New Experiences

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What do normal people where to a party, should I dress up or dress down, my hair straightened or pushed up?. So many questions run through my head. 'Will I have fun? Will I meet nice people? Will Dan be there? If there's drinking, who is buying the booze? How many people will be there? Will Dan be there? What should I wear? Will Dan be there?'
So obviously my brain is stupid and should not be trusted around other people. I think I should just bail but I told Peej I would be there and I want to meet Chris, but honestly I just want to see Dan and hopefully hear him laugh again.
'Oh my god I'm so infuriating, for some reason I can't stop thinking about this man who acts like I'm the bane of his existence when I haven't even talked to him, god I'm so screwed up'. I grumble to myself as I grab some clothes to put on for tonight.
It's 8 pm and Peej is picking me up to take me and some other people to a frat party that is gonna be hosted at one of the dorms cause the fraternity got into trouble with administration or something, I don't know and I don't care. I settle for putting on my black jeans with a blue dress shirt and wearing my hair down. I grab my wallet and phone and head out to wait for Peej by the curb, flinching at the bite of the cold night air.

I can hear the music before we even get there. The whole dorm seems to be shaking from the popular music spewing from its depths. I've never been into the so called 'popular' music. My style is more alternative but at least I know some of the music that is being unleashed, just from hearing it on the radio.
I walk with Peej and some of his friends into the house where they are instantly swarmed by large groups of people handing them booze and just being obnoxiously loud. There's a lot of stimulus and I can't keep up. Out of the corner of my eye I see two people making out on a couch while another person is throwing up not 5 feet from them, unbelievable, and yet who am I to judge.
I shift away, hating the attention and yet at the same time, craving it.
"Well I didn't expect to see you here choirboy", I hear a voice from behind me say.
I suck in my breath and turn around to see none other than Dan Howell, dressed all in black, he looks amazing, and that pisses me off, no one that arrogant and rude should ever be able to look that perfect, it's not fair.
"Why don't you just mind your own business", I snap. I'm not sure who's more surprised by my outburst, me or him.
"Wow, who new choirboy had a little devil in him", he smirks, still managing to piss me off.
"Fuck off", I say, surprised at my own language, as I walk off to go get a drink, if I'm going to have to deal with Dan I need to get a little alcohol in my system, even if drinking is not normally my thing. Dan seems to bring out the worst in me.

I spend the rest of the evening avoiding Dan. He always seems to have a group of girls around him. His other guy friends can barely get a word in edgewise. I find myself envying him, here I am, sat alone in the corner, on my 3rd or 4th mixed drink while he is over there, surrounded by a bunch of girls who are falling all over him.
I crunch up my red cup and throw it into the trash as I leave the room to find a bathroom. A task that's relatively easy when sober but not so easy when borderline drunk.

After splashing some water on my face and doing my business, I leave the bathroom and start to walk down the hall. Despite the house being so loud this hallway is rather quiet and soothing.
I hear a stumble and crash in the room on my left so I run to open the door, fumbling with the knob in my intoxicated state.
Inside I find Dan, sitting on the floor with his hands wrapped around his foot as he flinches in pain.
He looks up, a weird light in his eyes. "Why are you always following me you fucking stalker, will you just leave me alone, please", he whispers at the end. "Get out", he growls.
Before I realize what I am doing I turn around and walk out of that room without a backwards glance.

Somehow I find myself in the kitchen, I grab a bag and fill it with ice, and grab some more booze and take my haul upstairs.
"I thought I fucking told you to-", he starts as I walk back in.
"Will you just stop being a fucking arrogant asshole for once in your life and just let someone help you because it's the right thing to do and please just shut the fuck up", I snap at him.
He blinks, shocked at what I said. I am kinda shocked as well. But he quiets down and allows me to bring him the ice and some of the booze. 
I pop the cap off another bottle and start to guzzle it down.
"Why are you even helping me", he mutters, alcohol thick on his breath.
"Cause that's the right thing to do", I slur.
He just laughs, but it's not my laugh. It's dark, and depressing.
"People don't know the first thing about right and wrong", he mutters.
I snort, thinking of the way he treats me. Well at least he's not wrong.
"What?", he asks.
"You say all this stuff about right and wrong and then you treat me like crap".
"Whatever", he grumbles, looking like he wants to disappear into himself.
"Why what?", he grumbles, knowing the answer.
I just look at him. Waiting for him to finish in his own time.
"Your just such as easy target", he says, "Your nice and let people exploit your weaknesses, you can't be nice in this world and expect to survive".
"Okay first off, being nice isn't a weakness and second, you don't know me, so at least wait until you know me before you start making judgements about me".
He frowns and looks at the floor, thinking.
"Maybe for you it isn't", he says.
"Being nice, maybe for you it isn't, but that doesn't mean it's like that for everyone", he says, turning his face away.
I walk over to the bed and sit next to him so he's facing me.
"Being kind is never a weakness Dan", I say with complete clarity and a smile, staring into his eyes.
Before I can even react he has his hands on my face and our lips are touching. His lips are soft and warm and the ignite every nerve in my body, my skin seems to burn everywhere he touches me.
I reach over, grabbing his head in my hands as I deepen the kiss, and my heart rate speeds up.
My tongue slips into his mouth and finds his and a slow twirl starts, my heart rate picks up even more, it feels like it's going to explode right out of my chest, he has to be able to hear it.
He lowers one of his hands and pulls my body closer to his as he slowly brings his hands up to cup my face.
After a couple minutes of intense making out, we break apart to catch our breath and he rests his forehead against mine.
"Dan", I breath into the quiet surrounding us.
His name seems to shake him from his thoughts as he blinks and backs up, looking around at his surroundings quickly.
"Dan", I say again, trying to get through to him, as I start to worry.
His eyes finally focus on me and his body completely stills.
His mouth opens like he wants to say something but he can't seem to get the words out.
His breathing rate starts to pick up as he starts to panic and then he dashes from the room, gone faster than I can stop him.
I freeze, the alcohol in my system not allowing me to fully comprehend the situation. I try to get up by immediately stumble back onto the bed, my mind racing and yet slow from the kiss and the alcohol.
Suddenly my mind goes foggy and I lay down completely on the bed. Before I know it I'm completely out.

I walk up a couple of hours later, the noise from the party still around me. I sit up, unsure about my surroundings, when the whole night comes back to me and I look around at my surroundings.
I'm alone.

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