out of his room.

School is great distraction for my unrequited feelings. I've met some great people; in Chemistry I sit next to a guy named Shane, he's hilarious and always has a come back, yet he's a little dark as well, a part of me wants to figure him out and hopefully help him out with his own demons. If only I wasn't consumed with mine.
Tyler from Engineering is really nice, I can tell that he is interested in me but I can't think of even entertaining the possibility of being with him, which is just crazy.
Dan and I haven't even done anything besides kiss. Yet he consumes my every thought. He obviously doesn't even care about me although, yet I can't help falling for him. It's crazy, I don't even know him. Yet I feel like I have my whole       life. It's childish and stupid and makes me more depressed as the day goes on.
Sometimes I hang out with Peej and Chris. They are absolutely adorable and clearly in love, it sets a high standard for couples anywhere. However hanging out with them just makes me sad.
It reminds me of what I don't have.


"No I swear, it doesn't look good but it is one of the best movies I have ever seen", Tyler says, smiling his adorable smile.
"I'm not sure if I should trust your judgement on that", I say with a laugh. I've been hanging out with Tyler these past couple of weeks since the incident and it's been really nice, I don't want a relationship or anything with him but he's the closest thing I've had to a friend since coming to college.
"That's probably true, I tend to overthink things and take chances that I probably shouldn't", he says in a more serious tone, his blue eyes darkening.
"What that's crazy, there's nothing wrong with taking a chance, you'll never know what could have happened if you don't do it", I say, trying to cheer him up.
"You know your right", he says, resolve in his eyes.
"I always am", I say with a grin as I turn to walk away- but as I start to walk into the dorms, he grabs my arm and before I can say anything, turns me around and kisses me.
I freeze, not expecting this reaction. 'I'm not sure what to do, should I push him away, but wouldn't that hurt his feelings? But I don't want him to get the wrong idea'-
I don't get a chance to make up my mind before a strong hand pulls Tyler away from me.
"What the fuck are you doing, you disgusting faggot, you can't just fucking make out with every guy you see, god I swear faggots are disgusting", a big burly guy I've never seen before shouts in Tyler's face, making him flinch.
"I didn't-, he didn't-, I wasn't-", Tyler stammers, caught off guard as he stumbles backward, trying to get away from the jerk in front of him.
"Don't even fucking talk to me", he spits and turns to me, "Come on mate, let's get away from this disgusting cock-sucker", he says trying to lead me away.
Before I even realize what I'm doing, my fists are flying at the guys face, hitting his cheek and upper lip.
"What the fuck", he stammers as he stumbles backwards, his hand cupping his jaw. He composes himself and throws himself at me, hurling me to the grounds as he begins to rain punches on my face as I try to protect myself with my hands.
I hear Tyler screaming as he tries to pull the guy off me and gets punched in the face himself, he falls to the ground and curls up into the fetal position.
I start to struggle, trying to get myself out from underneath him as he continues to punch me. Each hit feeling like I'm being forcefully shoved into the pavement beneath me.
Before I realize what's happening, the jerk is pulled off me and thrown to the ground.
I try to get up, to see what happened but I can't focus on anything right now.
After a few moments, my vision begins to clear and the pounding in my head starts to increase.
I push myself up off the ground, flinching as my body starts to ache and look over to see that the fight is still going on.
The jerk is there, his face battered, bruised, and bloody, and he has another body pinned under him, and the person below him is so bloody and bruised that it's already hard to recognize them, however even if I was blind, I would still be able to recognize Dan.
I stagger to my feet, stumbling towards them, wanting to help as much as I can, when I notice Tyler coming back with campus security.
The jerks notices as well and takes off, the campus security hard on his heels.
Tyler runs up to me, trying to ask me questions, but I just push him away and run over to Dan, I pick him up off the ground, he is unconscious and completely out of it, his black shirt covered in blood, his hair matted to his head.
I ignore Tyler's attempts at talking to me as I throw Dan's arm around my shoulder and support him with my body and I stumble back towards the dorms.

I slowly carry him back to the dorms, each step feeling like a mile as Tyler's voice soon fades into the distance as I struggle to carry the person that avoids me with every step he takes, back home,after he just took a beating to save me.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now