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"Bad things come in thirds", I remember my grandmother used to say that to me when I was a kid. It never made sense to me, I always thought bad things came when they did and could not be predicted by any pattern or event. However, now I'm not so sure.
First I literally ran into Dan, then I kissed him, and now here he is, lying on my once colorful duvet that is now stained with blood.
So yes. Bad things come in thirds.
I sign as a run the wet washcloth over his features, trying to find the face that consumes my every thought, through all the blood and swelling.
It's been about a half an hour since the fight and he still hasn't woken up. I thought about taking him to the hospital but I don't want him to get into any trouble for helping me or anything. God knows he probably doesn't even want to be associated with me.
He flinches as I run the cloth over the cut on his dark eyebrow, I still, not wanting to hurt him any more than he already is, but he soon relaxes and falls back into his troubled sleep.
Before I even realize what I'm doing, I reach out and lightly touch his cheek, trying not to agitate the already forming bruise.
I run my fingers down his skin, feeling it's softness under my hand.
I freeze when he suddenly shifts underneath me, but all he does is lightly turn his face into my palm, almost like he is seeking my comfort.
I oblige and start to run my fingertips over his face, lightly tracing the shape of his nose and the softness of his full lips. I reach up and run my fingers threw his bloody hair, which still somehow manages to feel soft under my hand.
He whimpers as I withdraw my hand. His face turning towards the area where my hand was. Looking for comfort and getting nothing.
I sit back in my seat, winching as the metal cuts into my sore body.
I pick up my sketchbook, which I always have sitting beside my bed, and look up at the boy in front of me and just let my pencil fly.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now